79 research outputs found

    Quality and Safety of Meat Products

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    Food safety is a major problem around the world, both regarding human suffering and with respect to economic costs. Scientific advances have increased our knowledge surrounding the nutritional characteristics of foods and their effects on health. This means that a large proportion of consumers are much more conscious with respect to what they eat and their demands for quality food. Food quality is a complex term that includes, in addition to safety, other intrinsic characteristics, such as appearance, color, texture and flavor, and also extrinsic characteristics, such as perception or involvement

    Quality and Safety of Meat Products

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    The Rome Declaration onWorld Food Security includes the right of everyone to have access to Thus, this increase in population poses great food challenges in general, and to the meat industry in and the distribution of food and some of the changes will bring potential problems to food safety and be in developing countries. It is well known that development stimulates an increase in the demand certification. Scientists have much to contribute to this new scenario. Our role will be critical to ensure food. Food quality is a complex term that includes, in addition to safety, other intrinsic characteristics, for high-quality protein, and among candidates, food undoubtedly includes meat and meat products. future population health, nutrition and sensory-acceptable foods. human suffering and with respect to economic costs. Scientific advances have allowed to better know nutritional quality. Food-borne diseases are a major problem around the world, both in regards to of consumers are much more conscious with respect to what they eat, and their demands for quality particular. To meet the needs of these populations, we will have to reorganize production systems quality. In 2020, the world’s population will surpass 7.5 billion of people and the main increases will safe and nutritious food, and the World Summit on Food recognized the link between food safety and such as appearance, color, texture and flavor and also extrinsic characteristics, such as labelling or the nutritional characteristics of foods and their effects on health. This means that a large proportion..

    The effect of carcass weight on fatness and muscle and fat colour of male Ojinegra de Teruel light lambs

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of increases in lamb carcass weight in 1-kg steps from 8 to 11 kg on carcass fatness, muscle colour, subcutaneous and renal fat colour, tissue composition of the thoracic limb, and intramuscular fatty acid composition. Sixty-two carcasses from Ojinegra de Teruel male lambs fed concentrates ad libitum and barley straw were used. Both carcass scores and renal fat weight increased with carcass weight (P = 0.0001), but the percentage increase in renal fat weight was twice that of fat scores. Renal fat was prone to store carotenoids earlier than caudal fat, resulting in increased chroma. With increasing carcass weight, muscle colour became less light (decreased L* (P = 0.0001) and an increased in chroma scores (P = 0.001). Increments of 1 kg of carcass weight led to noticeable changes in the M. rectus abdominis colour, except at the increment from 10 kg to 11 kg. Slaughtering lambs at light weights was found to be advisable because renal fat is not a valuable part of the carcass. The lean percentage of the thoracic limb did not increase with carcass weight, as the increased muscle: bone ratio (P = 0.0001) was offset by an increased fat percentage (especially the intermuscular fat %). Changes with increasing carcass weight in the proportions of the main fatty acids in intramuscular fat were small. Moreover, intramuscular fat did not change in quantity or quality. However, when selling carcasses at heavier weights is preferred, achieving carcasses of 11 kg rather than 10 kg was found to be advisable because the deposition of fat in both was similar. Breeds that deposit fat earlier than the breed used in this study should be fed low-energy diets to improve carcass quality. This feeding strategy could also be considered if fat deposition differs between sexes

    Solubilidad del colágeno y textura de la carne bovina cocinada al vacío: efecto del tiempo de maduración y de la temperatura de cocinado

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    La cocina al vacío se está utilizando de manera creciente en la restauración porque presenta varias ventajas sobre el cocinado tradicional pero tanto la presión de vacío como la temperatura de cocinado condicionan la textura de la carne. Este trabajo estudia, en dos razas bovinas de aptitudes diferentes, los cambios que ocurren en la textura de la carne y la solubilidad del colágeno en función de la temperatura de cocinado y el tiempo de maduración. Se utilizaron 13 animales de raza Pirenaica y 12 de raza Frisona. El músculo Longissimus lumborum et thoracis se fileteó siguiendo un diseño factorial con tres tiempos de maduración (7, 14 y 21 días) y 4 temperaturas de cocinado para la textura (crudo, 55°C, 65°C y 70°C), o 3 temperaturas para el colágeno insoluble y las pérdidas por cocinado (55°C, 65°C y 70°C). La maduración tuvo un menor efecto que la temperatura de cocinado sobre la textura de la carne. El porcentaje de pérdidas por cocinado aumentó con la temperatura. La solubilidad del colágeno se vio poco afectada por la temperatura en el rango 50°C-70°C. En general, la dureza del músculo fue mayor en crudo que cocinada a 55°C, y se fue incrementando con la temperatura. A la vista de los resultados, no recomendaríamos cocinar la carne por encima de 65°C, ya que por encima de esta temperatura se ve comprometida la textura. Sous-vide or under-vacuum cooking is being used increasingly in restoration because it has several advantages, but both vacuum pressure and cooking temperature affect meat texture. This paper investigates, in two cattle breeds of different aptitudes, meat texture and collagen solubility in function of the cooking temperature and ageing time. 13 animals from Pirenaica breed and 12 from Frisona breed were used. Muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum was chopped following a design of three ageing times (7, 14 and 21 days) and 3 or 4 cooking temperatures: raw, 55°C, 65°C and 70°C for texture; 55°C, 65°C and 70°C for insoluble collagen and cooking losses. Ageing had less effect than temperature on meat texture. The percentage of cooking losses increased as temperature did. The solubility of collagen was slightly affected by the temperature in the range 50°C-70°C. In the range 50°C-70°C muscles suffered great conformational changes. In general, toughness decreased until to 55°C and increased slightly since then. In view of the results, we would not recommend cooking the meat above 65°C since above it texture would be adversely affected

