53 research outputs found

    Cyclic Response of Reconstituted Low Plasticity Silt

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    Foundation failures observed over saturated silt-clay mixtures during past earthquakes clearly indicate the need for a profound understanding of the behavior of such soils under seismic loading. Although the mechanisms dominating the response of fine grained soils under seismic loading are known to be different from those of sandy soils, the behavior of low plasticity silt and clay is still under discussion. An experimental research program, still in progress, has been undertaken to investigate the cyclic behavior of low plasticity fine grained soils for developing useful guidelines for the assessment of seismic response. Samples of low plasticity silt, initially consolidated to stress levels above preconsolidation stress, have been tested systemically under monotonic and cyclic loading for isotropic and anisotropic stress conditions. To eliminate the sample variability inherent to the naturally deposited soils and to control the circumstances, the specimens were reconstituted by means of the slurry deposition technique in the study. The preliminary results from cyclic triaxial testing on reconstituted low plasticity silt specimens are presented. The liquefaction susceptibility of the silt was examined via comparisons to the existing empirical criteria in literature

    Anatomical and histological analysis of the salpinx and ovary in Anatolian wild goat (Capra aegagrus aegagrus)

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    Background: This study determined the anatomical and histological structure of the salpinx and ovary of the Anatolian wild goat (C. aegagrus aegagrus). Materials and methods: The salpinges and ovaries from four wild goats of similar ages were used. These goats were brought to the Kafkas University Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (Kars, Turkey) for various reasons such as traffic accidents or firearm injury, but either could not be saved or were euthanased. Results: The mean length of the ovary was 13.22 ± 1.27 mm, width was 8.46 ± 0.88 mm, thickness was 5.67 ± 0.79 mm, and weight was 0.59 ± 0.17 g. The mean length of the salpinx was 58.11 ± 14.02 mm, width was 0.80 ± 0.22 mm, thickness was 0.41 ± 0.01 mm, and weight was 0.30 ± 0.08 g. The salpinx consisted of three different regions (infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus). These regions consisted of tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa. Prismatic epithelial cells were observed in the lamina epithelialis of the tunica mucosa in every region. Conclusions: The data resulting from this study regarding anatomical and histological structures of the salpinx and ovary in the genital system organs of Anatolian wild goat will support other studies seeking to improve reproductive efficiency and eliminate the danger of extinction of this species

    Two Electrons in a Quantum Dot: A Unified Approach

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    Low-lying energy levels of two interacting electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot in the presence of an external magnetic field have been revised within the frame of a novel model. The present formalism, which gives closed algebraic solutions for the specific values of magnetic field and spatial confinement length, enables us to see explicitly individual effects of the electron correlation.Comment: 14 page

    17 Ağustos İzmit depremi sonucu Adapazarı kent merkezinde bina telellerinde meydana gelen zemin sıvılaşması kaynaklı kalıcı deplasmanların araştırılması kapsamında sondaj ve arazi deneylerinin tamamlanması

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    TÜBİTAK İÇTAG Proje01.03.200317 Ağustos 1999 İzmit depremi sonrasında Adapazarı'nda bina temellerinde meydana gelen deplasmanların mahiyetinin araştırılması ve ilişkin tasarım kriterlerinin belirlenmesi kapsamında Adapazarı'ndan alınan zemin numuneleri üzerinde statik ve dinamik üç eksenli deneyler yapılmıştır. Statik deneylerde standart prosedür takip edilmiş, dinamik deneylerde ise belirli CSR değerleri ve çevrim sayılan uygulandıktan sonra numune ani yüklemeyle yenilmiştir. Bulgular deprem sırasında bu zeminlerin yumuşadığını, ancak ani yükleme nedeniyle kayma mukavemetlerinde artışlar meydana gelmiş olduğunu göstermektedir

    The effects of kefi r, koumiss, yogurt and commercial probiotic formulations on PPAR a and PPAR- b / d expressions in mouse kidney

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    Commercial probiotic capsules that contain probiotic bacteria, kefir, koumiss and yogurt contain beneficial microorganisms that affect cholesterol levels and immune response, and are used for treatment of some diseases. We investigated using immunohistochemistry the effects of kefir, koumiss, yogurt and a commercial probiotic formulation on the expression levels of peroxisome proliferator-Activated receptor-? (PPAR?) and peroxisome proliferator-Activated receptor-?/? (PPAR-?/?), which are members of the nuclear steroid hormone receptor superfamily in mouse kidney. Mice were assigned to five groups: group 1, commercial probiotic capsules; group 2, kefir; group 3, koumiss; group 4, yogurt; group 5, control. After oral administration for 15 days, body weights were recorded and kidney tissue samples were obtained. Hematoxylin & eosin staining and the streptavidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) method were applied to tissue sections to examine histology and to determine the localization of PPAR? and PPAR-?/? in the kidneys. We found that the weights of the mice in the kefir, koumiss, yogurt and commercial probiotic capsules groups were increased compared to controls. No differences in kidney histology were observed in any of the experimental groups. Kefir, koumiss, yogurt and the commercial probiotic preparation increased PPAR? and PPAR-?/? expressions. © 2014 The Biological Stain Commission.This Project was supported by the Commission for the Scientific Research Projects of Kafkas University, project number 2012-VF-5 Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper