202 research outputs found

    Particle Size Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of the Kemaman River Estuarine System, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Surface sediment samples from the Kemaman River estuarine system were analysed for the grain size in order to understand better the sedimentation processes in the estuary and along the Kemaman river. Their statistical values do not vary significantly according to the seasonal changes but show some relatively lower phi (0) values during the non-monsoon season compared to the monsoon season. The characteristics of deposited sediments at each station are very dependent upon the combination of physical forces such as freshwater runoffs, tidal currents and waves

    The determination of accretion rate in Setiu Mangrove, Malaysia: Thorium-230 versus artificial horizontal marker method

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    In this study, determination of sediment accretion rate using the 230Th and the artificial horizon marker method in Setiu mangrove were done. Applying the 230Th excess method, an average accretion rate of 0.62 cm yr1 was obtained. This is comparable to that of an artificial horizon marker method giving an average of 0.61 cm yr1• The 230Th method provides a rapid and simple method of evaluating 230Th accumulation histories in sediment cores. Sample preparation is also significantly simplified, thus providing a relatively quick and easy method for the determination of the accretion rate in mangrove areas. Assuming that the accretion rate values are accurate, this may imply that the sediments in the upper 100 cm were deposited during the last 163 years

    Accumulation of Barium, Uranium, Cadmium and Manganese in the Sediment Core from the Pulau Cik Wan Dagang Mangrove Forests, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    The accumulation of elements Ba, U, Cd and Mn with respect to depth was determined in a 150 cm sediment core obtained from the mangrove forests of Pulau Cik Wan Dagang, Kuala Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia. Generally, all elements except Mn decrease with depth and their vertical profiles show a clear boundary at about 70 cm deep. In order to assess the influence of heavy metal pollution more precisely, enrichment factors (EF) were calculated. In this study, U and Cd have EF values significantly greater than unity and may therefore be considered to be predominantly anthropogenic in origin whereas Ba and Mn which have EF values about unity are considered to be predominantly terigenous in origin

    Protocol for an RCT on cognitive bias modification for alcohol use disorders in a religion-based rehabilitation program

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    INTRODUCTION: Alcohol-related cues trigger relapse in patients with alcohol use disorders (AUDs). These cues may automatically activate motivational approach tendencies. Through computerised cognitive bias modification (CBM), the tendencies of patients with AUD to approach alcohol can be reduced. The present protocol describes a training intervention with approach bias modification (ApBM) incorporating religion-related stimuli as an alternative to alcohol to improve the effectiveness of CBM in a religion-based rehabilitation centre. AUD is often related to patients’ religious attitudes in this treatment context. The religion-adapted ApBM, therefore, combines training in avoidance of alcohol-related motivational cues and an approach to religion-based motivational cues. This combination’s effectiveness will be compared with a standard ApBM and to a sham ApBM. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Using a double-blind multiarm parallel randomised controlled trial procedure (ratio 1:1:1), 120 patients with AUD will be randomised into 1 of 3 conditions (religion-adapted ApBM, standard ApBM or sham ApBM) with personalised stimuli. The interventions are delivered over 4 consecutive days during an inpatient detoxification programme in addition to treatment as usual. Assessments occur before the start of the training and after the fourth training session, with follow-up assessments after 1 and 4 months. A multivariate analysis of variance will be used with the primary outcomes, the percentage of days abstinent and meaning in life 4-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes include differences in reported training satisfaction and symptoms of AUD. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been reviewed and approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee Academic Medical Center Amsterdam (Reference number: 2020_251). Further, study results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NL75499.018.20

    Sero-prevalence of Chlamydophila abortus in goat farms in Duhok Province-Iraq

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    Chlamydophila abortus is still considered one of the most common causes of reproductive defeat in goats all over the world. In Duhok province, no data for the presence of Chla-mydophila abortus infection has been reported. This is a preliminary study on a seroprevalence of C. abortus antibodies by using ELISA test from goat’s flocks in Duhok province. Total of 92 female goats, that were ≥ 12 months old, were randomly selected from three flocks (Zakho, Amedy, and Summer districts) of 250 total animal populations in each flock in these three different districts in Duhok province from March to April 2013. From each individual animal, 5 ml of blood was collected from the jugular vein and put them in EDTA tubes for harvesting serum. Out of 92 dairy goats examined, 11.9% were seropositive for C. abortus antibodies. The highest percentage was reported to be in Summer district, then followed by Zakho district. The lowest rate was reported to be in Amedy district. The high percentage of seropositive goats found in this study reflect that this pathogen is highly available in this areas and need further researches to identify the pathogen on a wide country level on many animal species with excellent quality control programs to eradicate this pathogen

    Perceived benefits, rationale and preferences of exercises utilized within Pilates group exercise programmes for people with chronic musculoskeletal conditions : a questionnaire of Pilates‐trained physiotherapists

