471 research outputs found

    Sensors in Unmanned Robotic Vehicle

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    Unmanned tracked vehicles are developed for deployment in dangerous zones that are notsafe for human existence. These vehicles are to be fitted with various sensors for safe manoeuvre.Wide range of sensors for vehicle control, vision, and navigation are employed. The main purposeof the sensors is to infer the intended parameter precisely for further utilisation. Software isinseparable part of the sensors and plays major role in scaling, noise reduction, and fusion.Sensor fusion is normally adapted to enhance the decision-making. Vehicle location  andorientation can be sensed through global positioning system, accelerometer, gyroscope, andcompass. The unmanned vehicle can be navigated with the help of CCD camera, radar, lidar,ultrasonic sensor, piezoelectric sensor, microphone, etc.  Proximity sensors like capacitive andRF proximity detectors can detect obstacles in close vicinity.  This paper presents an overviewof sensors normally deployed in unmanned tracked vehicles

    Role of combined wash-in and wash-out threshold criteria on dynamic multislice CECT for solitary pulmonary nodule characterisation: data from Indian tertiary care hospital

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    Background: To prospectively assess the accuracy of combined wash-in and washout characteristics at dynamic contrast material–enhanced multi– detector row computed tomography (CT in distinguishing benign from malignant solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN).Methods: Institutional review board approval and informed consent were obtained. The study included 30 patients (16 men, 14 women; mean age, 52 years; range, 25-80 years) with SPN. After unenhanced CT (1.25mm collimation) scan, dynamic CT was performed (series of images obtained throughout the nodule, with 0.6mm collimation, at 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds and 4, 5, 9, 12, and 15 minutes) after intravenous injection of contrast medium (120 mL). The HU value of nodule was noted at each of the scans. Data was analyzed for dynamic enhancement characteristics. FNAC from the nodule was done in all patients. The data were correlated with the cytopathological and follow –up results. The significance of various dynamic enhancement features and different threshold criteria for wash-in and wash-out of contrast medium for differentiation between benign and malignant nodules were derived.Results: There were 16 malignant and 14 benign nodules. When diagnostic criteria for malignancy of both wash-in of 25 HU or greater and washout of 5-34 HU were applied, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for malignancy were 100%, 92.8% and 96.7% respectively.Conclusions: Evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules by analyzing combined wash-in and washout characteristics at dynamic contrast-enhanced multi– detector row CT showed 96.7% accuracy (p<0.001) for distinguishing benign nodules from malignant nodules

    Hybrid Approach for Video Compression Using Block Matching Motion Estimation

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    To discard the redundancy present in video some video compression technique are involved .Basically video is a collection sequential frames in a sequence. video compression means reducing the size of video . In video sequence there are two types of technique are present that are temporal redundancy and spatial redundancy. In this paper we discuss about hybrid technique .Hybrid means combination of any two or more than two technique like efficient three step search algorithm(E3SS) and cross hexagonal search algorithm (CHS) .In today’s date block matching algorithm for motion estimation is powerful technique for high compression ratio and to reduce computational complexity .The motion estimation calculate the position of pixel and It is a custom to calculate the pixel from current frame to reference frame .The main function of motion estimation is reducing the search point and redundancy present in video .The experiment result shows that the proposal algorithm performs better than previous proposed block matching algorithms and required less computation than other technique

    Remotely Sensed Image Inpainting With MNLTV Model

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    Image processing is an significant component of modern technologies as it provides the perfection in pictorial information for human interpretation and processing of image data for storage, transmission and representation. In remotely sensed images because of poor atmospheric condition and sensor malfunction (Instrument error such as SLC-OFF failure on may13,2003 the scan line corrector (SLC)of LANDSAT7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus(ETM+)sensor failed permanently causing around 20% of pixel not scanned which become called dead pixels)there is usually great deal of missing information which reduce utilization rate. Remotely sensed images often suffer from strip noise ,random dead pixels. The techniques to recover good image from contaminated one are called image destriping for strips and image inpainting for dead pixels, therefore reconstruction of filling dead pixels and removing uninteresting object is an important issue in remotely sensed images. In past decades ,missing information reconstruction of remote sensing data has become an active research field and large number of algorithms have been developed. This paper presented to solve image destriping , image inpainting and removal of uninteresting object based on multichannel nonlocal total variation. In this algorithm we consider nonlocal method which has superior performance in dealing with textured images.To optimize variation model a Bregmanized-operator-splitting algorithm is employed. Furthermore proposed inpainting algorithm is used for text removal, scratch removal ,pepper and salt noise removal ,object removal etc. The proposed inpainting algorithm was tested on simulated data

