501 research outputs found

    Composite Fermions and quantum Hall systems: Role of the Coulomb pseudopotential

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    The mean field composite Fermion (CF) picture successfully predicts angular momenta of multiplets forming the lowest energy band in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) systems. This success cannot be attributed to a cancellation between Coulomb and Chern-Simons interactions beyond the mean field, because these interactions have totally different energy scales. Rather, it results from the behavior of the Coulomb pseudopotential V(L) (pair energy as a function of pair angular momentum) in the lowest Landau level (LL). The class of short range repulsive pseudopotentials is defined that lead to short range Laughlin like correlations in many body systems and to which the CF model can be applied. These Laughlin correlations are described quantitatively using the formalism of fractional parentage. The discussion is illustrated with an analysis of the energy spectra obtained in numerical diagonalization of up to eleven electrons in the lowest and excited LL's. The qualitative difference in the behavior of V(L) is shown to sometimes invalidate the mean field CF picture when applied to higher LL's. For example, the nu=7/3 state is not a Laughlin nu=1/3 state in the first excited LL. The analysis of the involved pseudopotentials also explains the success or failure of the CF picture when applied to other systems of charged Fermions with Coulomb repulsion, such as the Laughlin quasiparticles in the FQH hierarchy or charged excitons in an electron-hole plasma.Comment: 27 pages, 23 figures, revised version (significant changes in text and figures), submitted to Phil. Mag.

    Degeneracies when only T=1 two-body interactions are present

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    In the nuclear f_7/2 shell, the nucleon-nucleon interaction can be represented by the eight values E(J)=, J=0,1,...,7, where for even J the isospin is 1, and for odd J it is 0. If we set the T=0 (odd J) two-body matrix elements to 0 (or to a constant), we find several degeneracies which we attempt to explain in this work. We also give more detailed expressions than previously for the energies of the states in question. New methods are used to explain degeneracies that are found in {45}Ti (I=25/2- and 27/2-), {46}V (I=12^+_1 and 13^+_1, as well as I=13^+_2 and 15+), and {47}V (I=29/2- and 31/2-).Comment: 21 pages; RevTeX4. We have filled in some holes, mainly including more equations for the 44Ti Sectio

    Seniority conservation and seniority violation in the g_{9/2} shell

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    The g_{9/2} shell of identical particles is the first one for which one can have seniority-mixing effects. We consider three interactions: a delta interaction that conserves seniority, a quadrupole-quadrupole (QQ) interaction that does not, and a third one consisting of two-body matrix elements taken from experiment (98Cd) that also leads to some seniority mixing. We deal with proton holes relative to a Z=50,N=50 core. One surprising result is that, for a four-particle system with total angular momentum I=4, there is one state with seniority v=4 that is an eigenstate of any two-body interaction--seniority conserving or not. The other two states are mixtures of v=2 and v=4 for the seniority-mixing interactions. The same thing holds true for I=6. Another point of interest is that the splittings E(I_{max})-E(I_{min}) are the same for three and five particles with a seniority conserving interaction (a well known result), but are equal and opposite for a QQ interaction. We also fit the spectra with a combination of the delta and QQ interactions. The Z=40,N=40 core plus g_{9/2} neutrons (Zr isotopes) is also considered, although it is recognized that the core is deformed.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures; RevTeX4. We have corrected the SDI values in Table1 and Fig.1; in Sect.VII we have included an explanation of Fig.3 through triaxiality; we have added comments of Figs.10-12 in Sect.IX; we have removed Figs.7-

    Spin-driven spatial symmetry breaking of spinor condensates in a double-well

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    The properties of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential are discussed using both a mean-field two-mode approach and a simplified two-site Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We focus in the region of phase space in which spin effects lead to a symmetry breaking of the system, favoring the spatial localization of the condensate in one well. To model this transition we derive, using perturbation theory, an effective Hamiltonian that describes N/2 spin singlets confined in a double-well potential.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Photo- and Electroproduction of the Hypertriton on 3He

