140 research outputs found

    Altered expression of immune-associated genes in first-trimester human decidua of pregnancies later complicated with hypertension or foetal growth restriction

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    During pregnancy the maternal immune system has to coordinate uterine spiral-artery remodelling, trophoblast invasion, and acceptance of the semi-allogenic fetus simultaneously. As dysregulation of the immune system is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, we analysed first-trimester deciduas of pregnancies for immune parameters in later complicated pregnancies. Higher IL6 and macrophage mRNA expression, and lower ratios of regulatory macrophages were found in first-trimester deciduas of pregnancies later complicated with pregnancy-induced hypertension. Lower Gata3 (Th2) mRNA expression was found in deciduas of pregnancies with later foetal growth restriction. Our results suggest that adverse pregnancy outcomes are associated with immunological disturbances in first-trimester deciduas. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Enhanced Bruton's tyrosine kinase in B-cells and autoreactive IgA in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Rationale Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is thought to be triggered by repeated alveolar epithelial cell injury. Current evidence suggests that aberrant immune activation may contribute. However, the role of B-cell activation remains unclear. We determined the phenotype and activation status of B-cell subsets and evaluated the contribution of activated B-cells to the development of lung fibrosis both in humans and in mice. Methods B-cells in blood, mediastinal lymph node, and lung single-cell suspensions of IPF patients and healthy controls (HC) were characterized using 14-color flow cytometry. Mice were exposed to bleomycin to provoke pulmonary fibrosis. Results More IgA(+) memory B-cells and plasmablasts were found in blood (n = 27) and lungs (n = 11) of IPF patients compared to HC (n = 21) and control lungs (n = 9). IPF patients had higher levels of autoreactive IgA in plasma, which correlated with an enhanced decline of forced vital capacity (p = 0.002, r = - 0.50). Bruton's tyrosine kinase expression was higher in circulating IPF B-cells compared to HC, indicating enhanced B-cell activation. Bleomycin-exposed mice had increased pulmonary IgA(+) germinal center and plasma cell proportions compared to control mice. The degree of lung fibrosis correlated with pulmonary germinal center B-cell proportions (p = 0.010, r = 0.88). Conclusion Our study demonstrates that IPF patients have more circulating activated B-cells and autoreactive IgA, which correlate with disease progression. These B-cell alterations were also observed in the widely used mouse model of experimental pulmonary fibrosis. Autoreactive IgA could be useful as a biomarker for disease progression in IPF.</p

    Про підготовку навчального посібника з краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України

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    У статті обґрунтовується необхідність підготовки навчального посібника з національного краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України, висвітлено стан його підготовки, концепція та окремі, найбільш важливі і дискусійні аспекти змісту майбутнього посібника.В статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки учебного пособия по национальному краеведению для высших учебных заведений Украины, показана степень его подготовки, концепция и отдельные, наиболее важные и дискуссионные аспекты будущего учебника.In the article the necessity of preparation of the tutorial of local history for higher educational establishments in Ukraine is settled down, the state of its preparation, conception and particular, most essential and debatable aspects of the content of the manual are covered

    Acute effects of cigarette smoking on inflammation in healthy intermittent smokers

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic smoking is the main risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Knowledge on the response to the initial smoke exposures might enhance the understanding of changes due to chronic smoking, since repetitive acute smoke effects may cumulate and lead to irreversible lung damage. METHODS: We investigated acute effects of smoking on inflammation in 16 healthy intermittent smokers in an open randomised cross-over study. We compared effects of smoking of two cigarettes on inflammatory markers in exhaled air, induced sputum, blood and urine at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 192 hours and outcomes without smoking. All sputum and blood parameters were log transformed and analysed using a linear mixed effect model. RESULTS: Significant findings were: Smoking increased exhaled carbon monoxide between 0 and 1 hour, and induced a greater decrease in blood eosinophils and sputum lymphocytes between 0 and 3 hours compared to non-smoking. Compared to non-smoking, smoking induced a greater interleukin-8 release from stimulated blood cells between 0 and 3 hours, and a greater increase in sputum lymphocytes and neutrophils between 3 and 12 hours. CONCLUSION: We conclude that besides an increase in inflammation, as known from chronic smoking, there is also a suppressive effect of smoking two cigarettes on particular inflammatory parameters

