139 research outputs found

    Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Telepon Selular Merk Nokia

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    This study aims to identify and analyze how big the influence of internal factors (perceptions, attitudes, lifestyle, personality) and external factors (cultural, social, reference, situation) on consumer purchasing decisions. This research is analytic research is research that uses inferential statistics to test hypotheses. Analysis tools using a statistical method of multiple linear regression analysis. Data obtained from respondents as many as 223 students. Results of that study, all independent variables were studied simultaneously and has a partial influence on purchasing decisions on mobile phones. Purchasing decisions, internal factors and external factors affect by 27.2%, while the remaining 72.8% were not influenced by othe

    Analisis Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Berdasarkan Hasil Interpretasi Visual Citra Satelit Untuk Penerimaan Pbb (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Semarang Utara)

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    Pesatnya pembangunan menyebabkan tingginya Perubahan pola penggunaan lahan. Lahan yang dulunya merupakan lahan kosong atau lahan tidak terbangun, banyak mengalami Perubahan fungsi menjadi lahan terbangun. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dapat di monitoring menggunakan data spasial remot sensing. Akusisi data remote sensing secara berseri dari waktu ke waktu memungkinkan untuk melakukan analisis Perubahan lahan. Citra yang dipakai dalam penelitian adalah Citra Ikonos tahun 2007, sedangkan pembandingnya merupakan peta penggunaan lahan kecamatan Semarang Utara tahun 2009. Software yang digunakan adalah E.R. Mapper 7.0 dan Arc.GIS 10. Proses rektifikasi menggunakan metode Map to Image dimana titik GCP diperoleh berdasarkan data sekunder dari peta yang mempunyai liputan yang sama dengan citra yang akan dikoreksi. Berdasarkan pengolahan citra Ikonos tahun 2007 dan peta penggunaan lahan tahun 2009 didapatkan Perubahan luas penggunaan lahan sebesar 62,656 Ha. Dengan adanya Perubahan luas tersebut dapat mempengaruhi Perubahan harga NJOP, Perubahan harga NJOP yang terjadi sebesar 21,6 %

    Analisi Kesesuaian Perubahan Penggunaan Tanah Terhadap Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (Rtrw) Di Kota Salatiga Tahun 2003,2008, Dan 2013

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    Penggunaan tanah di Indonesia saat ini terus mengalami Perubahan. Pertumbuhan penggunaan tanah di setiap wilayah melalui pemerintah daerah telah memiliki kebijakan rencana tata ruang untuk mengatur wilayah masing-masing. Rencana tata ruang daerah tersebut mengatur penggunaan tanah di setiap daerahnya, rencana tersebut di harapkan dapat mengendalikan penggunaan tanah di suatu daerah agar tetap seimbang penggunaan tanahnya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan tanah di wilayah Kota Salatiga dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun yaitu pada tahun 2003, 2008 dan 2013. Melalui analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar arah Perubahan penggunaan tanah, ketersediaan tanah untuk pengembangan, dan kesesuaian penggunaan tanah terhadap RTRW (rencana tata ruang wilayah).Berdasarkan analisis yang telah di lakukan di dapatkan hasil bahwa, penggunaan tanah di kota salatiga yang terbesar pada kategori tanah pertanian sebesar 57,31% dengan penggunaan tanah terbesar yaitu tanah pekarangan. Untuk penggunaan tanah non pertanian sebesar 42,69% dengan penggunaan tanah tertinggi yaitu pemukiman. Kesesuaian penggunaan tanah di Kota Salatiga terhadap RTRW hanya sebesar 60% sisanya merupakan arahan pengembangan dan penggunaan tanah yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah.Kata Kunci : Kesesuaian , Penggunaan Tanah, Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Landuse in Indonesia continues to changing rapidly. Growth of the landuse in each region through local government has had a policy of spatial planning to regulate their respective areas. Regional spatial plans that regulate landuse in each region is expected to control the landuse in the area to stay balanced.This study aims to determine the condition of land use in Salatiga in the past 10 years, since 2003 -2013 using 2003, 2008 and 2013 land use analysis. The analysis was conducted to determine how big the direction of land use change, availability of land for development, landuse suitability of spatial plans.Based on the analysis that has been done in the results that landuse in salatiga still contained in the category of agricultural land amounted to 57.31% with the use of a ground as a larger landuse, and non-agricultural landuse amounted 42.69% with the use of a residential as the highest landuse. The direction of landuse change is agricultural land into non-agricultural by landing the biggest changes as industrial and residential. Suitability of landuse in Salatiga on RTRW (spatial plan) only 60% remaining the direction of the development and landuse isn\u27t in accordance with the spatial plan

    Analisis Sea Level Rise Menggunakan Data Satelit Altimetri Jason-2 Periode 2008-1012 (Studi Kasus: Laut Utara Jawa Dan Laut Selatan Jawa)

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    Sea level changes carried by tidal observations at the beach. But, the method as it still has some shortcomings in some ways such as limited coverage areas around the coast so the sea face of changing data is only accurate for a relatively shallow sea close to the shore. The existence of tidal palm should be tied to the tidal station and measured by GPS in order to be bound by such a reference ellipsoid..Advances in the development of satellite technology, especially satellite altimetry is intended to observe ocean phenomena, has helped many observations of sea level temporally. To see the trend of changes in sea level rise do linear regression. Calculating the regression process SLA and linear trend analysis of the data altimetry satellite Jason 2. In this final project the results of this regression will be used also to compare the differences in sea level rise in the North Sea Java and South Sea Java. As long years 2008-2012 with satellite altimetry abservations shows that the phenomenon of sea level rise occurred in the North Sea Java and South Sea Java. Sea level rise occurred in the North Sea Java is equal +10.77 mm/yr. Lowest values occurred in Waters Semarang on pass number 64 is equal to +7.92 mm/yr and the highest occurred in the Waters of Madura on pass number 203 is equal to +15.84 mm/yr. For in the sea south of Java, sea level rise is at +16.79 mm/yr. Lowest values occurred in Waters Prigi on pass number 203 is equal to +12.60 mm/yr. As for the sea level rise occurred in the Waters of Cilacap is at +23.04 mm/yr

    Analisis Debit Maksimum Untuk Pembuatan Peta Alokasi Penggunaan Air Permukaan (Studi Kasus : DAS Kupang, Jawa Tengah)

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    The development of the area would lead to high demand for water continues to increase in line with population growth rate. The fulfillment of food needs and activity inhabitant of always closely related to the need for water.These claims cannot be avoided, but should be used as best as possible planned. The common trend is the existence of an imbalance between the availability and high demand for water.To achieve the balance between the need for water and availability of water in the future, efforts are required for the assessment of the components of high demand for water, and the efficiency of water use.Kupang river has the highest discharge in January that amounted to 78,947 m3/s and the lowest discharge occurs in August, namely 4,112 m3/s is equal to the value of the highest water availability in January that amounted to 204.629.856,800 m3 and the lowest water availability value occurred in August which amounted to 10.657.759,680 m3 of water availability with total for a year of m3.High demand for water average monthly the region of Kupang river of 7.746.367,172 m3 covering domestic needs of water and non domestic 3.086.152,800 m3 per month, amounting to high demand for water livestock of 54.213,648 m per month, and the needs of water for irrigation as much as 4.294.918,080 m3 per month with broad the area of irrigated by 1.744,20 ha.While high demand for water total the region of the watershed Kupang river for one year as much as 89.223.414,340 m3
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