    In vivo ultrasonic measurements and live weight for predicting carcass quality in Churra Tensina mountain breed lambs

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    Forty six single male lambs of Churra Tensina mountain breed with a live weight ranging from 19.9 to 24.4 Kg producers of carcass type Temasco, were scanned by ultrasound (ALOKA model SSD-900, with a 7.5 MHz sounder) to determine M. Longissimus dorsi depth and subcutaneous fat thickness between the I Olh_l ]lh, 12th_13th dorsal vertebra and PI_2nd, 3rd_4lh lumbar vertebra. Lambs were slaughtered after 24 h. fasting. Carcasses were cooled at 4' C for 24 h. and halved. The left side was divided according to a standardised jointing procedure, based on six anatom ically regions: shoulder. long leg, anterior ribs, ribs, flank and neck. Each joint was then dissected into muscle, bone plus remainder and subcutaneous, inter-muscular, kidney and pelvic fat. The in vivo ultrasound measurements plus slaughter weight were fitted to predict carcass tissue composition by Stepwise regression analysis. All the developed models were highly significant (P<O.OO I) and explained 70, 51,82,56,59 and 41 % of the muscle, bone plus remainder, subcutaneous, inter-muscular, kidney and pelvic fat variation respectively. The models residual standard deviations were lower than 124.3 g

    Efecto del peso al sacrificio y de la raza en la calidad instrumental y sensorial de la carne de cabritos lechales

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    Se utilizaron 141 cabritos de 5 razas españolas a dos pesos de sacrificio y se determinó la calidad instrumental y sensorial de su carne. La influencia del peso al sacrificio es, presumiblemente, muy importante sobre la calidad de la carne, pero este efecto debe ser valorado para cada raza. Aunque la carne del cabrito más ligero tuvo mayores valores en la fuerza de compresión, en el análisis sensorial esta carne fue descrita como más tierna y jugosa

    Subjective measurements of fat cover and kidney knob and channel fat for predicting leg and rib tissue composition of Blanca Celtibérica kids.

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    CCW, the assess of FC on two scores (1-5) and (1-15) and the assess of KKCF amount on two scores (1-3) and (1-9) were used as predictors of leg and rib tissue composition of 31 Blanca Celtibérica kids, with an average CCW of 6,9± 2,1 Kg. Proportionately 97% of the variation in muscle weight was accounted for by variation in CCW and the inclusion of KKCF amount scored from 1 to 9 improve the precision of the prediction 1%, reducing the RSD in 11,8%. The inclusion of KKCF amount (scored 1-3) did not improve the precision of the rib muscle composition but reduced the RSD in 6,2%. In relation to bone composition of both joints, 95% and 73% of the variation of the leg and rib bone weight, respectively were accounted for by variation on CCW. The 87 and 85% of the leg and rib fat weight variation were accounted for by variation in CCW associated with fat score (1-15) and KKCF amount (1-3) with a RSD of 17 and 32,4 g, respectively. El peso canal fría, grado de engrasamiento con dos escalas de (1-5) y de (1-15) puntos y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal con dos escalas de puntuación (1-3) y (1-9) fueron utilizados como predictores de la composición tisular de la pierna y costillar de 31 cabritos de raza Blanca Celtibérica, con una media de peso canal fría de 6,9± 2,1 Kg. La variación del peso canal fría explicó el 97% de la variación en el peso del músculo de ambas piezas y la entrada en el modelo de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-9) incrementó un 1% la precisión de la estimación del peso del músculo del costillar con una reducción asociada del RSD de un 11,8%. A su vez la entrada en la ecuación de predicción del peso del músculo del costillar, de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3) no mejoró la precisión de la estimación, pero sí que supuso un 6,2% de reducción del RSD. Respecto a la predicción del peso del hueso en ambas piezas, el 95% de la variación en el peso del mismo en la pierna, fue explicado por la variación en el peso de la canal fría, mientras que la variación en el peso de esta misma variable tan solo explicó el 73% de la variación en el peso del hueso del costillar. Finalmente, la variación del peso canal fría, engrasamiento (1-15) y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3) explicó el 87 y 85% de la variación en el peso de la grasa total de la pierna y costillar con unas RSD asociadas de 17,0 y 32,4 g, respectivamente