    GITR signaling potentiates airway hyperresponsiveness by enhancing Th2 cell activity in a mouse model of asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allergic asthma is characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and allergic inflammation of the airways, driven by allergen-specific Th2 cells. The asthma phenotypes and especially AHR are sensitive to the presence and activity of regulatory T (Treg) cells in the lung. Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR) is known to have a co-stimulatory function on effector CD4<sup>+ </sup>T cells, rendering these cells insensitive to Treg suppression. However, the effects of GITR signaling on polarized Th1 and Th2 cell effector functions are not well-established. We sought to evaluate the effect of GITR signaling on fully differentiated Th1 and Th2 cells and to determine the effects of GITR activation at the time of allergen provocation on AHR and airway inflammation in a Th2-driven mouse model of asthma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>- </sup>cells were polarized <it>in vitro </it>into Th1 and Th2 effector cells, and re-stimulated in the presence of GITR agonistic antibodies to assess the effect on IFNγ and IL-4 production. To evaluate the effects of GITR stimulation on AHR and allergic inflammation in a mouse asthma model, BALB/c mice were sensitized to OVA followed by airway challenges in the presence or absence of GITR agonist antibodies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GITR engagement potentiated cytokine release from CD3/CD28-stimulated Th2 but not Th1 cells <it>in vitro</it>. In the mouse asthma model, GITR triggering at the time of challenge induced enhanced airway hyperresponsiveness, serum IgE and <it>ex vivo </it>Th2 cytokine release, but did not increase BAL eosinophilia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GITR exerts a differential effect on cytokine release of fully differentiated Th1 and Th2 cells <it>in vitro</it>, potentiating Th2 but not Th1 cytokine production. This effect on Th2 effector functions was also observed <it>in vivo </it>in our mouse model of asthma, resulting in enhanced AHR, serum IgE responses and Th2 cytokine production. This is the first report showing the effects of GITR activation on cytokine production by polarized primary Th1 and Th2 populations and the relevance of this pathway for AHR in mouse models for asthma. Our data provides crucial information on the mode of action of the GITR signaling, a pathway which is currently being considered for therapeutic intervention.</p

    Fibrocytes are increased in lung and peripheral blood of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background: Fibrocytes are implicated in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) pathogenesis and increased proportions in the circulation are associated with poor prognosis. Upon tissue injury, fibrocytes migrate to the affected organ. In IPF patients, circulating fibrocytes are increased especially during exacerbations, however fibrocytes in the lungs have not been examined. Therefore, we sought to evaluate if fibrocytes can be detected in IPF lungs and we compare percentages and phenotypic characteristics of lung fibrocytes with circulating fibrocytes in IPF. Methods: First we optimized flow cytometric detection circulating fibrocytes using a unique combination of intra- and extra-cellular markers to establish a solid gating strategy. Next we analyzed lung fibrocytes in single cell suspensions of explanted IPF and control lungs and compared characteristics and numbers with circulating fibrocytes of IPF. Results: Using a gating strategy for both circulating and lung fibrocytes, which excludes potentially contaminating cell populations (e.g. neutrophils and different leukocyte subsets), we show that patients with IPF have increased proportions of fibrocytes, not only in the circulation, but also in explanted end-stage IPF lungs. These lung fibrocytes have increased surface expression of HLA-DR, increased intracellular collagen-1 expression, and also altered forward and side scatter characteristics compared with their circulating counterparts. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that lung fibrocytes in IPF patients can be quantified and characterized by flow cytometry. Lung fibrocytes have different characteristics than circulating fibrocytes and represent an intermediate cell population between circulating fibrocytes and lung fibroblast. Therefore, more insight in their phenotype might lead to specific therapeutic targeting in fibrotic lung diseases