21 research outputs found

    Reaction of a 3-aryilidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative with polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex: unexpected isomerization to dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2)

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    The 3-arylidene-2-thiohydantoin derivative, 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one, was synthesized in a two-step condensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde, thiosemicarbazide and ethyl chloroacetate. The ligand was structurally characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as by elemental analysis. In the reaction of the well-known polymeric trans-[CuCl2(DMSO)(2)](n) complex with the polydentate thiohydantoin type ligand, instead of the corresponding copper thiohydantoin complex, unexpectedly, the dinuclear cis-[{CuCl(DMSO)(2)}(mu-Cl)](2) complex (1) was formed predominantly as the final stable product. The structure of the complex 1 was confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The cis-complex is obtained through assisted isomerization of the trans-form, in which the thiohydantoin derivative has a crucial role

    JoŔ o toksičnosti kadmija - s posebnim osvrtom na nastanak oksidacijskoga stresa i na interakcije s cinkom i magnezijem

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    Discovered in late 1817, cadmium is currently one of the most important occupational and environmental pollutants. It is associated with renal, neurological, skeletal and other toxic effects, including reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. There is still much to find out about its mechanisms of action, biomarkers of critical effects, and ways to reduce health risks. At present, there is no clinically efficient agent to treat cadmium poisoning due to predominantly intracellular location of cadmium ions. This article gives a brief review of cadmium-induced oxidative stress and its interactions with essential elements zinc and magnesium as relevant mechanisms of cadmium toxicity. It draws on available literature data and our own results, which indicate that dietary supplementation of either essential element has beneficial effect under condition of cadmium exposure. We have also tackled the reasons why magnesium addition prevails over zinc and discussed the protective role of magnesium during cadmium exposure. These findings could help to solve the problem of prophylaxis and therapy of increased cadmium body burden.Iako je otkriven tek 1817. godine, kadmij je trenutačno jedan od najvažnijih onečiŔćivača životne i radne sredine. Å tetno djeluje na bubrege, živčani sustav, kosti, reproduktivni sistem, a ima i genotoksične i karcinogene efekte. Nužna su dalja istraživanja vezana za mehanizme njegove toksičnosti, biomarkere efekata, kao i načine smanjenja rizika za zdravlje. Osim toga, do danas nije otkriven agens efikasan u terapiji trovanja kadmijem s obzirom na to da je kadmij intracelularni kation. U ovom radu dan je sažet pregled važnih mehanizama toksičnosti kadmija, kao Å”to su nastanak oksidativnog stresa i interakcije s esencijalnim elementima, cinkom i magnezijem, na osnovi dostupnih literaturnih podataka, kao i naÅ”ih ispitivanja koja upućuju na to da povećani unos navedenih esencijalnih elemenata pokazuje pozitivne efekte pri ekspoziciji kadmiju. Obrazložena je prednost suplementacije magnezijem pred suplementacijom cinkom i razmatrana preventivna uloga magnezija pri intoksikaciji kadmijem. Ovi su rezultati doprinos rjeÅ”avanju problema profi lakse i terapije trovanja kadmijem

    Genotoxicity and potential chemosterilant effects of Rosol

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    Rosol is an anticoagulant rodenticide which, according to the specification of its producer (VZ-Zemun), contains 0.5 g of warfarin-sodium in 100 mililiters of solution. Its cytogenetical effects on bone marrow mitotic cells and testicular meiotic cells of Mus musculus L. (1758) of the BALB/c strain were investigated in an in vivo experiment. Animals were intragastrically treated with Rosol at doses of 0,25 mg, 0,50 mg and 0,75 mg of warfarin-sodium/kg b. w. The applied doses of warfarin-sodium were chosen according to the results of Kastori (1993), who found 0,562 mg anticoagulant rodenticides could be detected in 1 kg of soil polluted by various pesticides. The investigated doses of Rosol induced numerical (polyploidy and aneuploidy) and structural chromosomal changes (lesions, gaps, acentrics, Robertsonian fusions) of both cell types. The results obtained in the experiment point to genotoxic and mutagenic effects of Rosol or of its active component, warfarin-sodium. These effects are significant for rodent pest control as they might cause fertility failure of the treated rodents. The occurrence of numerical and structural chromosomal changes in testicular meiotic cells could lead to the production of genetically unbalanced gametes. If the unbalanced products mature and are capable of fertilization, unbalanced zygotes will be formed and may die in utero or give rise to congenitally abnormal offspring. It appears that the anticoagulant rodenticide Rosol causes antifertile effects and also acts as a chemosterilant

    Limited polymorphism of both classes of MHC genes in four different species of the Balkan mole rat

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    We analyzed the restriction fragment length polymorphism of class I and class II MHC genes in DNA from 20 individuals belonging to the four different species of the complex of species of Balkan mole rats Spalax leucodon captured at four different localities in Yugoslavia. All populations were tested with four restriction enzymes and one conserved mouse probe for each of the two classes of MHC genes. The probes employed detect either limited polymorphism of class I genes or lack of polymorphic bands containing class II genes. Of the two other subterranean rodents that have been studied, four karyotype forms of the Israeli mole rat show polymorphism in both classes of MHC genes similar to the one found in all other mammals (Nižetić et al. 1985), and the Syrian hamster shows limited polymorphism of class I genes and high polymorphism of class II genes (McGuire et al. 1985). Balkan mole rats belong to a new group in this respect, different from all mammals studied so far, since they apparently show limited polymorphism of both classes of MHC genes