562 research outputs found

    In vivo multi-parametric imaging of metastatic and non-metastatic breast cancer

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    A current issue in cancer therapy is the characterization of metastatic tumors, which can increase ease of treatment and patient trials. We present an in vivo study of metastatic (4T1) and non-metastatic (4T1-TWIST KO) breast tumor sister cell lines to understand their metabolic behavior, determine differences in two modes of imaging (reflection & transmission), and observe effect of breathing higher oxygen percentage on vascular hemoglobin oxygen saturation. After injection of 10,000 cells into mice dorsal window chambers, the glucose intake and hemoglobin oxygen saturation was measured using a fluorescent glucose analog (2-NBDG) and hyperspectral trans-illumination imaging from 520-620 nm at 10 nm intervals, respectively. The metastatic tumors exhibited increased oxygen saturation and decreased glucose metabolism than non-metastatic tumors. Reflection mode of imaging was unable to pick intricacies in tumor parameters, and increased inhalation of oxygen caused increase in hemoglobin oxygen saturation

    "Embarrassingly White": Faculty Racial Disparities in American Recreation, Park, and Tourism Programs

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    The publisher-authenticated version of Mowatt, R. A., Johnson, C. W., Roberts, N. S., & Kivel, B. D. (2016). “Embarrassingly White”: Faculty racial disparities in American recreation, park & tourism programs. Schole: A Journal Of Leisure Studies & Recreation Education. 31(1), 37-55. is available online at: http://js.sagamorepub.com/schole/article/view/7268 DOI: 10.18666/SCHOLE-2016-V31-I1-7268The recruitment and retention of faculty and students of color is a long-standing challenge in academic programs focusing on leisure studies, parks, recreation, and tourism. However, when confronting the predominantly white composition of educational programs, many evade or, at most, acknowledge the situation as a "deficit." Few offer specific strategies for reversing this pattern, if that is the desired outcome. The purpose of this essay is to extend the discourse beyond traditional diversity initiatives by undertaking a field-wide initiative focused on the disparities in faculty and student representation. First, the essay examines systems that have created and supported the persistence of "white" as privileged in academia. Next, a summary and critique of institutional faculty demographic data over the 5-year period from 2006-2011 from four diverse institutions are presented. This analysis illustrates patterns that have resulted in presumably less than desirable numbers of faculty and students of color. Concrete suggestions for recruiting, retaining, and promoting people of color in academic leisure studies programs are included. Increasingly, today's students are attracted to academic programs in which they will be exposed to faculty representing the diversity they will encounter as professionals. This essay offers a call to bridge the perceived gap between practitioners and academia by recommending systemic changes informed by the lived experiences of communities of color that are effectively served by various leisure service providers

    Time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation for the Hubbard model

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    We develop a time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation (GA) for the Hubbard model analogous to the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (HF) method. The formalism incorporates ground state correlations of the random phase approximation (RPA) type beyond the GA. Static quantities like ground state energy and double occupancy are in excellent agreement with exact results in one dimension up to moderate coupling and in two dimensions for all couplings. We find a substantial improvement over traditional GA and HF+RPA treatments. Dynamical correlation functions can be easily computed and are also substantially better than HF+RPA ones and obey well behaved sum rules.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Diagrammatic method for investigating universal behavior of impurity systems

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    The universal behavior of magnetic impurities in a metal is proved with the help of skeleton diagrams. The energy scales are derived from the structure of the skeleton diagrams. A minimal set of skeleton diagrams is sorted out that scales exactly. For example, the non-crossing approximation for the Anderson impurity model can describe the crossover phenomenon. The universal Wilson-number is calculated within the non-crossing approximation. The method allows for an assessment of various approximations for impurity Hamiltonians.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Women’s Empowerment in Action: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Africa ¤

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    Women in developing countries are disempowered relative to their contemporaries in developed countries. High youth unemployment and early marriage and childbearing interact to limit human capital investment and enforce dependence on men. In this paper we evaluate an attempt to jump-start adolescent women’s empowerment in the world’s second youngest country: Uganda. In this two-pronged intervention, adolescent girls are simultaneously provided vocational training and information on sex, reproduction and marriage. Relative to adolescents in control communities, after two years the intervention raises the likelihood that girls engage in income generating activities by 72 % (mainly driven by increased participation in self-employment), and raises their monthly consumption expenditures by 41%. Teen pregnancy falls by 26%, and early entry into marriage/cohabitation falls by 58%. Strikingly, the share of girls reporting sex against their will drops from 14 % to almost half that level and preferred ages of marriage and childbearing both move forward. The …ndings indicate that women’s economic and social empowerment can be jump-started through the combined provision of vocational and life skills, and is not necessarily held back by insurmountable constraints arising from binding social norms. JEL Classi…cations: I25, J13, J24, O12
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