1,467 research outputs found

    Stability of the Chari-Pressley-Loktev bases for local Weyl modules of sl2[t]sl_2[t]

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    We prove stability of the Chari-Pressley-Loktev bases for natural inclusions of local Weyl modules of the current algebra sl2[t]sl_2[t]. These modules being known to be Demazure submodules in the level 1 representations of the affine Lie algebra sl2^\widehat{sl_2}, we obtain, by passage to the direct limit, bases for the level 1 representations themselves.Comment: 20 pages; minor revision

    Linking theory and practice in using action-oriented methods

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    We felt that there is a great opportunity for PM researchers to use dialectical approaches such as action research, action learning and action science to link theory and practice. The aim of this chapter to provide doctoral students a practical way to use action-oriented methods – action research, action learning and action science – to carry out research in and about projects while making a theoretical contribution to the field. After briefly explaining each of these methods the chapter discusses ways in which these methods can be combined to provide synergy. The chapter discusses some common data collection strategies used with these methods, also pointing out that other methods of data collection are welcome if the research project requires such data. Action research is often criticised for not being scientific and therefore a discussion on how it can be made rigorous and valid at both data collection and data analysis stages is discussed. Action researchers often do not write up their research using the conventions used in conventional quantitative and qualitative research theses or dissertations. A section is therefore devoted to discussing how to write up action research in novel ways. The chapter includes several reflective exercises to guide the reader (student or researcher) as well as some tips for supervisors of action research projects. At the end of this chapter, the reader can: β€’ understand the basics of action-oriented methods and how they can be used in a research project; β€’ justify adequately why action-oriented methods are applicable to your research project; β€’ establish a model/process to carry out your research applying action-oriented methods

    Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises: An Australian study

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    This research aims to examine the factors influencing the knowledge management practices in Australian SMEs. Primary data was collected by studying companies in Tweed and Gold Coast areas. Besides the academic contribution to the field of knowledge management, this research will be able to provide applicable and practicable suggestions on the knowledge management practices to SMEs in Australia

    Hybrid Cryptography security in public cloud using TwoFish and ECC algorithm

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    Cloud computing is a structure for rendering service to the user for free or paid basis through internet facility where we can access to a bulk of shared resources which results in saving managing cost and time for large companies, The data which are stored in the data center may incur various security, damage and threat issues which may result in data leakage, insecure interface and inside attacks. This paper will demonstrate the implementation of hybrid cryptography security in public cloud by a combination of Elliptical Curve Cryptography and Twofish algorithm, which provides an innovative solution to enhance the security features of the cloud so that we can improve the service thus results in increasing the trust over the technology. Β Β 

    Managing organizational change by using soft systems thinking in action research projects

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    Purpose – This paper aims to show how systems thinking can be incorporated in action research (AR) interventions to successfully implement organizational change. The two case studies described in this paper would be useful to managers who want to implement change in their own organizations. Design/methodology/approach – Both projects used AR as the methodology due to its flexible, responsive and emergent nature. In one project, there was a deliberate attempt to incorporate soft systems thinking whereas in the other project soft systems thinking was used as a sensemaking process while carrying out AR. As an added benefit both approaches have resulted in successful completion of doctoral research. Findings – Soft systems methodology (SSM) and AR can both help in addressing illstructured problems faced by managers, in collaboration with stakeholders using questioning and reflection. Both lead to an increased understanding about the problem situation. The difference is that SSM uses a more structured approach while AR is emergent in its application. SSM practitioners advocate that action researchers would benefit by declaring in advance an intellectual framework to guide their research. This has the additional benefit of overcoming obstacles in an academic environment where research processes are still governed based on traditional research methods. Practical implications – The ideas presented in the paper could be particularly useful to a practicebased discipline such as project management where research into its practice is in demand. Originality/value – This paper would be useful to managers interested in a rigorous methodology to implement organizational change in addressing business problems. It demonstrates ways of combining SSM and AR, resulting in a powerful research tool to carry out rigorous research. Β© 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limite

    Fluorescence signalling of the transition metal ions: design strategy based on the choice of the fluorophore component

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    Transition metal ions are notorious for their fluorescence quenching abilities. In this paper, we discuss the design strategies for the development of efficientoff-on fluorescence signalling systems for the transition metal ions. It is shown that even simplefluorophore-spacer-receptor systems can display excellentoff-on fluorescence signalling towards the quenching metal ions when the fluorophore component is chosen judiciously
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