202 research outputs found

    Gaugino Condensation in N=1 Supergravity Models with Multiple Dilaton-Like Fields

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    We study supersymmetry breaking by hidden-sector gaugino condensation in N=1 D=4 supergravity models with multiple dilaton-like moduli fields. Our work is motivated by Type I string theory, in which the low-energy effective Lagrangian can have different dilaton-like fields coupling to different sectors of the theory. We construct the effective Lagrangian for gaugino condensation and use it to compute the visible-sector gaugino masses. We find that the gaugino masses can be of order the gravitino mass, in stark contrast to heterotic string models with a single dilaton field.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 2 eps figure

    Non-linear Brane Dynamics in 6 Dimensions

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    We consider a dynamical brane world in a six dimensional spacetime containing a singularity. Using the Israel conditions we study the motion of a 4-brane embedded in this setup. We analize the brane behavior when its position is perturbed about a fixed point and solve the full non-linear dynamics in the several possible scenarios. We also investigate the possible gravitational shortcuts and calculate the delay between graviton and photon signals and the ratio of the corresponding subtended horizons.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of "Renormalization Group and Anomalies in Gravitation and Cosmology", Ouro Preto, Brazil, March 200

    Renormalization-group running of the cosmological constant and its implication for the Higgs boson mass in the Standard Model

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    The renormalization-group equation for the zero-point energies associated with vacuum fluctuations of massive fields from the Standard Model is examined. Our main observation is that at any scale the running is necessarily dominated by the heaviest degrees of freedom, in clear contradistinction with the Appelquist & Carazzone decoupling theorem. Such an enhanced running would represent a disaster for cosmology, unless a fine-tuned relation among the masses of heavy particles is imposed. In this way, we obtain mH550GeVm_H \simeq 550 GeV for the Higgs mass, a value safely within the unitarity bound, but far above the more stringent triviality bound for the case when the validity of the Standard Model is pushed up to the grand unification (or Planck) scale.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex2

    Gaugino Condensation with S-Duality and Field-Theoretical Threshold Corrections

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    We study gaugino condensation in the presence of an intermediate mass scale in the hidden sector. S-duality is imposed as an approximate symmetry of the effective supergravity theory. Furthermore, we include in the K\"ahler potential the renormalization of the gauge coupling and the one-loop threshold corrections at the intermediate scale. It is shown that confinement is indeed achieved. Furthermore, a new running behaviour of the dilaton arises which we attribute to S-duality. We also discuss the effects of the intermediate scale, and possible phenomenological implications of this model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures include

    Inflation and flat directions in modular invariant superstring effective theories

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    The potential during inflation must be very flat in, at least, the direction of the inflaton. In renormalizable global supersymmetry, flat directions are ubiquitous, but they are not preserved in a generic supergravity theory. It is known that at least some of them are preserved in no-scale supergravity, and simple generalizations of it. We here study a more realistic generalization, based on string-derived supergravity, using the linear supermultiplet formalism for the dilaton. We consider a general class of hybrid inflation models, where a Fayet-Illiopoulos DD term drives some fields to large values. The potential is dominated by the FF term, but flatness is preserved in some directions. This allows inflation, with the dilaton stabilized in its domain of attraction, and some moduli stabilized at their vacuum values. Another modulus may be the inflaton.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX, further typos, refs fixe

    Unitarity constraints on the stabilized Randall-Sundrum scenario

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    Recently proposed stabilization mechanism of the Randall-Sundrum metric gives rise to a scalar radion, which couples universally to matter with a weak interaction (1\simeq 1 TeV) scale. Demanding that gauge boson scattering as described by the effective low enerrgy theory be unitary upto a given scale leads to significant constraints on the mass of such a radion.Comment: 10 page Latex 2e file including 4 postscript figures. Accepted in Journal of Physics

    Brane Dynamics in the Randall-Sundrum model, Inflation and Graceful Exit

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    We study the averaged action of the Randall-Sundrum model with a time dependent metric ansatz. It can be reformulated in terms of a Brans-Dicke action with time dependent Newton's constant. We show that the physics of early universe, particularly inflation, is governed by the Brans-Dicke theory. The Brans-Dicke scalar, however, quickly settles to its equilibrium value and decouples from the post-inflationary cosmology. The deceleration parameter is negative to start with but changes sign before the Brans-Dicke scalar settles to its equilibrium value. Consequently, the brane metric smoothly exits inflation. We have also studied the slow-roll inflation in our model and investigated the spectra of the density perturbation generated by the radion field and find them consistent with the current observations.Comment: Revised version, Accepted in Class. Quant. Gravit

    Inflation and Kahler Stabilization of the Dilaton

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    The problems of attempting inflationary model-building in a theory containing a dilaton are explained. In particular, I study the shape of the dilaton potential today and during inflation, based on a weakly-coupled heterotic string model where corrections to the Kahler potential are assumed to be responsible for dilaton stabilization. Although no specific model-building is attempted, if the inflationary energy density is related to the scale of gaugino condensation, then the dilaton may be stabilized close enough to today's value that there is no significant change in the GUT scale coupling. This can occur in a very wide range of models, and helps to provide some justification for the standard predictions of the spectral index. I explain how this result can ultimately be traced to the supersymmetry structure of the theory.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to PR

    On non-perturbative corrections to the Kahler potential

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    We present the results of a detailed investigation into the consequences of adding specific string motivated non-perturbative corrections to the usual tree level Kahler potential in dilaton dominated scenarios. The success of the model is judged through our ability to obtain a realistic VEV for the dilaton < Re S > ~ 2, corresponding to the true minima of the scalar potential and being associated with a reasonable value for the SUSY breaking scale via the gravitino mass. The status of the so-called moduli problem is also reviewed in each of the ansatze studied. Those include previous proposals made in the context of both the chiral and the linear multiplet formalisms to describe gaugino condensation, and a new ansatz which shows explicitly the equivalence between the two.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, uses psfig.sty with 4 figure

    Full Component Lagrangian in the Linear Multiplet Formulation of String-inspired Effective Supergravity

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    We compute the component field 4-dimensional N=1 supergravity Lagrangian that is obtained from a superfield Lagrangian in the U(1)_K formalism with a linear dilaton multiplet. All fermionic terms are presented. In a variety of important ways, our results generalize those that have been reported previously, and are flexible enough to accomodate many situations of phenomenological interest in string-inspired effective supergravity, especially models based on orbifold compactifications of the weakly-coupled heterotic string. We provide for an effective theory of hidden gaugino and matter condensation. We include supersymmetric Green-Schwarz counterterms associated with the cancellation of U(1) and modular duality anomalies; the modular duality counterterm is of a rather general form. Our assumed form for the dilaton Kahler potential is quite general and can accomodate Kahler stabilization methods. We note possible applications of our results. We also discuss the usefulness of the linear dilaton formulation as a complement to the chiral dilaton approach.Comment: 2+34 page