594 research outputs found

    Virtual Compton scattering off nuclei in the Δ\Delta-resonance region

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    Virtual Compton scattering in the Δ\Delta-resonance region is considered in the case of a target nucleus. The discussion involves generalized polarizabilities and is developed for zero-spin nuclei, focusing on the new information coming from virtual Compton scattering in comparison with real Compton scattering.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures available from the author

    Determinantes de la aceptación del "mobile learning" como elemento de formación del capital humano en las organizaciones

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    La revolución tecnológica ha modificado el modo de comunicarnos, realizar gran cantidad de transacciones, así como la forma de hacer negocios. Las organizaciones han tenido que adaptarse a los vertiginosos cambios y digitalizar gran parte de sus procesos productivos y operativa diaria (Messenger & Gschwind, 2016; Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski & Johnson, 2015). En su intento por obtener ventajas competitivas y un rendimiento empresarial mayor (Turulja & Bajgorić, 2016), las compañías invierten en activos intangibles mediante la generación de conocimiento (Hortovanyi & Ferincz, 2015). Es por ello que una de las áreas corporativas que se ha visto afectada por la emergente digitalización es la de la formación in-company. En este sentido, en las últimas décadas el e-learning se ha consolidado como una metodología formativa ampliamente utilizada por las compañías, respondiendo tanto a las necesidades empresariales como a las de los empleados. Si a ello le añadimos que actualmente prácticamente todos llevamos un dispositivo móvil que nos acompaña a donde quiera que vayamos (Little, 2013), que el mercado laboral cuenta con una fuerza de trabajo cada vez más digitalizada, y que con dichos dispositivos inalámbricos podemos realizar prácticamente las mismas operaciones que con un ordenador (Venkatesh, Thong & Xu, 2012), las organizaciones se encuentran ante la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones de aprendizaje en cualquier momento y lugar..

    Core patient-reported outcome measures for chronic pain patients treated with spinal cord stimulation or dorsal root ganglia stimulation

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    Background: Neurostimulation is a highly effective therapy for the treatment of chronic Intractable pain, however, due to the complexity of pain, measuring a subject’s long-term response to the therapy remains difficult. Frequent measurement of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to reflect multiple aspects of subjects’ pain is a crucial step in determining therapy outcomes. However, collecting full-length PROs is burdensome for both patients and clinicians. The objective of this work is to identify the reduced set of questions from multiple validated PROs that can accurately characterize chronic pain patients’ responses to neurostimulation therapies. Methods: Validated PROs were used to capture pain, physical function and disability, as well as psychometric, satisfaction, and global health metrics. PROs were collected from 509 patients implanted with Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) or Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRG) neurostimulators enrolled in the prospective, international, post-market REALITY study (NCT03876054, Registration Date: March 15, 2019). A combination of linear regression, Pearson’s correlation, and factor analysis were used to eliminate highly correlated questions and find the minimal meaningful set of questions within the predefined domains of each scale. Results: The shortened versions of the questionnaires presented almost identical accuracy for classifying the therapy outcomes as compared to the validated full-length versions. In addition, principal component analysis was performed on all the PROs and showed a robust clustering of pain intensity, psychological factors, physical function, and sleep across multiple PROs. A selected set of questions captured from multiple PROs can provide adequate information for measuring neurostimulation therapy outcomes. Conclusions: PROs are important subjective measures to evaluate the physiological and psychological aspects of pain. However, these measures are cumbersome to collect. These shorter and more targeted PROs could result in better patient engagement, and enhanced and more frequent data collection processes for digital health platforms that minimize patient burden while increasing therapeutic benefits for chronic pain patients.</p

    Spontaneous adaptation explains why people act faster when being imitated

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    The human ability to perform joint actions is often attributed to high-level cognitive processes. For example, the finding that action leaders act faster when imitated by their partners has been interpreted as evidence for anticipation of the other’s actions (Pfister, Dignath, Hommel, & Kunde, 2013). In two experiments, we showed that a low-level mechanism can account for this finding. Action leaders were faster when imitated than when counterimitated, but only if they could observe their partner’s actions (Exp. 1). Crucially, when due to our manipulation the partner’s imitative actions became slower than the counterimitative actions, leaders also became slower when they were imitated, and faster when counterimitated (Exp. 2). Our results suggest that spontaneous temporal adaptation is a key mechanism in joint action tasks. We argue for a reconsideration of other phenomena that have traditionally been attributed solely to high-level processes

    The effect of curricular and extracurricular activities on university students? entrepreneurial intention and competences

