21 research outputs found

    Исследование по возделыванию трититригии в полузасушливой зоне

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    Over the course of several years of meticulous selection, The Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences, successfully cultivated a novel trititrigia crop, characterized as a hybrid between wheat and couch grass. The intrinsic potential of this crop, as highlighted by the authors, instigated a keen interest in its investigation. (Research purpose) To conduct research on the cultivation of trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimova) in the semi-arid southern zone of the Rostov region. (Materials and methods) Trititrigia was cultivated on typical chernozem soil with carbonate content, characterized by heavy loamy texture, in conditions of insufficient and unstable moisture, following the zonal technology for cultivating winter wheat. The main pre-sowing tillage was performed using a shallow method by a combined KUM-4 unit. For seed sowing, the «Demetra» selective seeder was used. Throughout the trials from October 2020 to August 2022, meteorological conditions were taken into account, including precipitation levels and air temperature. Using two crops as examples, the biometric data of trititrigia plants, yield structure elements, combine yield and drought resistance were studied. (Results and discussion) It is determined that trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimova) aligns with the declared parameters in terms of plant height, ear length, and duration of the vegetative period. The plant development type of trititrigia is identical to winter wheat. (Conclusions) It is established that trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimobva) shows low resistance to drought within a semi-arid climate. Additionally, the straw yield surpasses the grain yield by a factor of four, while the weight of 1000 grains is low at 23.58 grams. Moreover, the combine yield (3.80 tons per hectares) falls short compared to the winter wheat variety Stanichnaya (5.09 tons per hectares). Further investigations into trititrigia within a semi-arid climate are considered necessary to determine its cultivation feasibility.В Главном ботаническом саду им. Н.В. Цицина Российской академии наук путем многолетней селекции была выведена новая культура трититригия, представляющая собой пшенично-пырейный гибрид. Анонсированный авторами потенциал данной культуры послужил мотивацией к ее изучению. (Цель исследования) Провести исследования по возделыванию трититригии сорта Памяти Любимовой в полузасушливой южной зоне Ростовской области. (Материалы и методы) Трититригию выращивали на черноземе обыкновенном карбонатном тяжелосуглинистом в условиях недостаточного и неустойчивого увлажнения в соответствии с зональной технологией возделывания озимой пшеницы. Основную обработку почвы до предпосевного состояния проводили мелким способом с применением комбинированного агрегата КУМ-4. Для посева семян использовали селекционную сеялку «Деметра». В ходе испытаний с октября 2020 по август 2022 года учитывали метеорологические условия: количество осадков и температуру воздуха. На примере двух посевов изучали биометрические данные растений трититригии, элементы структуры урожая, комбайновую урожайность и засухоустойчивость. (Результаты и обсуждение) Определили, что трититригия Памяти Любимовой по высоте растения, длине колоса, продолжительности вегетационного периода соответствует заявленным оригинаторами сорта параметрам. Тип развития растений трититригии идентичен озимой пшенице. (Выводы) Определили, что культура трититригии Памяти Любимовой проявляет низкую устойчивость к засухе в полузасушливым климате, урожай соломы превышает урожай зерна в 4 раза, масса 1000 зерен низкая – 23,58 грамма комбайновая урожайность (3,80 тонны на гектар) ниже чем озимой пшеницы сорта Станичная (5,09 тонны на гектар). Отметили необходимость дальнейших исследований трититригии в полузасушливом климате для выявления целесообразности ее возделывания


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    Impact of globalization and digitalization on the efficiency of environmental development of territories

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    Territory marketing is a popular area in terms of developing directions for territorial development and practical steps for the implementation of this activity. The interest in this area has been updated due to the development of globalization and increased competition of territories with each other. However, in the scientific literature there are many similar concepts related to territorial marketing, territorial marketing and regional marketing, which requires understanding and understanding of their essential characteristics and relationships. Along with this, it is of objective interest to characterize the main approaches to territory marketing due to their high demand for Russian reality

    Additional opportunities of remote pedagogical technologies in vocational education of foreign students

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    Remote learning in vocational education of foreign students is demand of educationalservices in a globalized information environment. The article is devoted to the problems of improving the quality of foreign student’s vocational education. The paper provides the choice of additional educational technology training, in particular distance learning, based on the person-focused approach. As an example the authors introduce the educational-and-methodological complex of courses “Methods and devices for environment control.Environmental monitoring” for students and masters in Master degree program «Theenvironment protection». This complex includes information, informative, control section and activities. Finally, it is emphasized that it is necessary to develop new teaching sections and learning resources in English for foreign students of distance learning to create e-books, manuals, information support, to develop new methods and forms of student’s education and teachers-tutors training