    Free Vibration of Stepped Beam with Multiple Transverse Cracks

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    The present study outlines free vibration analysis of uniform and stepped beam subjected with single to multiple cracks using Finite Element Method (FEM) in MATLAB environment. The crack considered is transverse crack which open in nature. Due to the presence of crack, the total flexibility matrix is established by adding local additional flexibility matrix to the flexibility matrix of the corresponding intact beam element .The local additional flexibility matrix is obtained from Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics theory. An experimental study is carried out to check the accuracy of the numerical results. Mild steel specimens of square area of cross section are considered for the experiment and the experimental results are compared with numerical analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) in MATLAB environment. The results obtained from experimental are checked for accuracy with the present analysis by plotting non-dimensional frequencies for first three modes as function of crack depth ratios for different locations of cracks


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    Objective: HPTLC Method for Simultaneous quantification of co-enzyme Q10 and α-tocopherol in bulk and capsule dosage form was developed and validated as per International Conference on Harmonization [(ICH) Q2 (R1)] guideline.Methods: The chromatograms were developed using a mobile phase of Toluene: ethyl acetate: chloroform (10:1:2 v/v/v) on Pre-coated silica 60F 254 plates and quantified by densitometric absorbance mode at 280 nm.Results: The Rf values were 0.77 and 0.87 for co-enzyme Q10 and α-tocopherol, respectively. The linearity of the method was found to be in the concentration range of 0.6µg-1.8 µg/band for α-tocopherol and 2 µg-6 µg/band for co-enzyme Q10. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.3154 and 0.9559 µg/band for α-tocopherol and 3.441 and 10.42 µg/band for co-enzyme Q10.Conclusion: Developed densitometric method was found to be robust, precise, accurate, and rapid and can be used to analyse fixed-dose capsule samples of co-enzyme Q10 and α-tocopherol

    Assessment of nitric oxide and uric acid in patients of leprosy

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    Background: Leprosy is an old, dreaded infectious disease caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy still continues to be a significant public health problem in few countries including India. Oxidative stress caused by derangement in the balance between ROS and natural antioxidants plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of leprosy. Hence this study attempts to assess the oxidative stress and antioxidant status in terms of Nitric oxide and uric acid.Methods: A case control observational study was carried out in100 untreated leprosy patients and compared with 50 healthy controls.  Leprosy patients were divided as paucibacillary and multibacillary. Serum Nitric oxide and uric acid levels were estimated in both groups to find out correlation of Nitric Oxide with uric acid.Results: There was a significant rise in serum NO in both PB and MB leprosy as compared to controls. The uric acid level was significantly decreased in both PB and MB leprosy patients as compared to controls.Conclusions: Elevated NO levels indicate oxidative stress in leprosy patients, denoting its crucial involvement in the pathogenesis and nerve damage in leprosy. Low uric acid indicates decrease defence of antioxidants in leprosy

    Fabric Fault Detection Using Digital Image Processing

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    This paper helps to detect the fault in fabric. For the good quality of fabric the inspection of fabric is very important .The faults in fabric causes poor quality in fabric. This may affects the economical growth of the Industry. The old methods which are used for fault detection such as Human Visual Inspection, Regular Band based Methodology, Gabor Wavelet Filter Methodology etc which are time consuming &stressful. So to reduce time and stress the new method introduced is Automatic Fabric fault inspection .Due to this method, at the time of manufacturing itself we get high quality fabric it implies the high speed of production.The detection of local fabric defects is one of the most problems in computer vision.For this problem the solution is that at the time of manufacturing fabric in textile the faults present on fabric are identified by MATLAB software using some Image Processing techniques. Image Processing is very helpful because all the techniques applied on the faulty image is useful to acquire fault free image