49 research outputs found

    Kinetic User Interface: Interaction through Motion for Pervasive Computing Systems

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    Abstract. We present in this paper a semantic model for the conception of pervasive computing systems based on object or user's motions. We describe a system made of moving entities, observers and views. More specifically, we focus on the tracking of implicit interaction between entities and their environment. We integrate the user’s motion as primary input modality as well as the contexts in which the interaction takes place. We have combined the user activities with contexts to create situations. We illustrate this new concept of motion-awareness with examples of applications built on this model

    Context-Aware User Authentication – Supporting Proximity-Based Login in Pervasive Computing

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    Abstract. This paper explores computer security in pervasive computing with focus on user authentication. We present the concept of Proximity-Based User Authentication, as a usability-wise ideal for UbiComp systems. We present a context-aware user authentication protocol, which (1) uses a JavaCard for identi-fication and cryptographic calculations, (2) uses a context-awareness system for verifying the user’s location, and (3) implements a security fall-back strategy. We analyze the security of this protocol and discuss the tradeoff between usabil-ity and security. We also present our current implementation of the protocol and discuss future work.

    Cooperative Artefacts: Assessing Real World Situations with Embedded Technology

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    Ubiquitous computing is giving rise to applications that interact very closely with activity in the real world, usually involving instrumentation of environments. In contrast, we propose Cooperative Artefacts that are able to cooperatively assess their situation in the world, without need for supporting infrastructure in the environment. The Cooperative Artefact concept is based on embedded domain knowledge, perceptual intelligence, and rule-based inference in movable artefacts. We demonstrate the concept with design and implementation of augmented chemical containers that are able to detect and alert potentially hazardous situations concerning their storage

    Using Cooperative Artefacts as a Basis for Activity Recognition

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    Ambient intelligent applications require applications to recognise user activity calmly in the background, typically by instrumentation of environments. In contrast, we propose the concept of Cooperative Artefacts (CAs) to instrument single artefacts that cooperate with each other to acquire knowledge about their situation in the world. CAs do not rely on external infrastructure as they implement their architectural components, i.e. perceptual intelligence, domain knowledge and a rule-based inference engine, on embedded devices. We describe the design and implementation of the CA concept on an embedded systems platform and present a case study that demonstrates the potential of the CA approach for activity recognition. In the case study we track surface-based activity of users by augmenting a table and household goods

    Home Is Where Your Phone Is: Usability Evaluation of Mobile Phone UI for a Smart Home

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    Ubiquitous computing and the role of geometry

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