25 research outputs found

    Status of 48Ca double beta decay search and its future prospect in CANDLES

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    CANDLES(CAlcium fluoride for the study of Neutrinos and Dark matters by Low Energy Spectrometer) is the experiment to search for the neutrino-less double beta decay(0vββ) of 48Ca with CaF2 scintillator. 48Ca has the highest Qββ-value (4.3 MeV) among all isotope candidates for 0vββ. It enables us to measure signals with very low background condition. After rejection analysis with 131 days × 86 kg data for background events from radioactive contaminations in the CaF2 scintillators, no events are observed in the Qββ-value region. As a result, the 0vββ half-life of 48Ca is greater than 6.2 × 1022 yr (90% confidence level). For further high sensitive measurement of 48Ca 0vββ search, we have been developing the 48Ca enrichment and CaF2 scintillating bolometer techniques. In this paper, the latest result for CANDLES and the status of scintillating bolometer development are described

    Improving farming practices using multi-criteria decision analysis in geographic information system for Damask Rose cultivating

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    Lack of awareness of the critical factors involved in production of plants and sometimes, the cultivation of plants in areas unsusceptible to plant, can increase the amount of chemical fertilizer consumption in order to compensate the subsequent reduction of plant yield. This would increase environmental pollution. Thus, identifying of suitable areas where could supply plants initial needs of the environment is critical. For this goal, several criteria including soil conditions, climatologically indicators, topography situation and agro-climatology criteria were taken into account of modeling processing. Doing so, standardization process was performed on criteria and weighting process was performed by using of analytic hierarchy process approach. Geographical information system based on multi-criteria decision analysis was employed for weighted overlapping of indicators. Initial results indicated that East-Azerbaijan Province in the northern part of Iran has high potential for cultivating of Damask Rose. Results indicate that about 34.4% of East Azerbaijan Province has classified to be high suitability for cultivating this plant, while about 65.5 and 0.1 % of this area classified to be in the moderate and low suitability category respectively. In comparison of Damask Rose production during the 2014 and resulted analytic hierarchy process map results showed that areas with high suitability are not more under cultivation of this plant. Then, the findings of this study are great of importance for the purpose of regional planning in East-Azerbaijan Province

    Effects of fenugreek and dill different intercropping patterns and harvesting times on essential oil of dill

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    Intercropping is an important and sustainable cropping practice in agroecosystems. Intercropping is a planting technique that farmers and gardeners can use to promote beneficial plant interactions and increases in biodiversity, enhanced production and lower economic risk. In the search for sustainable agricultural methods for medicinal plants, fenugreek and dill plants were intercropped at different additive (1:20, 1:40 and 1:60) and replacement (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3) series, at the Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran. Field experiment was arranged as split plot based on randomized complete block design in three replicates. Dill umbels were harvested at flowering, pasty and complete ripening stages. Results showed that among harvesting times, pasty stage had maximum essential oil percentage, essential oil yield and harvest index of essential oil, whereas among intercropping patterns, 1:1 and 1:20 treatments had the maximum values. Fenugreek as a medicinal, forage and legume crop promote dill essential oil yield and harvest index and could be an effective plant in intercropping systems