760 research outputs found

    Effect of polymer-polymer interactions on the surface tension of colloid-polymer mixtures

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    The density profile and surface tension for the interface of phase-separated colloid-polymer mixtures have been studied in the framework of the square gradient approximation for both ideal and interacting polymers in good solvent. The calculations show that in the presence of polymer-polymer excluded volume interactions the interfaces have lower widths and surface tensions compared to the case of ideal polymers. These results are a direct consequence of the shorter range and smaller depth of the depletion potential between colloidal particles induced by interacting polymers.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for J. Chem. Phy

    Molecular hydrodynamics from memory kernels

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    The memory kernel for a tagged particle in a fluid, computed from molecular dynamics simulations, decays algebraically as t−3/2. We show how the hydrodynamic Basset-Boussinesq force naturally emerges from this long-time tail and generalize the concept of hydrodynamic added mass. This mass term is negative in the present case of a molecular solute, which is at odds with incompressible hydrodynamics predictions. Lastly, we discuss the various contributions to the friction, the associated time scales, and the crossover between the molecular and hydrodynamic regimes upon increasing the solute radius

    Dirac dispersion and non-trivial Berry's phase in three-dimensional semimetal RhSb3

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    We report observations of magnetoresistance, quantum oscillations and angle-resolved photoemission in RhSb3_3, a unfilled skutterudite semimetal with low carrier density. The calculated electronic band structure of RhSb3_3 entails a Z2Z_2 quantum number ν0=0,ν1=ν2=ν3=1\nu_0=0,\nu_1=\nu_2=\nu_3=1 in analogy to strong topological insulators, and inverted linear valence/conduction bands that touch at discrete points close to the Fermi level, in agreement with angle-resolved photoemission results. Transport experiments reveal an unsaturated linear magnetoresistance that approaches a factor of 200 at 60 T magnetic fields, and quantum oscillations observable up to 150~K that are consistent with a large Fermi velocity (1.3×106\sim 1.3\times 10^6 ms1^{-1}), high carrier mobility (14\sim 14 m2m^2/Vs), and small three dimensional hole pockets with nontrivial Berry phase. A very small, sample-dependent effective mass that falls as low as 0.015(7)0.015(7) bare masses scales with Fermi velocity, suggesting RhSb3_3 is a new class of zero-gap three-dimensional Dirac semimetal.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Semi-relativistic description of quasielastic neutrino reactions and superscaling in a continuum shell model

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    The so-called semi-relativistic expansion of the weak charged current in powers of the initial nucleon momentum is performed to describe charge-changing, quasielastic neutrino reactions (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu,\mu^-) at intermediate energies. The quality of the expansion is tested by comparing with the relativistic Fermi gas model using several choices of kinematics of interest for ongoing neutrino oscillation experiments. The new current is then implemented in a continuum shell model together with relativistic kinematics to investigate the scaling properties of (e,e)(e,e') and (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu,\mu^-) cross sections.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, to appear in PR

    Band structure of SnTe studied by Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    We present an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of SnTe, and compare the experimental results to ab initio band structure calculations as well as a simplified tight-binding model of the p-bands. Our study reveals the conjectured complex Fermi surface structure near the L-points showing topological changes in the bands from disconnected pockets, to open tubes, and then to cuboids as the binding energy increases, resolving lingering issues about the electronic structure. The chemical potential at the crystal surface is found to be 0.5eV below the gap, corresponding to a carrier density of p =1.14x10^{21} cm^{-3} or 7.2x10^{-2} holes per unit cell. At a temperature below the cubic-rhombohedral structural transition a small shift in spectral energy of the valance band is found, in agreement with model predictions.Comment: 4 figure

    Continued fraction representation of the Coulomb Green's operator and unified description of bound, resonant and scattering states

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    If a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian has an infinite symmetric tridiagonal (Jacobi) matrix form in some discrete Hilbert-space basis representation, then its Green's operator can be constructed in terms of a continued fraction. As an illustrative example we discuss the Coulomb Green's operator in Coulomb-Sturmian basis representation. Based on this representation, a quantum mechanical approximation method for solving Lippmann-Schwinger integral equations can be established, which is equally applicable for bound-, resonant- and scattering-state problems with free and Coulombic asymptotics as well. The performance of this technique is illustrated with a detailed investigation of a nuclear potential describing the interaction of two α\alpha particles.Comment: 7 pages, 4 ps figures, revised versio

    Three-potential formalism for the three-body scattering problem with attractive Coulomb interactions

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    A three-body scattering process in the presence of Coulomb interaction can be decomposed formally into a two-body single channel, a two-body multichannel and a genuine three-body scattering. The corresponding integral equations are coupled Lippmann-Schwinger and Faddeev-Merkuriev integral equations. We solve them by applying the Coulomb-Sturmian separable expansion method. We present elastic scattering and reaction cross sections of the e++He^++H system both below and above the H(n=2)H(n=2) threshold. We found excellent agreements with previous calculations in most cases.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Faddeev approach to confined three-quark problems

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    We propose a method that allows for the efficient solution of the three-body Faddeev equations in the presence of infinitely rising confinement interactions. Such a method is useful in calculations of nonrelativistic and especially semirelativistic constituent quark models. The convergence of the partial wave series is accelerated and possible spurious contributions in the Faddeev components are avoided. We demonstrate how the method works with the example of the Goldstone-boson-exchange chiral quark model for baryons.Comment: 6 page

    Interaction of intense vuv radiation with large xenon clusters

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    The interaction of atomic clusters with short, intense pulses of laser light to form extremely hot, dense plasmas has attracted extensive experimental and theoretical interest. The high density of atoms within the cluster greatly enhances the atom--laser interaction, while the finite size of the cluster prevents energy from escaping the interaction region. Recent technological advances have allowed experiments to probe the laser--cluster interaction at very high photon energies, with interactions much stronger than suggested by theories for lower photon energies. We present a model of the laser--cluster interaction which uses non-perturbative R-matrix techniques to calculate inverse bremsstrahlung and photoionization cross sections for Herman-Skillman atomic potentials. We describe the evolution of the cluster under the influence of the processes of inverse bremsstrahlung heating, photoionization, collisional ionization and recombination, and expansion of the cluster. We compare charge state distribution, charge state ejection energies, and total energy absorbed with the Hamburg experiment of Wabnitz {\em et al.} [Nature {\bf 420}, 482 (2002)] and ejected electron spectra with Laarmann {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 063402 (2005)]