16,365 research outputs found

    Possible Pairing Symmetry of Three-dimensional Superconductor UPt3_3 -- Analysis Based on a Microscopic Calculation --

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    Stimulated by the anomalous superconducting properties of UPt3_3, we investigate the pairing symmetry and the transition temperature in the two-dimensional(2D) and three-dimensional(3D) hexagonal Hubbard model. We solve the Eliashberg equation using the third order perturbation theory with respect to the on-site repulsion UU. As results of the 2D calculation, we obtain distinct two types of stable spin-triplet pairing states. One is the ff-wave(B1_1) pairing around n=1.2n = 1.2 and in a small UU region, which is caused by the ferromagnetic fluctuation. Then, the other is the pxp_x(or pyp_y)-wave(E1_1) pairing in large UU region far from the half-filling (n=1n = 1) which is caused by the vertex corrections only. However, we find that the former ff-wave pairing is destroyed by introduced 3D dispersion. This is because the 3D dispersion breaks the favorable structures for the ff-wave pairing such as the van Hove singularities and the small pocket structures. Thus, we conclude that the ferromagnetic fluctuation mediated spin-triplet state can not explain the superconductivity of UPt3_3. We also study the case of the pairing symmetry with a polar gap. This pzp_z-wave(A1_1) is stabilized by the large hopping integral along c-axis tzt_z. It is nearly degenerate with the suppressed pxp_x(or pyp_y)-wave(E1_1) in the best fitting parameter region to UPt3_3 (1.3tz1.51.3 \le t_z \le 1.5). These two p-wave pairing states exist in the region far from the half-filling, in which the vertex correction terms play crucial roles like the case in Sr2_2RuO4_4.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Electron-doped Superconductor, Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-delta}

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    Temperature-dependent magnetization (M(T)) and specific heat (C_p(T)) measurements were carried out on single crystal Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_{4-delta} (T_c = 16.5 K). The magnetic anisotropy in the static susceptibility, chi {equiv} M/H, is apparent not only in its magnitude but also in its temperature dependence, with chi_{perp} for H{perp}c larger than chi_{parallel} for H{parallel}c. For both field orientations, chi does not follow the Curie-Weiss behavior due to the small energy gap of the J = 7/2 multiplet above the J = 5/2 ground-state multiplet. However, with increasing temperature, chi_{parallel}(T) exhibits a broad minimum near 100 K and then a slow increase while chi_{perp}(T) shows a monotonic decrease. A sharp peak in C_p(T) at 4.7 K manifests an antiferromagnetic ordering. The electronic contribution, gamma, to C_p(T) is estimated to be gamma = 103.2 (7) mJ/moleSmK^2. The entropy associated with the magnetic ordering is much smaller than Rln2, where R is the gas constant, which is usually expected for the doublet ground state of Sm^{+3}. The unusual magnetic and electronic properties evident in M(T) and C_p(T) are probably due to a strong anisotropic interaction between conduction electrons and localized electrons at Sm^{+3} sites.Comment: 5 pages, 5 encapsulated postscript figures, late

    Two-parameter non-linear spacetime perturbations: gauge transformations and gauge invariance

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    An implicit fundamental assumption in relativistic perturbation theory is that there exists a parametric family of spacetimes that can be Taylor expanded around a background. The choice of the latter is crucial to obtain a manageable theory, so that it is sometime convenient to construct a perturbative formalism based on two (or more) parameters. The study of perturbations of rotating stars is a good example: in this case one can treat the stationary axisymmetric star using a slow rotation approximation (expansion in the angular velocity Omega), so that the background is spherical. Generic perturbations of the rotating star (say parametrized by lambda) are then built on top of the axisymmetric perturbations in Omega. Clearly, any interesting physics requires non-linear perturbations, as at least terms lambda Omega need to be considered. In this paper we analyse the gauge dependence of non-linear perturbations depending on two parameters, derive explicit higher order gauge transformation rules, and define gauge invariance. The formalism is completely general and can be used in different applications of general relativity or any other spacetime theory.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes to match the version appeared in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A Gauge-invariant Analysis of Magnetic Fields in General Relativistic Cosmology

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    We provide a fully general-relativistic treatment of cosmological perturbations in a universe permeated by a large-scale primordial magnetic field, using the Ellis-Bruni gauge-invariant formalism. The exact non-linear equations for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic evolution are derived. A number of applications are made: the behaviour of small perturbations to Friedmann universes are studied; a comparison is made with earlier Newtonian treatments of cosmological perturbations and some effects of inflationary expansion are examined.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Specific Heat Discontinuity, deltaC, at Tc in BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 - Consistent with Unconventional Superconductivity