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    This study examines how the alliance-building process affects the intention to enter into international alliances in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). From a psychological perspective (Perceived Behavioural Control), the authors analyse the alliance-building process as an inhibitor of the international collaboration intention, considering to what extent the experience affects the intention of the partners involved. The study explores these hypotheses based on a sample of 220 Spanish SMEs. The results provide empirical evidence showing that the intention to develop international alliances is negatively affected by the search and the selection process as well as by the negotiation of the agreement, which reduces the intention to establish an international agreement. In addition, the intention is moderated by the experience of the SME manager. Moreover, there is a negative relationship between the extent of the SME manager's international experience and the intention to develop an international alliance

    A prospective pilot trial for pallidal deep brain stimulation in Huntington's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Movement disorders in Huntington's disease are often medically refractive. The aim of the trial was assessment of procedure safety of deep brain stimulation, equality of internal- and external-pallidal stimulation and efficacy followed-up for 6 months in a prospective pilot trial. METHODS: In a controlled double-blind phase six patients (four chorea-dominant, two Westphal-variant) with predominant movement disorder were randomly assigned to either the sequence of 6-week internal- or 6-week external-pallidal stimulation, or vice versa, followed by further 3 months chronic pallidal stimulation at the target with best effect-side-effect ratio. Primary endpoints were changes in the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale motor-score, chorea subscore, and total motor-score 4 (blinded-video ratings), comparing internal- versus external-pallidal stimulation, and 6 months versus baseline. Secondary endpoints assessed scores on dystonia, hypokinesia, cognition, mood, functionality/disability, and quality-of-life. RESULTS: Intention-to-treat analysis of all patients (n = 3 in each treatment sequence): Both targets were equal in terms of efficacy. Chorea subscores decreased significantly over 6 months (-5.3 (60.2%), p = 0.037). Effects on dystonia were not significant over the group due to it consisting of three responders (>50% improvement) and three non-responders. Westphal patients did not improve. Cognition was stable. Mood and some functionality/disability and quality-of-life scores improved significantly. Eight adverse events and two additional serious adverse events - mostly internal-pallidal stimulation-related - resolved without sequalae. No procedure-related complications occurred. CONCLUSION: Pallidal deep brain stimulation was demonstrated to be a safe treatment option for the reduction of chorea in Huntington's disease. Their effects on chorea and dystonia and on quality-of-life should be examined in larger controlled trial

    Upalni i hematotoksični potencijal metabolita plijesni Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes u zatvorenim prostorijama

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    Mould Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes is known to pose a health risk in indoor environments. Most of its strains can produce several intra- and extracellular trichothecene mycotoxins. Complex secondary metabolites of stachybotrys isolates from mouldy dwellings/public buildings in Slovakia were intratracheally instilled in Wistar male rats (4 μg in 0.2 mL of 0.2 % dimethylsulphoxide; diacetoxyscirpenol as the positive control). After three days, haematological parameters were measured in peripheral blood and infl ammatory response biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fl uid (BALF), and the results were statistically analysed. Exometabolites proved to suppress red blood cell (RBC), decreasing the total RBC count, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. The exposed rats showed signifi cantly higher total BALF cell count, indicating infl ammation, lower alveolar macrophage counts, and increased granulocyte count related to the BALF cells. Due to haematotoxic and infl ammation-inducing properties, metabolites of S. chartarum can cause damage to the airways and haematological disorders in occupants of mouldy buildings.Plijesan Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenb.) Hughes poznata je kao rizični mikroorganizam u zatvorenim prostorijama. Većina njezinih sojeva može proizvesti nekoliko unutarstaničnih i izvanstaničnih trikotecenskih mikotoksina. Muškim Wistar štakorima instilirani su intratrahealno kompleksni sekundarni metaboliti stahibotrisa izolirani iz stambenih i javnih zgrada u Slovačkoj zahvaćenima plijesni (4 μg na 0,2 mL 0,2 %-tnog dimetilsulfoksida; dok se diacetoksiscirpenol rabio kao pozitivna kontrola). Tri dana kasnije izmjereni su hematološki parametri u perifernoj krvi te biopokazatelji upalnoga odgovora u bronhoalveolarnome ispirku te su rezultati obrađeni statistički. Pokazalo se da egzometaboliti suprimiraju eritrocite, smanjujući njihov ukupni broj, hemoglobin i hematokrit. Izloženi štakori imali su značajno veći broj stanica u bronhoalveolarnome ispirku, što upućuje na upalu, dok im je broj alveolarnih makrofaga bio manji, a broj granulocita povezanih sa stanicama u ispirku veći. Zbog svojih hematotoksičnih i upalnih svojstava S. chartarum može dovesti do oštećenja dišnih putova i poremećaja u krvotvornome sustavu osoba koje žive i/ili rade u zgradama zahvaćenima tom plijesni