45 research outputs found

    Is internet an acceleration factor in voluntary lifelong learning ?

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    IT Technologies are said to make access to learning easier and cheaper. Virtually all theorical knowledge is available in one form or another on the web, with possibilities for beginners as well as, in certain cases, for extremely sophisticated users.informal learning; lifelong learning; e-learning; Internet; Knowledge, quantitative methodology

    Strategic activities in support of young French SMEs

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    In this paper we closely study young French Small and Medium Enteprises (SMEs). We highlight the structure of this target firms and we build a typology of corresponding business models. The business models stemming from this typology are typical (to the greatest extent possible) and actionable. We are particularly intersted in indentifying groups of SMEs where gouvernement assistance would be particularly effective and strategically valuable for the national economy. One of our conclusins is that the typology is not based on a classical growth model that reflects progressive phases of developement in the life of a young firm. Furthermore, it is ineffective and wasteful to focus governement assistance efforts on firms based on their age. We identify groups of business models where assistance would be more effecient and strategically more effective.SME ; growth ; growth model ; typology

    Gender and family background as predictors of entrepreneurial drive in France

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    This study analyses the role played by gender and personal environment in the definition ans establishment of professional values and vision of entrepreneurship amongst Higher Education students in Francegender ; entrepreneurship ; personal environment

    Comparaison des intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiants : France –Pays arabes

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    A partir d'une grille de lecture dérivée du modèle psychosocial du comportement planifié d'Ajzen, nous étudions les déterminons des intentions entrepreneuriales affichées par les étudiants en France et dans trois pays arabes, Algérie, Liban et Tunisie. Nous observons que les niveaux mesurés de ces intentions sont très différents d'un pays à l'autre et nous essayons d'expliquer ces divergences à partir des éléments qui, selon le modèle retenu, sont à la base de ces intentions : attitude envers la création d'entreprises, normes sociales et contrôle comportemental perçu. Pour ce faire, nous proposons, en utilisant des techniques d'analyse des données, quatre facteurs (perception de la gestion du temps dans la vision de l'entrepreneuriat ; projection dans le future professionnel ; goût du risque dans la vie professionnel ; capacité perçue) qui structurent les intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiants, ainsi qu'une typologie qui montre des comportements quant aux intentions entrepreneuriales bien caractérisées et distinctes, entre d'une part, la France, et d'autre part, les autres pays.intentions entrepreneuriales ; étudiants ; France ; Pays arabes

    Formation et esprit d'entreprendre chez les Ă©tudiants

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    Cette contribution s'attache à étudier entre esprit d'entreprendre et domaine d'études chez les étudiants français. L'esprit d'entreprendre est le substrat dans lequel peut germer l'intention qui pourra donner lieu à une création d'entreprise. Nous choisissons de l'appréhender à partir d'une grille de lecture dérivée du modèle psychosocial du comportement planifié d'Ajzen, enrichie par des variables reflétant l'implication dans la vie associative et les opinions sur les formations à la création d'entreprise.esprit d'entreprendre ; domaine d'étude ; étudiants français

    Analyse d'un modèle de couche limite atmosphérique bidimensionnel non-hydrostatique anélastique

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    *INRA Unité de Bioclimatologie de Bordeaux Diffusion du document : INRA Unité de Bioclimatologie de Bordeaux Diplôme : Dr. d'Universit

    Gender and entrepreneurial intentions in a transition economy context: case of the Czech Republic

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    International audienceThis study examines the effect of gender on students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the Czech Republic, a country that exhibits a particular transition economy context with private entrepreneurship being relatively recent. While gender equality is in general legislatively enshrined in Czech society, one can ask whether in reality gender equality displays in the entrepreneurial intentions of students. Our theoretical framework is based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour. Based on a survey of 200 students, our results show that gender and level of entrepreneurial intentions are not independent. We examine the phenomenon by considering the beliefs, antecedents of intention, and we find noticeable gender-related differences in their nature. The contribution of this article is twofold. First, we show that entrepreneurial intentions are slightly gendered. Secondly we analyse which determinants of these intentions following the Ajzen´s Theory of Planned Behaviour are concerned and discuss the way to act upon

    Is internet an acceleration factor in voluntary lifelong learning ?

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    cahier de recherche n°2009-14 E5IT Technologies are said to make access to learning easier and cheaper. Virtually all theorical knowledge is available in one form or another on the web, with possibilities for beginners as well as, in certain cases, for extremely sophisticated users

    Computational methods for the fast boundary stabilization of flexible structures. Part 1 : The case of beams

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    An efficient active control strategy for flexible systems [V. Komornik, Rapid boundary stabilization of linear distributed systems, SIAM J. Control Optim. 35 (5) (1997) 1591-1613] is thoroughly investigated from the numerical point of view. A non-standard computational framework is proved to be relevant both for simulation and control synthesis. The proposed formulation proves necessary in so far as a standard numerical approach is shown to fail. The observed properties of the state feedback law confirm the theory as far as beams are concerned. In particular, one can achieve an arbitrarily large decay rate of some weak norm of the system. Moreover, the control law compares favourably with the integral force feedback in terms of efficiency. Finally, smoothing procedures are introduced to decrease the control spill-over associated with the possible lack of compatibility between boundary control and initial conditions. This purely artificial spill-over is proved to result from oversimplification of the control process modelling