1,127 research outputs found

    Comparison of Logical Choice Weight and Confidence Scoring Methods on Multiple Choice Agricultural Science Test Scores

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    The  study  investigates  the  comparison  of  logical  choice  weight  and confidence scoring methods on multiple choice agricultural science  test  scores. The purpose is to find the most advantageous method to be used out of the two methods of scoring multiple choice agricultural science tests.  The study also focused on the interaction effect of logical choice weight and confidence scoring in the schools. The researcher used survey type and one short experimental design. The population is consisted of 600 (six hundred) Senior Secondary School (SSS3) agricultural science students as sample in Ekiti  Central  of  Ekiti  State, Nigeria.  The hypotheses were generated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Using correlational  and descriptive analysis.  The study revealed that there was a significant relationship between logical choice weight and confidence scoring methods. The study revealed that logical choice weight scoring method was the best  method  that  favoured  the  scoring  of  the  students scripts  in multiple choice agricultural science test. The logical choice weight method could   be   used   in tertiary institutions for Post- JAMB test. Consultancy firms and public service could also adopt the use of logical choice weight scoring method. Keywords: Multiple choice, confidence, logical choice weights, scoring, standardized

    A Comparative Analysis of Reliability Methods

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    The study is concerned with the inappropriate usage of the reliability methods. It also identified the most commonly used of the reliability methods and the most appropriate methods for agricultural science objective test items. Reliability of a test is the extent that repeated measurements give consistent results for individual. A test is said to be reliable if it measures what it is supposed to measure consistently. There are many methods of measuring reliability which are: Test-retest, parallel form, Split-half, other methods of measuring internal consistency include Kuder Richardson KR20 and Kuder Richardson KR21.The study made a comparative analysis of reliability in four selected secondary schools in Ado-Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti state. Forty (40) items in agricultural science objectives test were constructed by the researcher.  The objectives test was administered to the students in the four selected schools. The scores were compared across the sample schools. The descriptive analysis such as mean, standard deviation and comparative analysis of reliability methods were used. The hypothesis was held significant at 0.05 probability level. The result of the analysis shows that there was no significant differences between test-retest, parallel form, split half and Kuder-Richardson methods in agricultural science objectives test. The findings revealed that significant different exist in reliability methods employed in the sampled schools as a result of the findings, the instrument is recommended to be used in analyzing reliability method. Keywords: Comparative, Reliability, Split-half, Test-retest, parallel form and Kuder -Richardso

    Expression of GFSKLYFamide-like neuropeptide in the digestive system of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (Echinodermata)

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    Neuropeptides are key mediators of physiological processes in animals and a considerable amount of information has been accumulated on their diversity and functions across phyla. However, progress in echinoderm neurobiology has been much slower than others. The sea cucumber Holothuria scabra is an economically important tropical echinoderm species in which a neuropeptide is yet to be identified. This immunohistochemical study utilized antibody raised against GFSKLYFamide neuropeptide together with confocal laser scanning microscopy. GFSKLYFamide-like immunoreactivity was shown to be localized in the stomach and small intestines of H. scabra. This is the first report that provides evidence for the presence of GFSKLYFamide neuropeptide in the digestive tract of this species.Keywords: GFSKLYFamide, SALMFamides, immunohistochemistry, sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra

    Traditional Values, Beliefs and Reliance on Indigenous Resources for Crime Control in Modern Southwest Nigeria

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    Traditionally, people from the southwest Nigeria believe and place high premium on the use of indigenous resources for warfare like some other groups in Nigeria. The sustenance of the belief in these values has largely been promoted by the inadequacy of modern policing system and the rising crime rate in our society. It is against this background this paper attempts to examine the prevailing values, belief and practices among the people of the southwest and its utility in the maintenance of local security personnel. This paper also seeks to investigate the potency and efficacy of these indigenous resources in providing security within the community and the invincibility of community guard. Qualitative methodology was used to draw relevant information from the study population while the data were analyzed by ethnographic summaries and content analysis. The choice of this method was in consonance with the functional and control theories on which the study hinged. The result shows indigenous resources are efficacious in certain respects if they are used with caution and due observance of certain fundamental laws.Key words: Indigenous resources, Self defense, Crime Control, Charms, Initiation, Return to culture

