14 research outputs found

    Building bridges within the field of philosophy of education. Construyendo puentes en el campo de la filosofía de la educación.

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    En este ensayo, introducimos los diferentes contenidos de los que se ocupa este número monográfico dedicado a la filosofía de la educación que edita Bajo Palabra. Revista de Filosofía. El proyecto pretende introducir la filosofía de la educación como una nueva sección en esta publicación y dar a conocer en el ámbito de trabajo más estrictamente filosófico qué temáticas y aproximaciones circulan en el área de la filosofía de la educación. Se ha buscado, además, establecer el perfil de la filosofía de la educación con respecto, en primer lugar, a los trabajos que se han venido haciendo en su nombre y, en segundo lugar, a lo que queda aún por hacer. Estas preguntas son respondidas por los diferentes colaboradores a lo largo de tres secciones. En la primera se ofrecen diferentes visiones de lo que es la filosofía de la educación, en la segunda se presentan varios trabajos representativos de lo que se está investigando actualmente en la filosofía de la educación y en la tercera, se ofrecen tres recensiones críticas sobre publicaciones recientemente aparecidas en tres contextos lingüísticos diferentes relativas a la filosofía de la educación. Esperamos que los lectores de este número monográfico, disfruten de la riqueza de pensamiento y las inesperadas relaciones que aparecen cuando se inicia una conversación en el campo de la filosofía de la educaciónPalabras clave: Filosofía de la educación, área de conocimiento, líneas temáticas, enfoques filosóficos.Abstract:In this paper we introduce this special issue of Bajo Palabra. Journal of Philosophy, devoted to philosophy of education. The project marks the introduction of philosophy of education as a new section within the Bajo Palabra, and aims to present to a broader philosophical audience those themes and approaches which are circulating within the field of philosophy of education. It has been our intention to raise the profile of philosophy of education in respect of both the work which has been done and is being done in its name on the one hand and the work that ought to be done in its name on the other. Happily, these intentions have been addressed by the various contributors. We have arranged the contents of this edition into three sections. The first offers different visions of what the philosophy of education is and ought to be, the second presents several papers which are representative of what is currently being investigated in the philosophy of education, and the third offers three book reviews of recent introductions to the philosophy of education, each from a different linguistic context. We hope readers of the present volume will by stimulated to further reflection by the fruitful thoughts and unexpected relations that emerge when a conversation within the field of philosophy of education starts up.Keywords: Philosophy of education, area of knowledge, research lines, philosophical approaches

    Children’s and Adolescents’ Conceptions of Happiness

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    Previous research on children's and adolescents' happiness has mainly focused on the different variables that may contribute to it. However, very few studies have investigated the beliefs that children and adolescents hold about happiness. It is important to study developmental differences in the conceptions of happiness as beliefs affect people's emotions and behaviors, and they may help explain how children and adolescents strive for their own (and potentially others') happiness. To that aim, we asked 162 children and adolescents to define - in their own words - what happiness meant for them. Their responses were coded according to two different systems derived from previous finding with adults and children. Overall, results showed that hedonic conceptualization of happiness were mainly present in late childhood; whereas eudaimonic conceptualizations were mainly present in adolescence