57 research outputs found

    Gene discovery in the hamster: a comparative genomics approach for gene annotation by sequencing of hamster testis cDNAs

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    BACKGROUND: Complete genome annotation will likely be achieved through a combination of computer-based analysis of available genome sequences combined with direct experimental characterization of expressed regions of individual genomes. We have utilized a comparative genomics approach involving the sequencing of randomly selected hamster testis cDNAs to begin to identify genes not previously annotated on the human, mouse, rat and Fugu (pufferfish) genomes. RESULTS: 735 distinct sequences were analyzed for their relatedness to known sequences in public databases. Eight of these sequences were derived from previously unidentified genes and expression of these genes in testis was confirmed by Northern blotting. The genomic locations of each sequence were mapped in human, mouse, rat and pufferfish, where applicable, and the structure of their cognate genes was derived using computer-based predictions, genomic comparisons and analysis of uncharacterized cDNA sequences from human and macaque. CONCLUSION: The use of a comparative genomics approach resulted in the identification of eight cDNAs that correspond to previously uncharacterized genes in the human genome. The proteins encoded by these genes included a new member of the kinesin superfamily, a SET/MYND-domain protein, and six proteins for which no specific function could be predicted. Each gene was expressed primarily in testis, suggesting that they may play roles in the development and/or function of testicular cells

    Development and Evolution of the Muscles of the Pelvic Fin

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    Locomotor strategies in terrestrial tetrapods have evolved from the utilisation of sinusoidal contractions of axial musculature, evident in ancestral fish species, to the reliance on powerful and complex limb muscles to provide propulsive force. Within tetrapods, a hindlimb-dominant locomotor strategy predominates, and its evolution is considered critical for the evident success of the tetrapod transition onto land. Here, we determine the developmental mechanisms of pelvic fin muscle formation in living fish species at critical points within the vertebrate phylogeny and reveal a stepwise modification from a primitive to a more derived mode of pelvic fin muscle formation. A distinct process generates pelvic fin muscle in bony fishes that incorporates both primitive and derived characteristics of vertebrate appendicular muscle formation. We propose that the adoption of the fully derived mode of hindlimb muscle formation from this bimodal character state is an evolutionary innovation that was critical to the success of the tetrapod transition

    A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Novel Cell Type–Specific Transcriptional Regulators of Myogenesis

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    Transcriptional enhancers integrate the contributions of multiple classes of transcription factors (TFs) to orchestrate the myriad spatio-temporal gene expression programs that occur during development. A molecular understanding of enhancers with similar activities requires the identification of both their unique and their shared sequence features. To address this problem, we combined phylogenetic profiling with a DNA–based enhancer sequence classifier that analyzes the TF binding sites (TFBSs) governing the transcription of a co-expressed gene set. We first assembled a small number of enhancers that are active in Drosophila melanogaster muscle founder cells (FCs) and other mesodermal cell types. Using phylogenetic profiling, we increased the number of enhancers by incorporating orthologous but divergent sequences from other Drosophila species. Functional assays revealed that the diverged enhancer orthologs were active in largely similar patterns as their D. melanogaster counterparts, although there was extensive evolutionary shuffling of known TFBSs. We then built and trained a classifier using this enhancer set and identified additional related enhancers based on the presence or absence of known and putative TFBSs. Predicted FC enhancers were over-represented in proximity to known FC genes; and many of the TFBSs learned by the classifier were found to be critical for enhancer activity, including POU homeodomain, Myb, Ets, Forkhead, and T-box motifs. Empirical testing also revealed that the T-box TF encoded by org-1 is a previously uncharacterized regulator of muscle cell identity. Finally, we found extensive diversity in the composition of TFBSs within known FC enhancers, suggesting that motif combinatorics plays an essential role in the cellular specificity exhibited by such enhancers. In summary, machine learning combined with evolutionary sequence analysis is useful for recognizing novel TFBSs and for facilitating the identification of cognate TFs that coordinate cell type–specific developmental gene expression patterns

