48,873 research outputs found

    Meson Mass Spectrum of Heavy-Light Quarks Combinations with Dirac Equation

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    We use the Dirac equation to study the mass spectrum of mesons with heavy-light quark combinations. First we study the Dirac equation with spherically symmetry and funnel potential, and apply them on the hydrogen-like atom problem to check the correctness of our numerical program. Then we test the parameters in Olsson's paper. We show that Olsson's parameters are good in fitting the averaged central mass, but fail to get correct energy fine splitting. Finally we fit the mass spectrum data of D, D_s, B and B_s mesons with our parameters by solve the Dirac equation and funnel potential, calculate the energy splitting of the S and P states. Our parameters can fit the mass and fine splitting with errors in less than 7 MeV.Comment: 23 pages, 13 fig. v3, correct typo, add fig, add average dat

    Convergence of the largest eigenvalue of normalized sample covariance matrices when p and n both tend to infinity with their ratio converging to zero

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    Let Xp=(s1,...,sn)=(Xij)pΓ—n\mathbf{X}_p=(\mathbf{s}_1,...,\mathbf{s}_n)=(X_{ij})_{p \times n} where XijX_{ij}'s are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with EX11=0,EX112=1EX_{11}=0,EX_{11}^2=1 and EX114<∞EX_{11}^4<\infty. It is showed that the largest eigenvalue of the random matrix Ap=12np(XpXpβ€²βˆ’nIp)\mathbf{A}_p=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{np}}(\mathbf{X}_p\mathbf{X}_p^{\prime}-n\mathbf{I}_p) tends to 1 almost surely as pβ†’βˆž,nβ†’βˆžp\rightarrow\infty,n\rightarrow\infty with p/nβ†’0p/n\rightarrow0.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/11-BEJ381 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Asymptotics for minimal overlapping patterns for generalized Euler permutations, standard tableaux of rectangular shape, and column strict arrays

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    A permutation Ο„\tau in the symmetric group SjS_j is minimally overlapping if any two consecutive occurrences of Ο„\tau in a permutation Οƒ\sigma can share at most one element. B\'ona \cite{B} showed that the proportion of minimal overlapping patterns in SjS_j is at least 3βˆ’e3 -e. Given a permutation Οƒ\sigma, we let Des(Οƒ)\text{Des}(\sigma) denote the set of descents of Οƒ\sigma. We study the class of permutations ΟƒβˆˆSkn\sigma \in S_{kn} whose descent set is contained in the set {k,2k,…(nβˆ’1)k}\{k,2k, \ldots (n-1)k\}. For example, up-down permutations in S2nS_{2n} are the set of permutations whose descent equal Οƒ\sigma such that Des(Οƒ)={2,4,…,2nβˆ’2}\text{Des}(\sigma) = \{2,4, \ldots, 2n-2\}. There are natural analogues of the minimal overlapping permutations for such classes of permutations and we study the proportion of minimal overlapping patterns for each such class. We show that the proportion of minimal overlapping permutations in such classes approaches 11 as kk goes to infinity. We also study the proportion of minimal overlapping patterns in standard Young tableaux of shape (nk)(n^k).Comment: Accepted by Discrete Math and Theoretical Computer Science. Thank referees' for their suggestion

    The effect of electromechanical coupling on the strain in AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistors

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    The strain in AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) is examined theoretically in the context of the fully-coupled equation of state for piezoelectric materials. Using a simple analytical model, it is shown that, in the absence of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), the out-of-plane strain obtained without electromechanical coupling is in error by about 30% for an Al fraction of 0.3. This result has consequences for the calculation of quantities that depend directly on the strain tensor. These quantities include the eigenstates and electrostatic potential in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. It is shown that for an HFET, the electromechanical coupling is screened by the 2DEG. Results for the electromechanical model, including the 2DEG, indicate that the standard (decoupled) strain model is a reasonable approximation for HFET calculataions. The analytical results are supported by a self-consistent Schr\"odinger-Poisson calculation that includes the fully-coupled equation of state together with the charge-balance equation.Comment: 6 figures, revte

    Turbulence-Induced Relative Velocity Of Dust Particles. III. The Probability Distribution

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    Motivated by its important role in the collisional growth of dust particles in protoplanetary disks, we investigate the probability distribution function (PDF) of the relative velocity of inertial particles suspended in turbulent flows. Using the simulation from our previous work, we compute the relative velocity PDF as a function of the friction timescales, tau(p1) and tau(p2), of two particles of arbitrary sizes. The friction time of the particles included in the simulation ranges from 0.1 tau(eta) to 54T(L), where tau(eta) and T-L are the Kolmogorov time and the Lagrangian correlation time of the flow, respectively. The relative velocity PDF is generically non-Gaussian, exhibiting fat tails. For a fixed value of tau(p1), the PDF shape is the fattest for equal-size particles (tau(p2) = tau(p1)), and becomes thinner at both tau(p2) tau(p1). Defining f as the friction time ratio of the smaller particle to the larger one, we find that, at a given f in (1/2) less than or similar to f less than or similar to 1, the PDF fatness first increases with the friction time tau(p,h) of the larger particle, peaks at tau(p,h) similar or equal to tau(eta), and then decreases as tp, h increases further. For 0 > T-L). These features are successfully explained by the Pan & Padoan model. Using our simulation data and some simplifying assumptions, we estimated the fractions of collisions resulting in sticking, bouncing, and fragmentation as a function of the dust size in protoplanetary disks, and argued that accounting for non-Gaussianity of the collision velocity may help further alleviate the bouncing barrier problem.Astronom
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