73,452 research outputs found

    Apparatus ad method for quiescent containerless processing of high temperature metals and alloys in low gravity

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    The electron bombardment furnace consists of two confinement grid sections which may be moved and separated from each other. Inside the bombardment furnace, a tungsten element is enclosed. The material specimen is located within the tungsten element and grounded by means of grounded support wires connected to the respective sections of the furnace. The material specimen is supported on the ground wires and heated by electron bombardment until melt occurs. The furnace sections are separated in opposite directions causing the ground wires to pull from the surfaces of the specimen, leaving the specimen freely suspended in the process chamber without the action of external forces. The specimen remains in its melt condition in the processing chamber where it can be undercooled without external forces acting on the specimen, which would cause dynamic nucleation

    Seasonal Drift of \u3ci\u3eLethocerus Americanus\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae) in a Lake Superior Tributary

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    Drifting adult Lethocerus americanus were captured and retained by an inclined-screen smolt trap during two field seasons in the Bois Brule River, Wisconsin. Seasonal peaks of drift occurred in spring for 4 weeks following ice out and in autumn for 7 -8 weeks from mid-September through ice formation, and may have continued under ice cover when our gear was not operated. These findings are consistent with the known movement pattern of these insects to fly from lentic habitats to streams to overwinter but also suggest longitudinal movement via drift, perhaps to reach specific overwintering sites. Drift was significantly correlated with declining water temperatures in 1989 but not in 1990. Most drift occurred at water temperatures less than 12Ā°C. There was no correlation between drift and river discharge. Drift rates were consistently low with a maximum by volume of 9 animals per 10,000 m3

    NASA Contributions to Development of Special-Purpose Thermocouples. A Survey

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    The thermocouple has been used for measuring temperatures for more than a century, but new materials, probe designs, and techniques are continually being developed. Numerous contributions have been made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractors in the aerospace program. These contributions have been collected by Midwest Research Institute and reported in this publication to enable American industrial engineers to study them and adapt them to their own problem areas. Potential applications are suggested to stimulate ideas on how these contributions can be used

    Helium 3/Helium 4 dilution cryocooler for space

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    Prototype dilution cryocoolers based on dilution refrigeration and adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration (ADR) cycles were designed, constructed, and tested. Although devices the devices did not operate as fully functional dilution cryocoolers, important information was gathered. The porous metal phase separator was demonstrated to operate in the -1-g configuration; this phase separation is the critical element in the He-3 circulation dilution cryocooler. Improvements in instrumentation needed for additional tests and development were identified

    A Nanoscale Parametric Feedback Oscillator

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    We describe and demonstrate a new oscillator topology, the parametric feedback oscillator (PFO). The PFO paradigm is applicable to a wide variety of nanoscale devices and opens the possibility of new classes of oscillators employing innovative frequency-determining elements, such as nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), facilitating integration with circuitry and system-size reduction. We show that the PFO topology can also improve nanoscale oscillator performance by circumventing detrimental effects that are otherwise imposed by the strong device nonlinearity in this size regime

    Estimating the weak-lensing rotation signal in radio cosmic shear surveys

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    Weak lensing has become an increasingly important tool in cosmology and the use of galaxy shapes to measure cosmic shear has become routine. The weak-lensing distortion tensor contains two other effects in addition to the two components of shear: the convergence and rotation. The rotation mode is not measurable using the standard cosmic shear estimators based on galaxy shapes, as there is no information on the original shapes of the images before they were lensed. Due to this, no estimator has been proposed for the rotation mode in cosmological weak-lensing surveys, and the rotation mode has never been constrained. Here, we derive an estimator for this quantity, which is based on the use of radio polarisation measurements of the intrinsic position angles of galaxies. The rotation mode can be sourced by physics beyond Ī›\LambdaCDM, and also offers the chance to perform consistency checks of Ī›\LambdaCDM and of weak-lensing surveys themselves. We present simulations of this estimator and show that, for the pedagogical example of cosmic string spectra, this estimator could detect a signal that is consistent with the constraints from Planck. We examine the connection between the rotation mode and the shear BB-modes and thus how this estimator could help control systematics in future radio weak-lensing surveys

    Microgravity: A Teacher's Guide With Activities in Science, Mathematics, and Technology

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    The purpose of this curriculum supplement guide is to define and explain microgravity and show how microgravity can help us learn about the phenomena of our world. The front section of the guide is designed to provide teachers of science, mathematics, and technology at many levels with a foundation in microgravity science and applications. It begins with background information for the teacher on what microgravity is and how it is created. This is followed with information on the domains of microgravity science research; biotechnology, combustion science, fluid physics, fundamental physics, materials science, and microgravity research geared toward exploration. The background section concludes with a history of microgravity research and the expectations microgravity scientists have for research on the International Space Station. Finally, the guide concludes with a suggested reading list, NASA educational resources including electronic resources, and an evaluation questionnaire
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