29 research outputs found

    Problems of transhipment development in Ukraine: decision ways

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    У статті розглядаються основні проблеми, що постали перед розвитком контейнерних перевезень в режимі трансшипмента в Україні та шляхи їх вирішення з огляду на зростаючий рівень конкуренції контейнерних терміналів сусідніх країн на ринку фідерних перевезень Чорного моря. Здійснити трансшипмент в Україні вдалося завдяки змінам до Закону України «Про транзит вантажів» і наданню Міністерством транспорту та зв'язку України знижки у розмірі 50% на навантажувально-розвантажувальні роботи для цього виду транспорту. Запропоновано ряд організаційних заходів щодо сприяння розвитку цього виду перевезень в Україні, який, в свою чергу, сприяє реалізації транзитного потенціалу держави

    Half-quantum vortex state in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We investigate theoretically the condensate state and collective excitations of a two-component Bose gas in two-dimensional harmonic traps subject to isotropic Rashba spin-orbit coupling. In the weakly interacting regime when the inter-species interaction is larger than the intra-species interaction (g>gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}>g), we find that the condensate ground state has a half-quantum-angular-momentum vortex configuration with spatial rotational symmetry and skyrmion-type spin texture. Upon increasing the interatomic interaction beyond a threshold gcg_{c}, the ground state starts to involve higher-order angular momentum components and thus breaks the rotational symmetry. In the case of g<gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}<g, the condensate becomes unstable towards the superposition of two degenerate half-quantum vortex states. Both instabilities (at g>gcg>g_{c} and g<gg_{\uparrow\downarrow}<g) can be determined by solving the Bogoliubov equations for collective density oscillations of the half-quantum vortex state, and by analyzing the softening of mode frequencies. We present the phase diagram as functions of the interatomic interactions and the spin-orbit coupling. In addition, we directly simulate the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation to examine the dynamical properties of the system. Finally, we investigate the stability of the half-quantum vortex state against both the trap anisotropy and anisotropy in the spin-orbit coupling term.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Precision measurements of s-wave scattering lengths in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We use collective oscillations of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (2CBEC) of \Rb atoms prepared in the internal states 1F=1,mF=1\ket{1}\equiv\ket{F=1, m_F=-1} and 2F=2,mF=1\ket{2}\equiv\ket{F=2, m_F=1} for the precision measurement of the interspecies scattering length a12a_{12} with a relative uncertainty of 1.6×1041.6\times 10^{-4}. We show that in a cigar-shaped trap the three-dimensional (3D) dynamics of a component with a small relative population can be conveniently described by a one-dimensional (1D) Schr\"{o}dinger equation for an effective harmonic oscillator. The frequency of the collective oscillations is defined by the axial trap frequency and the ratio a12/a11a_{12}/a_{11}, where a11a_{11} is the intra-species scattering length of a highly populated component 1, and is largely decoupled from the scattering length a22a_{22}, the total atom number and loss terms. By fitting numerical simulations of the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations to the recorded temporal evolution of the axial width we obtain the value a12=98.006(16)a0a_{12}=98.006(16)\,a_0, where a0a_0 is the Bohr radius. Our reported value is in a reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction a12=98.13(10)a0a_{12}=98.13(10)\,a_0 but deviates significantly from the previously measured value a12=97.66a0a_{12}=97.66\,a_0 \cite{Mertes07} which is commonly used in the characterisation of spin dynamics in degenerate \Rb atoms. Using Ramsey interferometry of the 2CBEC we measure the scattering length a22=95.44(7)a0a_{22}=95.44(7)\,a_0 which also deviates from the previously reported value a22=95.0a0a_{22}=95.0\,a_0 \cite{Mertes07}. We characterise two-body losses for the component 2 and obtain the loss coefficients γ12=1.51(18)×1014cm3/s{\gamma_{12}=1.51(18)\times10^{-14} \textrm{cm}^3/\textrm{s}} and γ22=8.1(3)×1014cm3/s{\gamma_{22}=8.1(3)\times10^{-14} \textrm{cm}^3/\textrm{s}}.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Strategic direction of development of container transport technological system of Ukraine

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    Участь у міжнародній морській торгівлі дедалі все більше розглядається як провідний засіб ефективного використання геостратегічного розташування України, визначення та проведення нею ефективної міжнародної транспортної політики, інтеграції України до світового та європейського економічного простору. За своїм розташуванням Україна є природним «хабом», якій має обслуговувати територію суміжних країн, забезпечуючи створення умов ефективного розвитку власної економіки, оскільки контейнерні перевезення грають важливу роль у розвитку міжнародної торгівлі і є головним сегментом зовнішньоекономічної діяльності

    Dynamical preparation of EPR entanglement in two-well Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose to generate Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entanglement between groups of atoms in a two-well Bose-Einstein condensate using a dynamical process similar to that employed in quantum optics. The local nonlinear S-wave scattering interaction has the effect of creating a spin squeezing at each well, while the tunneling, analogous to a beam splitter in optics, introduces an interference between these fields that results in an inter-well entanglement. We consider two internal modes at each well, so that the entanglement can be detected by measuring a reduction in the variances of the sums of local Schwinger spin observables. As is typical of continuous variable (CV) entanglement, the entanglement is predicted to increase with atom number, and becomes sufficiently strong at higher numbers of atoms that the EPR paradox and steering non-locality can be realized. The entanglement is predicted using an analytical approach and, for larger atom numbers, stochastic simulations based on truncated Wigner function. We find generally that strong tunnelling is favourable, and that entanglement persists and is even enhanced in the presence of realistic nonlinear losses.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figure

    Mean-field dynamics of two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates in highly anisotropic potentials: Interference, dimensionality, and entanglement

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    We study the mean-field dynamics and the reduced-dimension character of two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in highly anisotropic traps. By means of perturbative techniques, we show that the tightly confined (transverse) degrees of freedom can be decoupled from the dynamical equations at the expense of introducing additional effective three-body, attractive, intra- and inter-mode interactions into the dynamics of the loosely confined (longitudinal) degrees of freedom. These effective interactions are mediated by changes in the transverse wave function. The perturbation theory is valid as long as the nonlinear scattering energy is small compared to the transverse energy scales. This approach leads to reduced-dimension mean-field equations that optimally describe the evolution of a two-mode condensate in general quasi-1D and quasi-2D geometries. We use this model to investigate the relative phase and density dynamics of a two-mode, cigar-shaped 87^{87}Rb BEC. We study the relative-phase dynamics in the context of a nonlinear Ramsey interferometry scheme, which has recently been proposed as a novel platform for high-precision interferometry. Numerical integration of the coupled, time-dependent, three-dimensional, two-mode Gross-Pitaevskii equations for various atom numbers shows that this model gives a considerably more refined analytical account of the mean-field evolution than an idealized quasi-1D description.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures. Current version is as publishe