26 research outputs found

    Convective Nonlinearity in Non-Newtonian Fluids

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    In the limit of infinite yield time for stresses, the hydrodynamic equations for viscoelastic, Non-Newtonian liquids such as polymer melts must reduce to that for solids. This piece of information suffices to uniquely determine the nonlinear convective derivative, an ongoing point of contention in the rheology literature.Comment: 4 page

    Shockless acceleration of thin plates modeled by a tracked random choice method

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    Modeling Hysteresis in Porous Media Flow Via Relaxation

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    The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.comTwo-phase flow in a porous medium can be modeled, using Darcy's law, in terms of the relative permeability functions of the two fluids (say, oil and water). The relative permeabilities generally depend not only on the fluid saturations but also on the direction in which the saturations are changing. During water injection, for example, the relative oil permeability k_ro falls gradually until a threshold is reached, at which stage the k_ro begins to decrease sharply. The latter stage is termed imbibition. If oil is subsequently injected, then k_ro does not recover along the imbibition path, but rather increases only gradually until another threshold is reached, whereupon it rises sharply. This second stage is called drainage, and the type of flow that occurs between the imbibition and drainage stages is called scanning flow. Changes in permeability during scanning flow are approximately reversible, whereas changes during drainage and imbibition are irreversible. Thus there is hysteresis, or memory, exhibited by the two-phase flow in the porous medium. In this work, we describe two models of permeability hysteresis. Common to both models is that the scanning flow regime is modeled with a family of curves along which the flow is reversible. In the Scanning Hysteresis Model (SHM), the scanning curves are bounded by two curves, the drainage and imbibition curves, where the flow can only occur in a specific direction. The SHM is a heuristic model consistent with experiments, but it does not have a nice mathematical specification. For instance, the algorithm for constructing solutions of Riemann problems involves several ad hoc assumptions. The Scanning Hysteresis Model with Relaxation (SHMR) augments the SHM by (a) allowing the scanning flow to extend beyond the drainage and imbibition curves and (b) treating these two curves merely as attractors of states outside the scanning region. The attraction, or relaxation, occurs on a time scale that corresponds to the redistribution of phases within the pores of the medium driven by capillary forces. By means of a formal Chapman–Enskog expansion, we show that the SHM with additional viscosity arises from the SHMR in the limit of vanishing relaxation time, provided that the diffusion associated with capillarity exceeds that induced by relaxation. Moreover, through a rigorous study of traveling waves in the SHMR, we show that the shock waves used to solve Riemann problems in the SHM are precisely those that have diffusive profiles. Thus the analysis of the SHMR justifies the SHM model. Simulations based on a simple numerical method for the simulation of flow with hysteresis confirm our analysis.Plohr, B., Marchesin, D., Bedrikovetski, P. and Krause P.