8 research outputs found

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Edible Offal from Free-Range Reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica Pigs

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    Physical (pH and L*a*b* values) and chemical (moisture, protein, total fat, total ash, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) characteristics of offal consisting of the tongue, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and spinal cord of free-range reared Swallow-Belly Mangalica pigs were determined. Many significant differences were found among mean values of quality traits. However, except for a few cases, the determined offal quality traits were in the characteristic ranges reported in the literature. Lungs were high in pH24h (P24h, moisture (P<0.01), and total ash concentration. The highest levels of protein (P<0.01), Mg, Fe (P<0.05), Zn (P<0.01), and Mn (P<0.01) and the lowest of Na were found in liver. The darkest colour (lowest L* value), highest concentration of K, the lowest concentration of total fat and Ca were found in spleen. Finally, spinal cord was the highest in total ash (P<0.01), P (P<0.01), and Ca (P<0.05) and the lowest in protein, Mg (P<0.05), Fe, and Zn (P<0.01) concentration

    Relationship Between Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Bisphosphonate Treatment

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    Terapija bisfosfonatima i njezina etiopatogenetska povezanost s aseptičkom osteonekrozom čeljusti važan je javnozdravstveni problem današnjice. Svrha je rada pregledom suvremene znanstvene literature utvrditi posljedice višestrukog djelovanja bisfosfonata (antiosteoklastična aktivnost, citotoksičnost na meka i koštana tkiva, antiangiogeneza, genski čimbenici, poremećena ravnoteža između osteoklasta i osteoblasta). Terapija bisfosfonatima jedan je od najčešćih uzroka razvoja osteonekroze čeljusti. Epidemiološki podaci pokazuju da se javlja u bolesnika koji su uzimali jedan ili kombinanciju nitrogenih bisfosfonata. Najvažniji čimbenici rizika za ovu nuspojavu su vrsta bisfosfonata (napose visokopotentni pamidronat i zoledronat koji se daju intravenski), njihova doza i duljina medikacije te vrsta bolesti zbog koje se propisuje terapija. Pojava osteonekroze čeljusti zabilježena je uglavnom u onkoloških bolesnika i u samo 5 % bolesnika s osteoporozom koji su liječeni bisfosfonatima. U patogenezi osteonekroze povezane s bisfosfonatima važno je, sa stajališta dentalnomedicinske prakse, dobro opće oralno zdravlje jer se osteonekroza javlja napose nakon prethodnoga parodontološkog i oralnokirurškog zahvata.Bisphosphonate treatment and its aetiopathogenic association with aseptic osteonecrosis of the jaw is one of the more prominent public health issues today. The aim of this review is to see into the mechanisms of bisphosphonate effects on bones described in literature (anti-osteoclastic activity, cytotoxicity, antiangiogenesis, genetic factors, and imbalance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts). Bisphosphonate treatment is the dominant cause of jaw necrosis. Epidemiological data show an exclusive incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients who took one or a combination of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates. Risk factors vary by the bisphosphonate potency (particularly risky are the highly potent pamidronate and zoledronate, which are given intravenously), dosage, duration of treatment, and the illness. Jaw necrosis is most common in oncology patients, and only 5 % in patients with osteoporosis. From a dental-medical point of view, a good oral health is important because osteonecrosis often appears after a periodontal or oral surgical procedure


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    **Original scientific paper Abstract: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of diet and sex on fat content, fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of dried pork neck. There were 12 barrows and 12 gilts separated in 4 groups regarding different nutritive supplement. The first group was fed basic ratio with supplement of linseed, the second with canola, the third with canola and vitamin E and the forth group without nutritive supplement (control group). All 24 samples of dried neck were analyzed in laboratory. There was no effect of nutritive supplement on fat and cholesterol content. Diet with linseed resulted in higher α-linolenic fatty acid content in dried neck. Canola diet resulted in higher oleic and linoleic acid contents. Barrows dried necks were fattier than gilts, but there were no difference in cholesterol content. Gilts had more polyunsaturated fatty acids and less saturated fatty acids than barrows. Key words: dried pork neck, diet, sex, fat, fatty acid, cholestero