    Communication matters

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    Communication is key to change consumption behaviour. Consumers\u92 information activities are mainly applied to influence the private consumption at an individual level. Empowerment at the individual level can be achieved through the provision of possibilities for acquiring a sense of competence and self-determination. Moreover, by convincing consumers to make specific changes in their lifestyle, people should be trusted to be able to infer the appropriate behaviour change. In this respect important measures are information about the impact of the current lifestyle and activating instruments that offer the freedom of choice. Behaviour is a complex combination of emotions, habits and normative factors, thus the change of these components is a challenge. Success of interventions to change people\u92s everyday behaviour or lifestyle will depend on measures that address and stabilize individual habits. Stand alone advice programs might successfully change everyday actions that are weakly or not habitual while strongly habitual actions require disrupting present routines and establish new ones. One major strategy is the provision of feedback systems, i.e. providing consumer with frequent informative evidence on energy consumption, CO2 reduction and associated costs. However, longevity of behavioural change from feedback needs to be taken into consideration, as often once the feedback is removed households tend to reverse back to their old behaviours. In this concern, the workshop will discuss the social dimension and new instruments to support the collective progress and to contribute the mainstreaming sustainable consumption patterns by building communities, e.g. around information campaigns or website platforms

    Small interfering RNA (siRNA) als Arzneimittel: Wirkprinzipien und Effekte

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    Nukleinsäurebasierte Wirkstoffe ermöglichen eine Erweiterung der therapeutischen Ansätze auf Zielstrukturen, die nicht von konventionellen Wirkstoffen erreicht werden können. 1 Zu der Gruppe dieser Wirkstoffe zählen unter anderem auch small interfering RNA (siRNA), die derzeit neueste Molekülgruppe unter den RNA-Wirkstoffen, aus der zugelassene Arzneimittel hervorgegangen sind.1 Der folgende Artikel ordnet siRNA-Wirkstoffe innerhalb der nukleinsäurebasierten Therapeutika ein und beschreibt deren Wirkprinzip sowie damit verbundene Effekte. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick gegeben, wie diese neuartigen Wirkstoffe und Wirkprinzipien nach Zulassung überwacht werden

    Sustainability of consumption patterns: Historic and future trends for Europe

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    The EU FP7 research project \u93European Policies to Promote Sustainable Consumption Patterns\u94 (EUPOPP) analyses the impacts of policy strategies and instruments on consumption patterns in order to identify which sustainable consumption policies and instruments are effective, can be improved, and be implemented successfully. A focus is on the need areas of food, and housing, i.e. the residential sector excluding transport. The historic food consumption data showed an increase for the product groups cereals, fruits meat, and vegetables. Only for dairy products a slightly decline occurred. On the base of the historic food consumption, a trend projection of future development in all 27 European member states until 2030 was developed. The trend projection indicates a slight overall increase of per capita consumption of food products, but was differentiated using cultural and regional context factors. Exceptions of the overall trend are per capita consumption of fruit and vegetables in Southern Europe and in the overall consumption of dairy products which all decline slightly until 2030. Sustainability potentials were estimated in quantitative terms based on material flow analysis. The potential to reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions by changing the average EU 27 diets towards both sustainable and healthy food was identified to be in the order of 50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents, while in the housing sector, the total sustainable potential by 2030 was determined as approx. 700 million t of CO2 equivalents, taking into account the full life-cycles of energy supply and use. The assessment relates to environmental and economical indicators which allow quantifying primary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, resource use, costs and employment effects

    Modulating societal acceptance in new energy projects

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    In this paper we discuss the intermediary results of the Create Acceptance project. In a metaanalysis of 25 case studies on new energy projects we identify five crucial challenges for project managers of new energy projects. On the basis of this analysis we present a six-step methodology for creating societal acceptance in new and ongoing energy projects

    Modulating societal acceptance in new energy projects

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    In this paper we discuss the intermediary results of the Create Acceptance project. In a metaanalysis of 25 case studies on new energy projects we identify five crucial challenges for project managers of new energy projects. On the basis of this analysis we present a six-step methodology for creating societal acceptance in new and ongoing energy projects
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