    Medidas subjetivas del grado de engrasamiento y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal para predecir la composición tisular de la espalda, cuello y bajos de cabritos Blanco Celtibéricos

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    CCW, the assess of FC on two scores (1-5) and (1-15) and the assess of KKCF amount on two scores (1-3) and (1-9) were used as predictors of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast tissue composition of 31 Blanca Celtibérica kids, with an average CCW of 6,9± 2,1 Kg. Proportionately 97, 91 and 92% of the variation in muscle weight of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast, respectively were accounted for by variation in CCW. The variation in CCW also explained 96, 49 and 86% of the variation of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast bone tissue composition. The inclusion in the prediction equation for neck bone weight of FC (1-15), increase the precision in 7% and reduced the RSD in 5,7%. Finally the variation in CCW and FC (1-15) explained 87, 76 and 90% of the variation in fat weight of shoulder, neck and flank plus breast, respectively. Nevertheless the inclusion of KKCF amount (1-3) in the prediction equations of fat weight of shoulder and flank plus breast increase the precision in 2% and reduced the RSD in 6,1 and 10,2%, respectively. El peso canal fría, grado de engrasamiento con dos escalas de (1-5) y de (1-15) puntos y cantidad de grasa pélvico renal con dos escalas de puntuación (1-3) y (1-9) fueron utilizados como predictores de la composición tisular de la espalda, cuello y bajos de 31 cabritos de raza Blanca Celtibérica, con una media de peso canal fría de 6,9± 2,1 Kg. La variación del peso canal fría explicó el 97, 91 y 92% de la variación en el peso del músculo de la espalda, cuello y bajos respectivamente. Así mismo, la variación del peso canal fría explicó el 96, 49 y 86% de la variación en el peso del hueso de las mismas piezas y en el mismo orden. No obstante la entrada en la ecuación de predicción del peso del hueso del cuello, del engrasamiento (1-15) mejoró la precisión de la estimación en 7 puntos porcentuales, con una reducción del RSD asociado del 5,7%. Finalmente la variación del peso canal fría y engrasamiento (1-15) explicó el 87, 76 y 90% de la variación en el peso de la grasa total de la espalda, cuello y bajos. No obstante la entrada en la ecuación de predicción de la cantidad de grasa pélvico renal (1-3), mejoró la precisión de la estimación de la variación del peso de la grasa total de la espalda y bajos en un 2%, con una reducción del RSD asociado de un 6,1 y 10,2% respectivamente

    Características de la canal de cabritos de cinco razas españolas

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    En el presente estudio se han sacrificado 136 cabritos machos de dos niveles de peso para caracterizar de forma conjunta las canales de las razas Blanca Andaluza, Negra Serrana-Castiza, Blanca Celtibérica, Pirenaica y Moncaína. Se han observado diferencias significativas entre todas las razas en las variables de conformación estudiadas excepto en el perímetro de grupa y el índice de compacidad de la canal. La interacción peso-raza fue altamente significativa en las variables engrasamiento y ancho de grupa. EI rendimiento de la canal no fue significativa entre pesos pero si entre razas. En todas las variables con el aumento de peso aumentaron también los valores

    Spanish marketing chain for kid’s meat: from breeder to wholesale

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    Se preguntó a 350 ganaderos de Andalucía, Aragón, Extremadura y castilla-La Mancha y a 350 entradores de Andalucía, Aragón, Madrid, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana, acerca de la manera de comprar y vender cabritos o su carne. Las zonas de producción no coinciden con las de comercialización y consumo y existen grandes diferencias entre regiones en cuanto al tamaño de las explotaciones. La distancia más frecuente entre explotación y matadero fue de 300 Km. En general, los ganaderos venden más caro y obtienen mayor margen de ganancia por el cabrito que por el cordero. Los entradores compran y venden más caro el cabrito que el cordero. La carnicería tradicional y la restauración son los destinos mayoritarios de venta de esta carne. La cadena de comercialización se complica cuando interviene una sala de despiece tras el entrador. La forma predominante de venta es la canal entera y cuando es por piezas, la pierna es la pieza más demandada. El consumo es estacional y está asociado a celebraciones. Farmers and wholesalers from different Spanish regions were enquired about the way in which they buy or sale kids or kid’s meat. Productions areas did not match with marketing points. There were great differences between regions in the farms’ size of the farms. The most frequent distance from farm to the slaughterhouse was 300 Km. Farmers sold more expensive and they obtained higher profit margin with kids than with lambs. Wholesalers buy and sold more expensive kid’s meat than lamb. Traditional butchers’ shops and restaurants were the main wholesalers’ customs. Marketing chain became more complex by the intervention of a quartering agent. The main way in which meat was sold was as whole carcasses. When they were sold by pieces, leg was the most demanded one. Kid’s meat presented a seasonal consumption, associated to holidays and celebrations