448 research outputs found

    Influence of drainage status on soil and water chemistry, litter decomposition and soil respiration in central Amazonian forests on sandy soils

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    Central Amazonian rainforest landscape supports a mosaic of tall terra firme rainforest and ecotone campinarana, riparian and campina forests, reflecting topography-induced variations in soil, nutrient and drainage conditions. Spatial and temporal variations in litter decomposition, soil and groundwater chemistry and soil CO2 respiration were studied in forests on sandy soils, whereas drought sensitivity of poorly-drained valley soils was investigated in an artificial drainage experiment. Slightly changes in litter decomposition or water chemistry were observed as a consequence of artificial drainage. Riparian plots did experience higher litter decomposition rates than campina forest. In response to a permanent lowering of the groundwater level from 0.1 m to 0.3 m depth in the drainage plot, topsoil carbon and nitrogen contents decreased substantially. Soil CO2 respiration decreased from 3.7±0.6 µmol m-2 s-1 before drainage to 2.5±0.2 and 0.8±0.1 µmol m-2 s-1 eight and 11 months after drainage, respectively. Soil respiration in the control plot remained constant at 3.7±0.6 µmol m-2 s-1. The above suggests that more frequent droughts may affect topsoil carbon and nitrogen content and soil respiration rates in the riparian ecosystem, and may induce a transition to less diverse campinarana or short-statured campina forest that covers areas with strongly-leached sandy soil

    Scale variability of atmospheric surface layer fluxes of energy and carbon over a tropical rain forest in southwest Amazonia; 1 diurnal conditions

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the low-frequency characteristics of diurnal turbulent scalar spectra and cospectra near the Amazonian rain forest during the wet and dry seasons. This is because the available turbulent data are often nonstationary and there is no clear spectral gap to separate data into "mean" and "turbulent" parts. Daubechies-8 orthogonal wavelet is used to scale project turbulent signals in order to provide scale variance and covariance estimations. Based on the characteristics of the scale dependence of the scalar fluxes, some classification criteria of this scale dependence are investigated. The total scalar covariance of each 4-hour data run is partitioned in categories of scale covariance contributions. This permits the study of some statistical characteristics of the scalar turbulent fields in each one of these classes and, thus, to give an insight and a possible explanation of the origin of the variability of the scalar fields close to the Amazonian forest. The results have shown that a two-category classification is the most appropriate to describe the kind of observed fluctuations: "turbulent" and "mesoscale" contributions. The largest contribution of the sensible heat, latent heat, and CO2 covariance contributions occurs in the "turbulent" length scales. Mesoscale eddy motions, however, can contribute up to 30% of the total covariances under weak wind conditions. Analysis of scale correlation coefficient [r(Tvq)] between virtual temperature (Tv) and humidity (q) signals shows that the scale patterns of Tv and q variability are not similar and r(Tvq) <1 for all analyzed scales. Scale humidity skewness calculations are negative during the dry season and positive during the wet season. This suggests that different boundary layer moisture regimes occur during the dry and wet seasons

    Effects of light and soil flooding on the growth and photosynthesis of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) seedlings in Malaysia

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    We studied the ecophysiology of ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) seedlings in an experimental set up at the Forest Research Centre in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Ramin seedlings were grown on flooded and drained peat soil under 100, 76, 46 and 23% sunlight, thus simulating effects of different light conditions (canopy gap size) and drainage that occur in natural ramin populations. Seedling growth was highest in partial sunlight (76%) and reduced with reducing light levels. Aboveground productivity and fine root development were significantly higher in seedlings grown on flooded soil compared with those on drained soil. In contrast, investment in coarse root biomass was significantly higher in seedlings grown on drained soil. It appeared that the aboveground growth benefits in flooded conditions were the result of more advantageous conditions for allocation of carbon to leaves, thus enhancing overall relative growth rates through higher light interception rates despite lower photosynthetic capacity. The results of this experiment suggested that drainage of peat swamp forests would seriously hamper natural regeneration of ramin by limiting the growth of seedlings. It is also suggested that selective logging operations which produce medium-size canopy gaps improve ramin regeneration in hydrologically undisturbed mixed swamp forest

