9 research outputs found

    Metrizability of Clifford topological semigroups

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    We prove that a topological Clifford semigroup SS is metrizable if and only if SS is an MM-space and the set E={eS:ee=e}E=\{e\in S:ee=e\} of idempotents of SS is a metrizable GδG_\delta-set in SS. The same metrization criterion holds also for any countably compact Clifford topological semigroup SS.Comment: 4 page

    The continuity of the inversion and the structure of maximal subgroups in countably compact topological semigroups

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    In this paper we search for conditions on a countably compact (pseudo-compact) topological semigroup under which: (i) each maximal subgroup H(e)H(e) in SS is a (closed) topological subgroup in SS; (ii) the Clifford part H(S)H(S)(i.e. the union of all maximal subgroups) of the semigroup SS is a closed subset in SS; (iii) the inversion inv ⁣:H(S)H(S)\operatorname{inv}\colon H(S)\to H(S) is continuous; and (iv) the projection π ⁣:H(S)E(S)\pi\colon H(S)\to E(S), π ⁣:xxx1\pi\colon x\longmapsto xx^{-1}, onto the subset of idempotents E(S)E(S) of SS, is continuous

    On operations on some classes of discontinuous maps

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    A map f:XightarrowYf:Xightarrow Y between topological spaces is calledscatteredly continuous (pointwise discontinuous) if for eachnon-empty (closed) subspace AsubsetXAsubset X the restriction fAf|_{A}has a point of continuity. We define a map f:XoYf:Xo Y to be weaklydiscontinuous if for every non-empty subspace AsubsetXAsubset X the setD(fA)D(f|_A) of discontinuity points of the restriction fAf|_A isnowhere dense in AA.In this paper we consider the composition, Cartesian and diagonalproduct of weakly discontinuous, scatteredly continuous andpointwise discontinuous maps

    On operations on some classes of discontinuous maps

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    A map f:XYf:X\rightarrow Y between topological spaces is called scatteredly continuous (pointwise discontinuous) if for each non-empty (closed) subspace AXA\subset X the restriction fAf|_{A} has a point of continuity. We define a map f:XYf:X\to Y to be weakly discontinuous if for every non-empty subspace AXA\subset X the set D(fA)D(f|_A) of discontinuity points of the restriction fAf|_A is nowhere dense in AA.In this paper we consider the composition, Cartesian and diagonal product of weakly discontinuous, scatteredly continuous and pointwise discontinuous maps.<br /

    High order nonlinear parabolic equations

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