5 research outputs found
Gastric stimulation: influence of electrical parameters on gastric emptying in control and diabetic rats
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to test the effect of different pulse frequencies and amplitudes during gastric stimulation (GS) on gastric emptying in the rat. METHODS: GS was performed in 2 groups of laparotomized rats: healthy control animals, and rats with acute diabetes. The effects of four pulse frequencies (0.5, 1, 10, 20 Hz) and three pulse amplitudes (5, 20, 40 mA) were tested. The volumes emptied from the stomach after the oro-gastric instillation of a nutrient solution were compared to those obtained in animals without GS. Intragastric pH values were assessed under basal conditions and after GS. RESULTS: In both groups, GS increased emptied volumes compared to conditions without stimulation (p < 0.05) for pulse frequencies above 0.5 Hz. Increases in pulse frequencies accelerated gastric emptying (p < 0.01) with a plateau at around 10 Hz. The increase in pulse amplitudes resulted in larger emptied volumes only when the pulse frequency was 1 Hz (p < 0.04) while the opposite effect was observed at 20 Hz (p < 0.04). The most effective combinations to enhance gastric emptying compared to baseline conditions were 10 Hz with 5 or 20 mA. The overall effect of GS on gastric emptying compared to baseline conditions without stimulation, was greater in diabetic than in controls rats (p < 0.05). During stimulation, intragastric pH values were not different from basal conditions during fasting or after a meal in control and diabetic rats. CONCLUSIONS: Although both pulse frequency and amplitude should be considered during GS, frequency appears to be the most critical point. The possibility of increasing gastric emptying by electrical stimulation in diabetic rats suggests potential clinical applications for this method
Laboratory Confirmation of Buruli Ulcer Disease in Togo, 2007–2010
Buruli ulcer disease (BUD) is an emerging disease particularly affecting children under the age of 15 years. Due to scarring and contractures BUD may lead to severe functional disability. Introduction of antimycobacterial treatment necessitated the laboratory confirmation of BUD, and WHO recommends confirmation of at least 50% of patients with suspected BUD by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In Togo, cases have been reported since the early 1990s. However, less than five percent were laboratory confirmed. Since 2007, the German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Organization (DAHW) has supported the Togolese National Buruli Ulcer Control Program in the area of training, treatment and laboratory confirmation of BUD. In close collaboration of DAHW and the Department for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, University Hospital, Munich (DITM), diagnostic samples from Togolese patients with suspected BUD were subjected to PCR. Out of 202 suspected BUD cases 109 BUD patients (54%) were PCR confirmed over a period of three years. Whereas the PCR case confirmation rate initially was below 50%, intensified training measures for health staff in the field of clinical diagnosis and collection of diagnostic samples ultimately resulted in 69% PCR confirmed cases. Our findings confirm the prevalence of BUD in Maritime Region
Résultats préliminaires du traitement des fractures déplacées de la patella
(J. de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé, 2000, 4(1): 247-250