    Optimization of pectinase production by Aspergillus niger using central composite design

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    Pectinases are a group of enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of pectin. Pectinase producing Aspergillus niger was obtained from a five-day old Eba (Cassava flakes). Response surface methodology was used for optimizing the process of the pectinase produced. Four independent variables which are, temperature, pH, substrate concentration and time of Heating at  70oC were used to optimize the significant correlation between the effects of the variables on pectinase production. A second-order polynomial was fitted to data and validated by ANOVA. The results revealed maximum pectinase production at pH 6.0, 50oC Temperature, 0.02% substrate concentration and the enzyme lost all its activity within 7 min of heating at 70oC. The study revealed that optimization of pectinase through RSM could improve the enzymatic characteristics and yield of the enzyme. The models used were highly significant with a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.901Keywords: Pectinase; Aspergillus niger; Response Surface Methodology; Central Composite Desig

    Parental Communication as a Tool Kit for Preventing Sexual Abuse among Adolescent Secondary School Students

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    This study employed the survey design to investigate the relevance of parent communication in preventing sexual abuse among secondary school students in Nigeria. The instrument for data collection tagged “Parent Communication Strategy for Preventing Sexual Abuse questionnaire” (PCOSPSAQ) , was a researcher designed instrument. It was administered to 686 respondents(266 male and 420 female) 500 and 400 sandwich undergraduates of the University of Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State who were parents to adolescent secondary school students. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while t test and Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) were used to test the six null hypotheses at .05 alpha level. Findings reveal parents’ irresponsibility, ignorance of sexual abuse signs as well as inability to see and stop sexual abuse before it happens as part of the reasons for showing reluctance to communicate with their adolescents on sexual matters. Findings also reveal no significant difference in parents’ pattern of communication on prevention of sexual abuse based on gender, religion and type of family, but significant difference was found on type of parenting and geo political zones. Recommendations include the need for government and nongovernmental organizations to provide adults and parents resources that could boost their awareness on the things they need do to prevent sexual abuse of their adolescent boys and girls. Keywords:  Communication, Parents, Adolescents, Sexual Abuse Prevention

    Corporate Governance Mechanisms: The Determinants of Listed Firm Performance in Nigeria

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    We investigate therelationship between the corporate governance mechanisms and listed firms Performanceusing dynamic panel data for 101 firms listed on Nigeria Stock Exchange exceptfinance Sector over, through a period 2005 to 2015. We found the resultmaintain a positive and significant relationship  with board size and changing board memberwith market performance. It imply that board size should  be increase, change board member should alsoincrease to advantage of market performance. However, woman board member, auditindepent, board independent, ownership concentration, and gross domesticproduct have negative and significant relationship with market performance.Also, change board member, ownership concentration, and firm size showsignificant and positive relationship with accounting performance. These implythat they can be used to enhanced account performance in time of economic downturn. On other hand, woman board member, board size, audit committee independent,board independent, firm age and gross domestic product show negativesignificant accounting performance. Which imply that regulator and professionalcan reduced to achieve accounting performance. Moreover, foreign ownershipshows no significant with either market or financial health performance.Keywords: corperate governace, change board member, firmperformance, list fir

    Development of Improved Dual-Purpose Fitness Bike for Electricity Generation

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    This research work is on development of dual purpose fitness bike for electricity. It is aimed at improving electricity generated during cycling exercise and reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and its attendant emissions of green house gases especially carbon dioxide, this can eventually lead to reduction in the risk of global warming. In recent times, attempts have been made to harvest energy generated from human powered fitness bicycles and convert it to electricity. The existing fitness bicycle designs were unable to generate feasible electricity that can compensate for the considered financial investment. Therefore, the existing fitness bicycle designs were analyzed and improvements needed in the area of energy conversion were noted and carried out. With this improved dual-purpose fitness bike, the electrical power output of an average adult at an average speed of 60 rpm of cycling is about 3, 500 watts in one hour, as against 150W – 250W reported in the literature. This is an equivalent of 1.3 MW of electricity in one year which equals about 307,442 litres of carbon dioxide emission cut back in one year. This is considered a substantial improvement of electricity generation over the electricity generated by retrofitted fitness bicycles design already in existence. Keywords: Electricity generation; Fitness bicycle; Fossil fuels; Global warming; Green house gases

