20,188 research outputs found

    Gauss-Bonnet Chameleon Mechanism of Dark Energy

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    As a model of the current accelerated expansion of the universe, we consider a model of the scalar-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. This model includes the propagating scalar modes, which might give a large correction to the Newton law. In order to avoid this problem, we propose an extension of the Chameleon mechanism where the scalar mode becomes massive due to the coupling with the Gauss-Bonnet term. Since the Gauss-Bonnet invariant does not vanish near the earth or in the Solar System, even in the vacuum, the scalar mode is massive even in the vacuum and the correction to the Newton law could be small. We also discuss about the possibility that the model could describe simultaneously the inflation in the early universe, in addition to the current accelerated expansion.Comment: LaTeX 11 pages, no figur

    Saturated laser fluorescence in turbulent sooting flames at high pressure

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    The primary objective was to develop a quantitative, single pulse, laser-saturated fluorescence (LSF) technique for measurement of radical species concentrations in practical flames. The species of immediate interest was the hydroxyl radical. Measurements were made in both turbulent premixed diffusion flames at pressures between 1 and 20 atm. Interferences from Mie scattering were assessed by doping with particles or by controlling soot loading through variation of equivalence ratio and fuel type. The efficacy of the LSF method at high pressure was addressed by comparing fluorescence and adsorption measurements in a premixed, laminar flat flame at 1-20 atm. Signal-averaging over many laser shots is sufficient to determine the local concentration of radical species in laminar flames. However, for turbulent flames, single pulse measurements are more appropriate since a statistically significant number of laser pulses is needed to determine the probability function (PDF). PDFs can be analyzed to give true average properties and true local kinetics in turbulent, chemically reactive flows

    Thermodynamics and Stability of Higher Dimensional Rotating (Kerr) AdS Black Holes

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    We study the thermodynamic and gravitational stability of Kerr anti-de Sitter black holes in five and higher dimensions. We show, in the case of equal rotation parameters, ai=aa_i=a, that the Kerr-AdS background metrics become stable, both thermodynamically and gravitationally, when the rotation parameters aia_i take values comparable to the AdS curvature radius. In turn, a Kerr-AdS black hole can be in thermal equilibrium with the thermal radiation around it only when the rotation parameters become not significantly smaller than the AdS curvature radius. We also find with equal rotation parameters that a Kerr-AdS black hole is thermodynamically favored against the existence of a thermal AdS space, while the opposite behavior is observed in the case of a single non-zero rotation parameter. The five dimensional case is however different and also special in that there is no high temperature thermal AdS phase regardless of the choice of rotation parameters. We also verify that at fixed entropy, the temperature of a rotating black hole is always bounded above by that of a non-rotating black hole, in four and five dimensions, but not in six and more dimensions (especially, when the entropy approaches zero or the minimum of entropy does not correspond to the minimum of temperature). In this last context, the six dimensional case is marginal.Comment: 15 pages, 23 eps figures, RevTex

    Cosmic Vortons and Particle Physics Constraints

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    We investigate the cosmological consequences of particle physics theories that admit stable loops of superconducting cosmic string - {\it vortons}. General symmetry breaking schemes are considered, in which strings are formed at one energy scale and subsequently become superconducting in a secondary phase transition at what may be a considerably lower energy scale. We estimate the abundances of the ensuing vortons, and thereby derive constraints on the relevant particle physics models from cosmological observations. These constraints significantly restrict the category of admissible Grand Unified theories, but are quite compatible with recently proposed effects whereby superconducting strings may have been formed close to the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    A Relativistic Mean Field Model for Entrainment in General Relativistic Superfluid Neutron Stars

