55 research outputs found


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    Aluminium tubular structural members may experience web crippling failure due to localize concentrated loads or reactions. This paper reports an experimental program on strengthening of high strength aluminium tubular structural members using externally bonded carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). A series of tests on CFRP strengthened aluminium square and rectangular hollow sections subjected to web crippling are presented. The web crippling tests were conducted under two loading conditions of End-Two-Flange (ETF) and End-One-Flange (EOF). A total of 27 web crippling tests were conducted in this study. The investigation was mainly focused on the effects of web slenderness of aluminium tubular sections on CFRP strengthening against web crippling. The tests were performed on eight different sizes of square and rectangular hollow sections which covered a wide range of slenderness (flat portion of web depth-to-thickness) ratio from 6.2 to 61.8. Material properties of each aluminium section were obtained from tensile coupon tests. Most of the strengthened specimens were failed by debonding of CFRP plate from the aluminium tubes. Three main failure modes were observed in the tests, namely the adhesion, combination of adhesion and cohesion, and interlaminar failure of CFRP plate. The failure modes and the load-web deformation behaviour of the aluminium sections are also presented. It was found that the web crippling capacity of aluminium sections are significantly increased due to CFRP strengthening, especially for those sections with higher web slenderness ratio.link_to_OA_fulltextThe 7th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS 2011), Sarawak, Malaysia, 13-15 July 2011. In Proceedings of the 7th ICSAS, 2011, p. 85-9

    Strengthening of aluminium hollow sections subjected to end-two-flange loading

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    Strengthening of aluminium hollow sections subjected to end-two-flange loadingThe 4th International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS'10), Sydney, Australia, 21-23 July 2010. In Steel & Composite Structures: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures, 2010, p. 462-46

    Moralidade e honra : os juízos de adolescentes em medidas socioeducativas de internação

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    This research investigates children s drawings in Guarani, their relationships with their natural and cultural environment, seeking the same look on your own universe, so we know aspects of their customs and traditions. To this end we conducted a qualitative research, ethnographic, school Guarani indigenous municipality of Aracruz (Espírito Santo), with classes from 1st to 5th year of elementary school. Were discussed theories about children s drawing from the works of Iavelberg, Brent Wilson, Cola, among other authors who consider the design as a cultural product of a given society. The collected data were analyzed based on semiotics greimasiana, with emphasis in the plan of expression and contentEsta pesquisa consiste em um estudo sobre o juízo a respeito da honra em adolescentes que cumprem medidas socioeducativas de internação. Participaram dessa investigação 30 adolescentes, com idade variando entre 16 e 17 anos, do sexo masculino, que no momento da coleta de dados eram internos em uma unidade do Instituto de Atendimento Socioeducativo do Espírito Santo (Iases), na região metropolitana da grande Vitória/ES. Realizamos entrevistas individuais, de acordo com o método clínico proposto por Piaget (1926/s.d.; 1932/1994). Por intermédio dos resultados encontrados, constatamos que, quanto: (1) à caracterização dos participantes, a maioria dos adolescentes estuda na instituição, onde cursam, principalmente, as séries finais do ensino fundamental. No que diz respeito aos delitos cometidos, que culminaram com sua entrada na instituição, verificamos que os internos mencionam, dentre outros: roubo ou furto , tráfico de drogas ou associação ou uso , homicídio ou latrocínio e tentativa de homicídio ou tentativa de latrocínio ; (2) às admirações e não admirações sobre si mesmo, os dados permitiram-nos concluir que os entrevistados admiram, com maior incidência, a perseverança/força de vontade , o respeito pelas pessoas e a bondade/generosidade ; ademais, averiguamos que as não admirações que os jovens citam com maior frequência são o comportamento antissocial no relacionamento interpessoal , a ação relacionada a delito , a ausência de autocontrole e a autossuficiência ; (3) à representação a respeito do juízo da sociedade sobre si mesmo, os participantes ponderam ser considerados como uma pessoa que, dentre outros aspectos, transgride , não mudará de vida , possui qualidade ruim , possui qualidade boa , futuro é a morte , é um perigo para a sociedade e mudará de vida ; (4) à honra propriamente dita, os jovens exemplificam-na por meio da reputação , melhora no relacionamento interpessoal , dedicação ao trabalho , dentre outros. Por sua vez ao conceituarem a honra evidenciam, principalmente, respostas de reputação , ação correta e bondade/generosidade . Por fim, a maioria dos adolescentes afirma ser honrado, justificando pelos seguintes conteúdos, dentre outros: mudança de vida , ação relacionada a delito , bondade/generosidade e melhora no relacionamento interpessoal . É necessário salientar que em nossos resultados há uma predominância de respostas e justificativas associadas à moralidade e, portanto, ao conceito com honra (La Taille, 2002b). Com efeito, destacamos que nosso trabalho contribui para com a compreensão do universo dos adolescentes em medidas socioeducativas de internação, evidenciando dados que poderão conduzir práticas, reflexões e outras pesquisas. Finalmente, ao fornecermos elementos sobre a honra desses jovens, estamos colaborando, acadêmica e socialmente, para a concretização de uma vida boa (La Taille, 2006). Para nós, este é o caminho que devemos construir, socialmente, com o outro e para o outroCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    FRP strengthening of lean duplex stainless steel hollow section subjected to end bearing load

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    Session MO2D - Cold-formed & Light-gauge Structure

    Effects of different widths of CFRP plate strengthened aluminium tubular sections subjected to two-flange-loading conditions

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    This paper presents a test program on strengthening of high strength aluminium tubular structural members using externally adhesive bonded carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). A series of tests was performed on carbon fibre-reinforced polymer strengthening of aluminium tubular structural members subjected to End-Two-Flange (ETF) and Interior-Two-Flange (ITF) loading conditions. A total of 20 web crippling tests was conducted. The investigation was mainly focused on the effects of different widths of CFRP plate strengthening against web crippling. Three different widths of CFRP plate strengthening were considered. The test specimens were fabricated by extrusion from 6061-T6 heat-treated aluminium alloys. The tests were performed on three different sizes of square and rectangular hollow sections which covered a wide range of web slenderness (flat portion of web depth-to-thickness) ratio from 6.2 to 62.8. Most of the strengthened specimens were failed by debonding of CFRP plates from the aluminium tubes. There are mainly three different failure modes observed in the tests, namely the adhesion, combination of adhesion and cohesion, and combination of adhesion and interlaminar failure of CFRP plate. The failure loads, failure modes and the load-web deformation behaviour of the aluminium sections are presented in this study. The web crippling capacity of aluminium tubular sections are significantly increased due to CFRP strengthening, especially for those sections with large value of web slenderness ratio. It is found that CFRP strengthening against web crippling to be effective when the CFRP width having the same width as the bearing length.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Strengthening of Cold-formed Ferritic Stainless Steel Tubular Sections using CFRP Plate

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