37 research outputs found

    Novel framework of retaining maximum data quality and energy efficiency in reconfigurable wireless sensor network

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    There are various unseen and unpredictable networking states in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that adversely affect the aggregated data quality. After reviewing the existing approaches of data quality in WSN, it was found that the solutions are quite symptomatic and they are applicable only in a static environment; however their successful applicability on dynamic and upcoming reconfigurable network is still a big question. Moreover, data quality directly affects energy conservation among the nodes. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a simple and novel framework that jointly addresses the data quality and energy efficiency using probability-based design approach. Using a simplified analytical methodology, the proposed system offers solution in the form of selection transmission of an aggergated data on the basis of message priority in order to offer higher data utilization factor. The study outcome shows proposed system offers a good balance between data quality and energy efficiency in contrast to existing system

    Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor: a case report of a rare trophoblastic neoplasm

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    Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor (ETT) is a rare neoplasm of the chorionic type intermediate trophoblastic cells. It is a neoplasm of reproductive age women and usually follows a gestational event. ETT can occur at both intra uterine and extra uterine sites and can be confused with other entities such as squamous cell carcinoma, placental site nodule, placental site trophoblastic tumor etc. Hence, proper diagnosis of this tumor is necessary to avoid unnecessary, excessive treatment as surgical treatment is considered sufficient for ETT. We present a case of ETT in a 36 year old female, who came with symptoms of pain abdomen, white discharge per vaginum and a cervical mass

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Malathion in Environmental Samples

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    A simple, rapid, sensitive, and precise spectrophotometric method for the determination of Malathion is described. The method is based on the decomposition of Malathion in the presence of alcoholic KOH. Dimethyldithiophosphate produced is made to react with Ammonium meta vanadate in Nitric acid with the formation of blue color. Acid degradation of too slow to be important under environmental reaction conditions. However, alkaline degradation is too fast to be a pathway in environmental condition. The products of alkaline degradation are temperature dependant. The absorbance maximum was observed at 760 nm. The Beers law is obeyed up to 11 ppm. Interference study was carried for other pesticides

    Security Implications of Making Computing Resources Available via Computational Grids

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    This report inrvestigates the issues of securing access to computin,g resources in computation. al grids. Grid en,viron,men.ts are built orb top of platforms that corrtrol access to resources within a sin,gle adenin.istrative domairr, at the g.r-an,ular.ityo f a use,r. In wide-area multi-domain. grid en.viron,men.ts, the overhead of mainiainin,g user accounts is prohibitive, a.rad secu7.in,g access to resources via user accountability is impractical. Typically, these issues are han,dled by inlplenlert,ting checks that guaran,tee the safety of applic~ations, so [hat they can rurt. in shared use^ accour1.t~. This work shows that safety checks - lan,guage-based, compile-time, link-time, load-lime - curren.tly implemen.ted in most grid en.virorrmen.ts are either in,adequute or limit allowed grid users and applicatiorrs. Techn.ique.s without such li7nitations are presen.ted. Shadow accoun,ts allow reu.se of user accounts without administrative overheads, and run-time solution~s - run-time 7non.itorirt.y and virtu.tr1 machines - allow arbilrary code to execute while erilforciny a given resource access policy

    Research of the g

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