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    General relativistic superfluid neutron stars have a significantly more intricate dynamics than their ordinary fluid counterparts. Superfluidity allows different superfluid (and superconducting) species of particles to have independent fluid flows, a consequence of which is that the fluid equations of motion contain as many fluid element velocities as superfluid species. Whenever the particles of one superfluid interact with those of another, the momentum of each superfluid will be a linear combination of both superfluid velocities. This leads to the so-called entrainment effect whereby the motion of one superfluid will induce a momentum in the other superfluid. We have constructed a fully relativistic model for entrainment between superfluid neutrons and superconducting protons using a relativistic σω\sigma - \omega mean field model for the nucleons and their interactions. In this context there are two notions of ``relativistic'': relativistic motion of the individual nucleons with respect to a local region of the star (i.e. a fluid element containing, say, an Avogadro's number of particles), and the motion of fluid elements with respect to the rest of the star. While it is the case that the fluid elements will typically maintain average speeds at a fraction of that of light, the supranuclear densities in the core of a neutron star can make the nucleons themselves have quite high average speeds within each fluid element. The formalism is applied to the problem of slowly-rotating superfluid neutron star configurations, a distinguishing characteristic being that the neutrons can rotate at a rate different from that of the protons.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Generalization of Einstein-Lovelock theory to higher order dilaton gravity

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    A higher order theory of dilaton gravity is constructed as a generalization of the Einstein-Lovelock theory of pure gravity. Its Lagrangian contains terms with higher powers of the Riemann tensor and of the first two derivatives of the dilaton. Nevertheless, the resulting equations of motion are quasi-linear in the second derivatives of the metric and of the dilaton. This property is crucial for the existence of brane solutions in the thin wall limit. At each order in derivatives the contribution to the Lagrangian is unique up to an overall normalization. Relations between symmetries of this theory and the O(d,d) symmetry of the string-inspired models are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, references added, version to be publishe

    Separability in Cohomogeneity-2 Kerr-NUT-AdS Metrics

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    The remarkable and unexpected separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon equations in the background of a rotating four-dimensional black hole played an important role in the construction of generalisations of the Kerr metric, and in the uncovering of hidden symmetries associated with the existence of Killing tensors. In this paper, we show that the Hamilton-Jacobi and Klein-Gordon equations are separable in Kerr-AdS backgrounds in all dimensions, if one specialises the rotation parameters so that the metrics have cohomogeneity 2. Furthermore, we show that this property of separability extends to the NUT generalisations of these cohomogeneity-2 black holes that we obtained in a recent paper. In all these cases, we also construct the associated irreducible rank-2 Killing tensor whose existence reflects the hidden symmetry that leads to the separability. We also consider some cohomogeneity-1 specialisations of the new Kerr-NUT-AdS metrics, showing how they relate to previous results in the literature.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, minor typos correcte

    Newcomers Meet the Intracluster Medium in the Coma Cluster

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    A main topic at this meeting is how galaxies are affected when they enter for the first time the cluster environment from the outskirts. Most of the times we are forced to infer the environmental effects indirectly, relying on systematic variations of galaxy properties with environment, but there aren't many examples of direct observations able to unveil ongoing transformations taking place, and the corresponding mechanism producing it. We present a case in which it is possible to identify the cluster environment, and in particular the intracluster medium and the recent infall history of galaxies onto the cluster, as the cause for a recent, abrupt change in the evolutionary history of galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 postscript figure -- to appear in "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs", IAU Colloquium N. 195, 2004, ed. A Diaferi

    Extremal Black Hole/CFT Correspondence in (Gauged) Supergravities

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    We extend the investigation of the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence to large classes of rotating black hole solutions in gauged and ungauged supergravities. The correspondence, proposed originally for four-dimensional Kerr black holes, asserts that the quantum states in the near-horizon region of an extremal rotating black hole are holographically dual to a two-dimensional chiral theory whose Virasoro algebra arises as an asymptotic symmetry of the near-horizon geometry. In fact in dimension D there are [(D-1)/2] commuting Virasoro algebras. We consider a general canonical class of near-horizon geometries in arbitrary dimension D, and show that in any such metric, the [(D-1)/2] central charges each imply, via the Cardy formula, a microscopic entropy that agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the associated extremal black hole. In the remainder of the paper we show for most of the known rotating black hole solutions of gauged supergravity, and for the ungauged supergravity solutions with four charges in D=4 and three charges in D=5, that their extremal near-horizon geometries indeed lie within the canonical form. This establishes that in all these examples, the microscopic entropies of the dual CFTs agree with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropies of the extremal rotating black holes.Comment: 32 pages, references added and minor typos fixe