    Trends and challenges of higher education in Nigeria: Fine and applied arts technological literacy

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    This study explores the trends and challenges of teacher educators in the Fine and Applied Arts (FAA) and the impact on technological literacy. In Nigeria, internet facilities and digital technologies have changed the method of instruction and levels of student involvement in art education.  Visual art educators use multimedia software in Nigeria to provide challenging and authentic learning materials that develop the student’s potential and creativity through exploration, discovery and creativity. This study investigates the availability, accessibility and usability of ICT technological tools. Furthermore, it explores the strengths and challenges of pedagogical approaches used in the context of two higher education institutions in Nigeria. In this regard, the study focuses on the trends and challenges of higher education in Nigeria: art, design and technological literacy in perspective. A fundamental technology-based theoretical framework, namely, van Dijk’s (2005) resource and appropriation theory (RAT) formed this study's theoretical framework. The study was conducted at two higher education institutions considered to be the oldest tertiary institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. It adopts a qualitative research approach, using a multiple case study, purposively selecting participants, comprising twenty student teachers and four lecturers. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and classroom observations. The data collected were transcribed, coded and analysed using content analysis to generate relevant themes for discussion. The findings of this research can inform curriculum planners, improve the models for advancing the technological literacy of FAA lecturers and students and can equip lecturers and students to meet the present and future needs of art education in a global society. Keywords: Fine and Applied Arts (FAA), Technological Literacy, Higher Education Art Education Trends in Art Teacher Education

    Anatomical and chemical composition of Detarium Senegalense J.F. Gmel Bark

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    The anatomical and chemical composition of Detarium senegalense bark was studied after grinding and fractioning into different particles sizes. The bark of D. senegalense mature trees was fractionized into fine and coarse granulometric particles using 0.150 mm and 4.0 mm mesh respectively. The bark showed the following compositions for fine and coarse bark granulometric respectively as ash (10.9 % and 12.1 %), total extractives (20.9 % and 16.4 %), suberin (0.97 % and 0.94 %) and lignin (36.5 % and 31.2 %). Ash elemental composition was different in both fractionized biomass. The suberin content in both fractions were as well low. Fine D. senegalense bark contained more extractives in relation to coarse granulometric D. senegalense bark. For the elemental compositional characterization, the values obtained for the fine and coarse bark solutes were almost in the same range for N (0.75 % and 0.72 %), P (0.095 % and 0.092%), Mg (0.13 % and 0.14 %), Ca (6.6 % and 6.2 %), K (0.33 % and 0.31 %), Ni (1.81 mg/kg and 1.77 mg/kg ), Cr (1.98 mg/kg and 1.93 mg/kg), Pb (2.02 mg/kg and 2.05 mg/kg). However, high concentration of Zn was found in fine granules of D. sengalense bark that is, 29 mg/kg compared to 13 mg/kg in the  coarse bark. Extractives were present preferentially in the finest fraction in dichloromethane, ethanol and water soluble. D. senegalense bark had a high content of 36.5 and 31.2 cellulose and hemicelluloses especially in the coarser fraction. The rich lignin content of 39.5 and 20.9 in D. senegalense wood makes it a good potential resource for adhesives, chemical and biorefinery industries. The significant content of extractive in D. senegalense suggests conferment of natural durability to the wood. Particle size reduction by grinding is a unit operations that may be used as selective enrich solutes in soluble materials. Keywords: Anatomical structure, Chemical composition, Detarium senegalense, fine granulometric fraction, coarse granulometric fractio