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    We report the specific heat discontinuity, deltaC/Tc, at Tc = 28.2 K of a collage of single crystals of BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 and compare the measured value of 38.5 mJ/molK**2 with other iron pnictide and iron chalcogenide (FePn/Ch) superconductors. This value agrees well with the trend established by Bud'ko, Ni and Canfield who found that deltaC/Tc ~ a*Tc**2 for 14 examples of doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 and BaFe2-xTMxAs2, where the transition metal TM=Co and Ni. We extend their analysis to include all the FePn/Ch superconductors for which deltaC/Tc is currently known and find deltaC/Tc ~ a*Tc**1.9 and a=0.083 mJ/molK**4. A comparison with the elemental superconductors with Tc>1 K and with A-15 superconductors shows that, contrary to the FePn/Ch superconductors, electron-phonon-coupled conventional superconductors exhibit a significantly different dependence of deltaC on Tc, namely deltaC/Tc ~ Tc**0.9. However deltaC/gamma*Tc appears to be comparable in all three classes (FePn/Ch, elemental and A-15) of superconductors with, e. g., deltaC/gamma*Tc=2.4 for BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2. A discussion of the possible implications of these phenomenological comparisons for the unconventional superconductivity believed to exist in the FePn/Ch is given.Comment: some disagreement in reference and footnote numbering with the published versio

    Kinetic theory for nongeodesic particle motion: Selfinteracting equilibrium states and effective viscous fluid pressures

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    The particles of a classical relativistic gas are supposed to move under the influence of a quasilinear (in the particle four-momenta), self-interacting force inbetween elastic, binary collisions. This force which is completely fixed by the equilibrium conditions of the gas, gives rise to an effective viscous pressure on the fluid phenomenological level. Earlier results concerning the possibility of accelerated expansion of the universe due to cosmological particle production are reinterpreted. A phenomenon such as power law inflation may be traced back to specific self-interacting forces keeping the particles of a gas universe in states of generalized equilibrium.Comment: 16 pages, latex, uses ioplppt.sty. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Pseudogap in fermionic density of states in the BCS-BEC crossover of atomic Fermi gases

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    We study pseudogap behaviors of ultracold Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover region. We calculate the density of states (DOS), as well as the single-particle spectral weight, above the superfluid transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} including pairing fluctuations within a TT-matrix approximation. We find that DOS exhibits a pseudogap structure in the BCS-BEC crossover region, which is most remarkable near the unitarity limit. We determine the pseudogap temperature TT^* at which the pseudogap structure in DOS disappears. We also introduce another temperature TT^{**} at which the BCS-like double-peak structure disappears in the spectral weight. While one finds T>TT^*>T^{**} in the BCS regime, TT^{**} becomes higher than TT^* in the crossover and BEC regime. We also determine the pseudogap region in the phase diagram in terms of temperature and pairing interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of QFS 200

    In vivo microdialysis reveals age-dependent decrease of brain interstitial fluid tau levels in P301S human tau transgenic mice

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    Although tau is a cytoplasmic protein, it is also found in brain extracellular fluids, e.g., CSF. Recent findings suggest that aggregated tau can be transferred between cells and extracellular tau aggregates might mediate spread of tau pathology. Despite these data, details of whether tau is normally released into the brain interstitial fluid (ISF), its concentration in ISF in relation to CSF, and whether ISF tau is influenced by its aggregation are unknown. To address these issues, we developed a microdialysis technique to analyze monomeric ISF tau levels within the hippocampus of awake, freely moving mice. We detected tau in ISF of wild-type mice, suggesting that tau is released in the absence of neurodegeneration. ISF tau was significantly higher than CSF tau and their concentrations were not significantly correlated. Using P301S human tau transgenic mice (P301S tg mice), we found that ISF tau is fivefold higher than endogenous murine tau, consistent with its elevated levels of expression. However, following the onset of tau aggregation, monomeric ISF tau decreased markedly. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that soluble tau in brain homogenates decreased along with the deposition of insoluble tau. Tau fibrils injected into the hippocampus decreased ISF tau, suggesting that extracellular tau is in equilibrium with extracellular or intracellular tau aggregates. This technique should facilitate further studies of tau secretion, spread of tau pathology, the effects of different disease states on ISF tau, and the efficacy of experimental treatments

    Non-Linear N-Parameter Spacetime Perturbations: Gauge Transformations

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    We introduce N-parameter perturbation theory as a new tool for the study of non-linear relativistic phenomena. The main ingredient in this formulation is the use of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. The associated machinery allows us to prove the main results concerning the consistency of the scheme to any perturbative order. Gauge transformations and conditions for gauge invariance at any required order can then be derived from a generating exponential formula via a simple Taylor expansion. We outline the relation between our novel formulation and previous developments.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, RevTeX 4.0. Revised version to match version published in PR

    Magnetic field study of the “hidden transition” in UCd11

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    The specific heat of U Cd11 was measured in magnetic fields to 27 T. Besides the antiferromagnetic transition, there is a second transition that can be clearly resolved in fields between 14 and 20 T. This second transition (at Tm) extrapolates to a broad shoulder in CT in zero field. The two lines of transitions cross somewhere between 20 and 23 T. Tm displays unusually weak dependence on the strength of the magnetic field. Our results argue for the intrinsic origin of this "hidden" transition. © 2005 American Institute of Physics