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    Differential cross sections of the photo- and electroproduction of the hypertriton have been calculated by utilizing modern nuclear wave functions and the elementary operator of KAON-MAID. It is found that a proper treatment of Fermi motion is essential for the two processes. While the average momentum approximation can partly simulate the Fermi motion in the process, the ``frozen nucleon'' assumption yields very different results, especially at lower energies. The Coulomb effect induced by the interaction between the positively charged kaon and the hypertriton is found to be negligible. The influence of higher partial waves is also found to be relatively small, in contrast to the finding of the previous work. The off-shell assumption is found to be very sensitive in the case of electroproduction rather than in photoproduction. It is shown that the few available experimental data favor the assumption that the initial nucleon is off-shell and the final hyperon is on-shell. This seems to be reasonable, since the hyperon in the hypertriton is less bound than the nucleon in the initial 3He nucleus. The effect of the missing resonance D_{13}(1895) is more profound in the longitudinal cross sections. Excluding this resonance reduces the longitudinal cross sections by one order of magnitude, but does not change the effects of various off-shell assumptions on the cross sections.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Alternate proof of the Rowe-Rosensteel proposition and seniority conservation

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    For a system with three identical nucleons in a single-jj shell, the states can be written as the angular momentum coupling of a nucleon pair and the odd nucleon. The overlaps between these non-orthonormal states form a matrix which coincides with the one derived by Rowe and Rosensteel [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 172501 (2001)]. The propositions they state are related to the eigenvalue problems of the matrix and dimensions of the associated subspaces. In this work, the propositions will be proven from the symmetric properties of the 6j6j symbols. Algebraic expressions for the dimension of the states, eigenenergies as well as conditions for conservation of seniority can be derived from the matrix.Comment: 9 pages, no figur

    Three-body correlations and finite-size effects in the Moore--Read states on a sphere

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    Two- and three-body correlations in partially filled degenerate fermion shells are studied numerically for various interactions between the particles. Three distinct correlation regimes are defined, depending on the short-range behavior of the pair pseudopotential. For pseudopotentials similar to those of electrons in the first excited Landau level, correlations at half-filling have a simple three-body form consisting of the maximum avoidance of the triplet state with the smallest relative angular momentum R_3=3. In analogy to the superharmonic criterion for Laughlin two-body correlations, their occurrence is related to the form of the three-body pseudopotential at short range. The spectra of a model three-body repulsion are calculated, and the zero-energy Moore--Read ground state, its +-e/4-charged quasiparticles, and the magnetoroton and pair-breaking bands are all identified. The quasiparticles are correctly described by a composite fermion model appropriate for Halperin's p-type pairing with Laughlin correlations between the pairs. However, the Moore--Read ground state, and specially its excitations, have small overlaps with the corresponding Coulomb eigenstates when calculated on a sphere. The reason lies in surface curvature which affects the form of pair pseudopotential for which the "R_3>3" three-body correlations occur. In finite systems, such pseudopotential must be slightly superharmonic at short range (different from Coulomb pseudopotential). However, the connection with the three-body pseudopotential is less size-dependent, suggesting that the Moore--Read state and its excitations are a more accurate description for experimental nu=5/2 states than could be expected from previous calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PR

    Interpretable Subgroup Discovery in Treatment Effect Estimation with Application to Opioid Prescribing Guidelines

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    The dearth of prescribing guidelines for physicians is one key driver of the current opioid epidemic in the United States. In this work, we analyze medical and pharmaceutical claims data to draw insights on characteristics of patients who are more prone to adverse outcomes after an initial synthetic opioid prescription. Toward this end, we propose a generative model that allows discovery from observational data of subgroups that demonstrate an enhanced or diminished causal effect due to treatment. Our approach models these sub-populations as a mixture distribution, using sparsity to enhance interpretability, while jointly learning nonlinear predictors of the potential outcomes to better adjust for confounding. The approach leads to human-interpretable insights on discovered subgroups, improving the practical utility for decision suppor

    Isoscalar g Factors of Even-Even and Odd-Odd Nuclei

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    We consider T=0 states in even-even and odd-odd N=Z nuclei. The g factors that emerge are isoscalar. We find that the single j shell model gives simple expressions for these g factors which for even-even nuclei are suprisingly close to the collective values for K=0 bands. The g factors of many 2+ in even-even nuclei and 1+ and 3+ states in odd-odd nuclei have g factors close to 0.5