123 research outputs found

    Providing Variations of Learning Modalities to Scaffold Pre-Service EFL Teachers in Designing Lesson Plan

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    The present study reported self-reflective study on Instructional Design (ID) course at an English Education Department, East Java in a period of one semester. In this study, I did self-reflection throughout the whole process of my teaching program applying variations of learning modalities. This self-reflection examined the problems experienced by pre-service teachers in designing lesson plan, examined impacts of implementing variations of learning modality in scaffolding the construction of group and individual lesson plan, and described response made by course participants having joined ID course. The data collection technique used to elicit problems faced by pre-service teachers in designing lesson plan were document analysis of lesson plan and conference with pre-service teachers. Field notes and diary were used to collect data about how variations of learning modalities (i.e. modelling, peer collaboration, individual task) help pre-service teachers design lesson plan. Written reflection made by pre-service teachers was used to collect data about responses towards ID course. The findings revealed that variations of learning modalities could help pre-service teachers in the process of writing effective lesson plan. Through modelling, pre-service teachers could recognize deeply about the features of lesson plan structure. Through collaboration, students could acquire both social skills (communication skill, responsibility, trust, respect, care, and tolerance) and academic skills (ability to create effective lesson plan). In independent task, pre-service teachers became more self-directed learners and gained confidence in accomplishing the task. The result of critical reflection revealed that pre-service teachers responded positively towards variations of learning modalities provided in ID course

    Modalitas Dalam Bahasa Jawa

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    Analisis Perhitungan Harga Pokok Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Perum Perumnas Bengkuring Samarinda

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    East Kalimantan branch Perumnas doing home construction, one of which is the construction of ten (10) units of houses in SamarindaBengkuring. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the cost of the construction of 10 (ten) Perumnas housing units in East Kalimantan branch locations BengkuringSamarinda use costing.Permasalahan full calculation in this study is whether the cost of housing projects PerumnasBengkuringSamarinda set by Perumnas higher compared to using full costing.Berdasarkan calculation results of the analysis and discussion of the conclusion of the study is the development of the project cost bahwaperhitungan 10 (ten) units Bengkuring location Samarinda conducted Perumnas higher than calculations using the full costing. Findings the research shows that the hypothesis is accepted

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketidakefektifan Implementasi Rencana Tata Ruang Kota di Kelurahan Gedawang Kota Semarang

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    Kasus pelanggaran pemanfaatan ruang yang terjadi ditingkat permasalahan paling bawah, seperti aktifitas pembangunan di kawasan konservasi di Kelurahan Gedawang merupakan contoh kasus tidak efektifnya implementasi rencana tata ruang Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengkaji faktor apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya pelanggaran pemanfaatan ruang di Kelurahan Gedawang yang menyebabkan rencana tata ruang Kota Semarang tidak efektif dalam implementasinya. Variabel penelitian yang digunakan terkait dengan mekanisme pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang berdasarkan kajian literatur terpilih 5 variabel utama yaitu Institusi/kelembagaan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang, instrumen pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang, kegiatan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang, sosialisasi dan penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat, keterlibatan masyarakat dalam kegiatan pengawasan dan pelaporan. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan ialah metode kuantitatif. Kemudian teknik analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis faktor dengan jenis Rfactor analysis. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data primer menggunakan teknik kuisioner dan wawancara, sedangkan perolehan data sekunder melalui telaah dokumen. Penilaian data analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala likert. Keseluruhan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas yaitu variabel-variabel pernyataan yang terkait dengan variabel utama hasilnya signifikan berkontribusi terhadap variabel terikat yaitu pelanggaran pemanfaatan ruang. Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi instrumen pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang yaitu pertanyaan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap rencana tata ruang dan peraturan Peruntukkan lahan atau peraturan zonasi merupakan faktor yang berkontribusi paling besar terhadap terjadinya pelanggaran pemanfaatan ruang di Kelurahan Gedawang

    Pola Rekrutmen Pemilihan Calon Anggota Legislatif Oleh Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (Pdi Perjuangan) Menjelang Pemilu 2014 Di Kota Semarang

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    Indonesian political parties are institutions that considered an institution withmodern democratic system. Therefore, political parties are obliged to conductrecruitment for Legislative Candidates, mostly party cadres that would be placed inParliament. Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI Perjuangan) prior to theelection of 2014 has a policy of recruiting Candidate Legislatif through a mechanismeand more rigorous process according to Letter of Decree No.: 061 / TAP / DPP / III /2013. Thus, it can be expected to form best representatives in 2014 election, at anylevel of national Parliament, Provincial and City / District.This study aims to determine the pattern of recruitment conducted by PDIPerjuangan in Semarang. The method used in this study is qualitative method. Thedata is collected by in-depth interview to several representative in formants anddocumentation. Analyzes of the data based on the interview.The result showsd that the recruitment pattern of legislative candidate for2014 election conducted by the DPC PDI Perjuangan Semarang was bya on ordersDPP. Based on party rules that have been listed in the Letter of Decree No: 061 / TAP/ DPP / III / 2013. The regulation stated that the recruitment pattern of legislativecandidates must go through the process of registration, networking, administrationtest (psychological, and understanding of party ideology), screening as well asassignments.It can be concluded, that the members of legislative candidates must followthe rules of the party in the recruitment process. Start of the registration process,networking and filtering. While the constraints experienced by DPC PDI Perjuanganin recruiting members of the legislature are in the process of screening for adiscussion of this process is difficult for the parties to determine the names of thecandidates according to the criteria of the party

    Evaluasi Pola Rekrutmen Pegawai Negeri Kabupaten Kudus Tahun 2010

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    The number of games corruption in the recruitment of civil servants in theHoly District has encouraged the author to undertake the study, entitled Evaluation ofEmployee Recruitment Patterns in Kudus Regency in 2010.This study aims to identify and analyze patterns of recruitment in the HolyDistrict Government corruption-free as well as to identify and analyze the factors thatinfluence the recruitment process in the Holy District Government. The data wascollected through interviews and documentary studies at BKD Kudus and follow therecruitment of informants in Kudus Regency. This type of research is descriptiveresearch analysis. Descriptive analysis aimed to investigate in detail the activities andwork of humans and these results may provide recommendation for future purposesThe analysis showed that the pattern of recruitment Kudus less compliancewith BKN No. 9 of 2012 on guidelines for the procurement of the civil servant wherethere are indications of corruption. There are several factors inhibiting the recruitmentimplement, namely: leadership factors; factor rules and regulations; weaksupervision; factor low welfare of civil servants.Recommendations from this study are law enforcement and discipline of civilservants in order to eliminate the factors that become barriers BKD in carrying outthe functions and duties in the recruitment of civil servants
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