1,567 research outputs found

    Diversity and Distribution of Curry Leaf in India

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    Curry leaf is an aromatic tropical and sub-tropical plant originated from India. Besides its culinary purpose, curry leaf is known for its medicinal and industrial applications. Based on ethno-botanical reports and other floral distribution studies, the germplasm rich regions of curry leaf in India could be identified into six zones as Foot hills of Himalaya, North-East region, Middle India, Eastern Ghats, Western Ghats and Andaman – Nicobar Islands. With respect to color and size of leaves, habitat and flavor, the curry leaf plant is classified as brown/ gamthi, regular and dwarf morphotypes. Four genetically diverse chemotypes of curry leaves such as -pinene, -pinene, -carophyllene and -phellandrene exist in India. Due to its nutritional value, increasing export potential, less input, lower cost of cultivation, assured income, perennial nature and constant demand in local, national and international markets, the curry leaf is being cultivated on commercial scale in recent years in India

    Theory of the Three Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphite

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    We predict the existence of a three dimensional quantum Hall effect plateau in a graphite crystal subject to a magnetic field. The plateau has a Hall conductivity quantized at 4e21c0\frac{4e^2}{\hbar} \frac{1}{c_0} with c0c_0 the c-axis lattice constant. We analyze the three-dimensional Hofstadter problem of a realistic tight-binding Hamiltonian for graphite, find the gaps in the spectrum, and estimate the critical value of the magnetic field above which the Hall plateau appears. When the Fermi level is in the bulk Landau gap, Hall transport occurs through the appearance of chiral surface states. We estimate the magnetic field necessary for the appearance of the three dimensional quantum Hall Effect to be 15.415.4 T for electron carriers and 7.07.0 T for hole carriers.Comment: Several new references adde

    Performances Based Study On High Strengh Concrete Using Fiber As The Replacement

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    Processed sand is increasingly used as an alternative. With the prohibition of sand mining in several states and the increasing demand for river sand for construction work, many civil engineers have expressed the need to promote the use of manufactured sand in the construction industry. Manufactured sand is reportedly used extensively around the world and technicians at major projects around the world insist on the mandatory use of manufactured sand due to its constant gradation and no impurities. Ordinary concrete lacks the required strength and durability often required for large concrete structures such as tall buildings, bridges, and structures under severe exposure conditions. Due to the prosperous construction activities, natural sand has become scarce due to excessive unscientific methods of extraction from the river bed. For these reasons, it is necessary to produce improved concrete with high strength, using suitable materials. This article demonstrates the effective use of the product fibers and M-sand in high-strength concrete

    Effect of iron on the growth and siderophore production of mycobacteria

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    To gain a better understanding of the role of iron in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis, the growth and production of siderophores were studied in the presence of different concentrations of free iron in vitro with M. smegmatis and virulent, avirulent and low virulent strains of M. tuberculosis. Increase in the concentrations of iron caused an appreciable increase in the growth (as assessed by cell dry-weight and log viable counts) of all 4 strains. This was, however accompanied by a significant decrease in the production of both exochelins and mycobactins, suggesting that these siderophores are necessary only under iron-deficient conditions. The growth and production of siderophores were significantly higher with the virulent strain of M.tuberculosis than with the avirulent (or) the low virulent strains

    Effect of haemoglobin on the growth of mycobacteria and production of siderophores

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    Hemoglobin is known to support the growth of several bacterial species. The growth and the production of siderophores by 4 strains of mycobacteria in the presence of hemoglobin was studied in vitro. The findings were compared with those obtained in the presence of equivalent concentrations of iron in the medium. Increase in the concentrations of hemoglobin caused an appreciable increase in the growth of all 4 strains. This was however, accompanied by a significant decrease in the production of both exochelins and mycobactins. It was also observed that hemoglobin supported the growth of all strains as well as that with free iron and the concentrations of both siderophores was significantly higher in the presence of hemoglobin than in that of free iron

    Effect of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs on the Iron- Sequestration Mechanisms of Mycobacteria

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    The effect of sub-lethal concent-rations of isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampicin and pyrazinamide on the growth in vitro and the production of both exochelins and mycobactins by the high virulent and the South Indian low virulent strains of M. tuberculosis was examined under iron-deficient and iron-rich conditions. There was a marked decrease in the growth of both strains in the presence of increasing concentrations of all four drugs, the inhibition being total in the presence of minimal inhibitory concentrations of the drugs. It was also observed that the growthinhibitory effect of all four drugs was slightly reversed in the presence of high concentration of iron in the medium. A significant increase was observed in the concentrations of both siderophores in the presence of all four drugs, under both iron-deficient (or) iron-rich conditions

    Study for Design of Magneto Rheological Damper

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    Semi-active isolation system have received attention over the active and passive isolation system for vibration, mitigation of vibration in industrial application is the essential development. Magneto rheological damper quick response to sudden maneuvers with less power consumption leads to many research and design of MR damper for different design parameters and variable current input, in this present work designed a MR damper with all the requisite design parameter information compiled from earlier work., number of coils required to generate the effective magnetic flux field has been calculated to design the magneto rheological damper and to arrive maximum magnetic flux density vs dc current with proper proportion percentage of ferrite particles in MR fluid which further leads to calculate shear stress and damper force can produce by the designed MR damper at variable current input

    Siderophore-mediated iron uptake in mycobacteria

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    Iron is vital for the survival and proliferation of microorganisms, while mycobacteria also require this element for their survival within the host. To meet the demand for iron, mycobacteria synthesise and utilise specific high-affinity iron-binding compounds (siderophores) which help them grow in the’ iron-restricted conditions of the host [1, 2] and also participate in the uptake of iron across the thick lipid cell wall [3]. Two types of siderophores are produced by mycobacteria [3]. Exochelin occurs extracellularly to act as a scavenger, and mycobactin occurs on the cell wall to act as a transporter. Specific membrane proteins are also produced by several mycobacteria for the transport of siderophore-ferric iron complexes [4]. Recent work [5] demonstrated that the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains was increased with increasing concentrations of iron in the medium and that the concentrations of exochelins and mycobactins, which are highest under iron-deficient conditions, registered marked decreases. It does not follow, however, that exochelins are involved in the uptake of iron by mycobacteria. We have therefore studied the uptake of iron by four strains of mycobacteria in the absence and in the presence of exochelins released by these strains