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    Introduction: An estimated 29% of the population, around 17.8 million people, live with a musculoskeletal condition in the UK. Pilates exercise has positive benefits, including reducing pain and disability for people with musculoskeletal conditions. The aim of the present study was to explore the views of Pilates ‐ trained physiother- apists in relation to the perceived benefits of, and clinical reasoning for, exercise prescription in Pilates classes. Methods: A qualitative approach was taken to both data collection and analysis, using a thematic framework. Data were collected via electronic questionnaires using open ‐ ended questions. Participants included 15 Pilates ‐ trained physiotherapists who regularly ran Pilates exercise classes within seven private physiotherapy clinics for people with a range of chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Results: The results were organized into six main themes: Perceived benefits 1: Improved function and increased levels of activity. Perceived benefits 2: Improved ability to manage their musculoskeletal condition autonomously; Efficacy of group Pilates exercise; Optimum combination of exercises used within a class; Physiothera- pist rationale for the most effective exercises; Precautions with specific exercises. Conclusions: The study was the first to investigate perceived benefits, rationale and preference for choice of exercise among Pilates ‐ trained physiotherapists. Physiotherapists felt that the Pilates classes facilitated an active lifestyle and self ‐ management approach. They used a combination of exercises in each class to address all the main muscle groups, but some had specific exercise preferences related to the patients' needs. Exercises were linked to evidence around neuromuscular control, direction preference and biomechanical principles

    From DNA sequence to application: possibilities and complications

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    The development of sophisticated genetic tools during the past 15 years have facilitated a tremendous increase of fundamental and application-oriented knowledge of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their bacteriophages. This knowledge relates both to the assignments of open reading frames (ORF’s) and the function of non-coding DNA sequences. Comparison of the complete nucleotide sequences of several LAB bacteriophages has revealed that their chromosomes have a fixed, modular structure, each module having a set of genes involved in a specific phase of the bacteriophage life cycle. LAB bacteriophage genes and DNA sequences have been used for the construction of temperature-inducible gene expression systems, gene-integration systems, and bacteriophage defence systems. The function of several LAB open reading frames and transcriptional units have been identified and characterized in detail. Many of these could find practical applications, such as induced lysis of LAB to enhance cheese ripening and re-routing of carbon fluxes for the production of a specific amino acid enantiomer. More knowledge has also become available concerning the function and structure of non-coding DNA positioned at or in the vicinity of promoters. In several cases the mRNA produced from this DNA contains a transcriptional terminator-antiterminator pair, in which the antiterminator can be stabilized either by uncharged tRNA or by interaction with a regulatory protein, thus preventing formation of the terminator so that mRNA elongation can proceed. Evidence has accumulated showing that also in LAB carbon catabolite repression in LAB is mediated by specific DNA elements in the vicinity of promoters governing the transcription of catabolic operons. Although some biological barriers have yet to be solved, the vast body of scientific information presently available allows the construction of tailor-made genetically modified LAB. Today, it appears that societal constraints rather than biological hurdles impede the use of genetically modified LAB.

    Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flashes Under The Influence Of Pollution In Malaysia And Some Countries

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    The effect of air pollution produced from world war, industrial activities and transportation clearly can change the earth ecology system such as the atmospheric conditions. Base on few studies reported from by researcher in USA, Brazil, Spain and South Korea researcher have proven that the pollution effect can enhance the activity of lightning. Those information above motivate Advanced Multidisciplinary System Technology researcher in UTeM to report the cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Malaysia the influence of pollution. Particulate Matter (PM10) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) concentration were used as gross indicator of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and examined in relation to the urban increase in CG lightning activity. PM10 concentration recorded in Subang, Ipoh and Bayan Lepas were 51, 50 and 49μgm/m³ respectively. Meanwhile, SO2 concentration recorded were 8, 7.9, 7.7μgm/m³. The three urban areas have average number of CG lightning flashes of 200, 197 and 184. An analysis related number of CG flashes against pollutants show positive correlation in Malaysia with reading of 0.94. This indicates PM10 and SO2 concentration have high influential factor in enhancement of CG lightning activity in Malaysia

    Effects of moist and fermented feed with probiotic displacement levels in broiler nutrition on morphology and histology of the intestine

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the intestinal morphology and histology effectiveness of broiler chicks fed on moist and different levels of fermented feed with probiotic. Methodology: Three hundred sixty 1-d-old Ross308 broiler chicks were allocated in six experimental treatments for six wk. Chicks in the six treatment groups were fed as follows: (T1) Control group fed on dry feed, (T2) Fed on wet feed (1:1, feed: water). (T3) 25% fermented feed + 75% dry feed, (T4) 50% fermented feed + 50% dry feed, (T5) 75% fermented feed + 25% dry feed, (T6) 100% fermented feed throughout the experimental period. Each treatment had 3 replicates of 20 broilers each. The chicks were raised in a temperature and humidity controlled room with a 24-h. Constant light schedule and ad. Libitum access of water and feed throughout the experimental period were provided. Results: Treatment effects on relative weight and length of the fine intestine including duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and ceca. As well as, the values of villi height, crypt depth, percentage of villi height to crypt depth in duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Differences among treatments were considered significant when P ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that fermented feed with probiotic had a significant effect on morphology and histology of broiler intestine specially: villus height and the villus height to the crypt depth ratio of all duodenum, jejunum, and ileum