25 research outputs found

    Confronto tra alcuni metodi di caratterizzazione per l\u2019Impact Assessment di inquinanti emergenti

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    Il lavoro qui presentato costituisce la prima fase di un progetto di ricerca sullo studio degli attuali metodi di caratterizzazione applicati nella metodologia LCA e sulla loro applicazione ai cosiddetti \u201cinquinanti emergenti\u201d. Durante questa fase, sono stati confrontati tre metodi di caratterizzazione (CML2001, EDIP97 e USEtox) allo scopo di: 1) identificare le principali differenze esistenti fra di essi e 2) selezionare fra essi il metodo da applicare successivamente alla determinazione del fattore di caratterizzazione (Q) della categoria di impatto \u201cEcotossicit\ue0 acquatica\u201d

    Characterization of aggregation and dissolution rate constants of metal oxide nanoparticles in freshwater archetypes

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    The assessment of the potential impacts posed by the production, use and application of ENPs (engineered nanoparticles) is an imperative to well evaluate their real benefit. Although, the ENPs offer environmental benefits, for example with their application in soil/water remediation, concerns on their potential environmental impact are on debate. Despite the NPs are already released into environment, the evaluation of the environmental exposure is still far to be reached due to the lack of knowledge in the field of risk assessment. The assessment of the environmental exposure needs the knowledge of the environmental behavior of the NPs in the environment media (for example freshwater, air, soil, etc.). In the last couple of years, framework to assess the exposure or risk assessment of NPs has been developed. There are evidences that the ambient chemistry parameters influence the fate processes and the toxicity of the NPs. Focusing on the freshwater compartment, physical-chemical parameters such as pH, natural organic matter (NOM), ionic strength are directly involved on the processes of dissolution and aggregation. Whereas the processes of aggregation and dissolution has been referred as important key factors in the field of nano (eco) toxicity. In fact, studies evidenced that the aggregation process leads adhesion of the NPs (ex. TiO2) to the body of the organism (Daphnia magna) and influencing the mobility (Baun et al. 2010; Dabrunz et al. 2012 ). As well, the dissolution of metallic nanoparticle ( ZnO ) could influence the toxicity aggregates .These researches highlight that the bioavailable forms is strictly related to the environmental chemical condition. In line with current understanding is that nanoparticles form colloids in freshwater. Praetorius et al. (2012) have developed a fate model for describing nanoparticle river behavior by modeling aggregation using relationships established for colloids, and considering NP-specific processes such as dissolution and aggregation. The applicability of the model of Praetorius et al. 2012 was demonstrated for n-TiO2 emitted to the river of Rhine. Their model requires input parameters specific for the river of interest, such as ionic composition and pH, and is therefore well suited for site-specific assessments, such as ERA. In this study, Praetorius et al. 2012 model will be applied on 12 set of water-types in European Union (EU) (Ghandy et al. 2010 ). The model will be applied on n-TiO2 and n-ZnO to calculate freshwater- and nanoparticle-specific aggregation and dissolution rate constants. The evaluation of the aggregation and dissolution rate constants in several freshwater archetypes is aiming to evaluate the dominating fate processes. Moreover the results will permit to explore the effect of variability in freshwater chemistry and to improve the knowledge on the NPs behavior in freshwater. The calculation of aggregation and dissolution rate will be improved in USEtox model to calculate the fate factor for metallic nanoparticles

    Comparison of the LCIA methods used for the evaluation of chemicals

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    Within the four phases of the Life Cycle Assessment, the impact assessment phase involves the evaluation of the environmental impacts of a product/process, object of the study, through its entire lifecycle. In order to categorize and characterize the life cycle impact of the flows to and from environment, several methods have been developed. This variety complicates the comparability of different LCA studies. A paragraph of the chapter is devoted to the USEtox, as recommend method to characterize the toxic impact categories. The purposes of this chapter are to review the different impact assessment methods used in the LCA of chemicals, in order to show that LCIA methods are most appropriate to the environmental assessment of chemical products and to identify the main categories of environmental impact assessed using these methods

    Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of two different waste managements: landfill and anaerobic digestion

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    Waste management should be approached from the perspective of the entire cycle of material use, which includes production, distribution and consumption as well as waste collection and disposal. Whilst immediate priority must be given to effective collection and disposal, waste reduction and recycling should be pursued as equally important, longer-term objectives. The principles of sustainable waste management strategies are thus to: 1) minimise waste generation; 2) maximise waste recycling and reuse, and 3) ensure the safe and environmentally sound disposal of waste. This study is focusing on the comparison of two MSW management strategy: 1) disposal of MSW in sanitary landfill with biogas caption and 2) anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of MSW with biogas caption and compost production before landfill disposal

    How to calculate the characterisation factor for nanoparticle? A case study on n-TiO2

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    LCA has been addressed as a systematic tool to determine environmental impacts of nanotechnology product’s at sevearl stages of their life cycle. It is also recognized as a powerful tool to compare nanoproducts with conventional products. In spite of this only a few LCA studies on nanotechnology have been published to date and, even fewer assess the human and ecotoxicological impacts. Currently, the knowledge gaps in the field of risk assessment of nanotechnology are reflected in LCA, where characterisation factors (CFs) for toxic impact categories are missing. The determination of characterisation factors requires the knowledge of the environmental fate of a substance and its toxicity. Thus, the assessment of the environmental performance of nanoproducts requires in the first place, the development of CFs

    Metodologia di analisi di rischio sanitario applicata ad un impianto di conversione energetica di biomasse legnose

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    Le biomasse legnose stanno fortemente riemergendo nel panorama energetico europeo e mondiale, trovando impiego sia in applicazioni domestiche che in impianti di teleriscaldamento e/o cogenerazione. In questo articolo viene descritta una metodologia innovativa specificatamente sviluppata per l’Analisi del Rischio sanitario connesso con tali tipologie di impianto. L’applicazione a un caso reale della metodologia qui descritta ha permesso di identificare le principali sorgenti d’impatto sanitario-ambientale, fornendo utili indicazione per la gestione di tali impianti in aree urbane

    The effect factor for nano TiO2: preliminary toxicity tests on Daphnia magna and future developments

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    Nanotechnologies are being developed for application in a large variety of sectors, from food industry to environmental remediation technology. However, numerous uncertainties exist regarding their possible impacts on the environment and human health. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology could be a tool to evaluate, analyze and manage the environmental and health effects for the emerging technologies. The evaluation of the environmental performance of nanotechnologies trough LCA is not always possible due to the lack of data regarding the environmental pathway of NPs. The focus of the present research is to evaluate the freshwater ecotoxicological Effect Factor (EF) for TiO2 nanoparticles (which are widely used in different applications as sunscreens, solar cells, ecc.), following the framework of the USEtox model. This model is used for the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase and is aimed to provide the Characterization Factor (CF) for the ecotoxicity impact category. The CF is quantified trough the evaluation of the Fate Factor (FF) and Effect Factor (EF). The latter is based on chronic or acute toxicity value as EC50. In order to establish the acute EC50 for nano TiO2, two preliminary toxicity tests on Daphnia magna (72h) have been performed. The particles were prepared following two different treatments. In the first case the nano TiO2 suspensions were stirred for 24 h only before the test; in the second case the particles were maintained in agitation also for the whole duration of the bioassay. No adverse effects have been observed for the concentration applied, this contrasts with the findings of other studies that reported effects of nano TiO2 on D. magna. The future developments of our research are to conduct other toxicity tests on D. magna, following different treatments of the sample (example: irradiation with UV-A, filtration etc), and to conduct toxicity test on different trophic level (algae, crustaceans, fish) as suggested by USEtox framework. The research is intended to identify suitable treatments for nanoparticles to be used in toxicity test, taking into account their tendency to aggregate and precipitate and that this could influence the results of the tests. The suitable treatment should also reproduce the actual exposure modality of the organisms in the field