    Measurements of soil respiration and simple models dependent on moisture and temperature for an Amazonian southwest tropical forest

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    Soil respiration plays a significant role in the carbon cycle of Amazonian tropical forests, although in situ measurements have only been poorly reported and the dependence of soil moisture and soil temperature also weakly understood. This work investigates the temporal variability of soil respiration using field measurements, which also included soil moisture, soil temperature and litterfall, from April 2003 to January 2004, in a southwest Brazilian tropical rainforest near Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. The experimental design deployed five automatic (static, semi-opened) soil chambers connected to an infra-red CO2 gas analyzer. The mean half-hourly soil respiration showed a large scattering from 0.6 to 18.9 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 and the average was 8.0±3.4 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1. Soil respiration varied seasonally, being lower in the dry season and higher in the wet season, which generally responded positively to the variation of soil moisture and temperature year round. The peak was reached in the dry-to-wet season transition (September), this coincided with increasing sunlight, evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity. Litterfall processes contributed to meet very favorable conditions for biomass decomposition in early wet season, especially the fresh litter on the forest floor accumulated during the dry season. We attempted to fit three models with the data: the exponential Q10 model, the Reichstein model, and the log-soil moisture model. The models do not contradict the scattering of observations, but poorly explain the variance of the half-hourly data, which is improved when the lag-time days averaging is longer. The observations suggested an optimum range of soil moisture, between 0.11

    Predicting Near-Surface Meteorological Variations over Different Vegetation Types

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    Heat and Momentum Fluxes Near a Forest Edge

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    Heat and Momentum Fluxes Near a Forest Edge

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    Soil CO2_2 efflux in Central Amazonia: Environmental and methodological effects

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    Soil respiration plays a significant role in the carbon cycle of Amazonian rainforests. Measurements of soil respiration have only been carried out in few places in the Amazon. This study investigated the effects of the method of ring insertion in the soil as well as of rainfall and spatial distribution on C

    In Vivo Monitoring of Photodynamic Therapy: from lab to clinic

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging clinical treatment modality, which utilizes light, oxygen and a light sensitive drug (the photosensitizer), for curative and palliative treatment of a variety of malignant and non-malignant conditions tumors. PDT is frequently used in the clinic for treatment of superficial skin lesions by superficial illumination of the lesion after the topical administration of a photosensitizer or its precursor. However, PDT is also under investigation for treatment of larger tumors volumes in regions such as the head and neck1,2 and the prostate3 by inserting opticfibers in the tumor volume for the delivery of the treatment light. The therapeutic effect in PDT is induced by the interaction between the tissue and reactive oxygen radicals. These reactive oxygen radicals, predominantly singlet oxygen, are formed by the interaction of photosensitizer, light (of an appropriate wavelength) and oxygen in the tissue. The deposited PDT dose is the amount of light that actually interacts with the photosensitizer that leads to formation of reactive oxygen species responsible for inducing tissue response. Note that this is different from the actual amount of light delivered to the tissue since not all of the light delivered interacts with the photosensitizer scattering and absorption of the tissue. In addition, based on the photosensitizer’s ability to form reactive oxygen species (ROS) only a percentage of light that interacts with the photosensitizer lead to formation of ROS. Also there is a difference between the actual delivered light dose and the intended delivered light dose. Where the intended delivered light dose is set by the clinician to be delivered. Only by measuring the amount of light in situ it is possible to determine the actual delivered light dose. So although this intended light dose is kept the same in individuals undergoing treatment, the actual delivered light dose and the deposited PDT dose can vary due to biological variation and the dynamic interaction between light, photosensitizer and oxygen in tissue. Inter individual variations in deposited PDTdose yield variations in induced tissue response and treatment outcome. For this reason it is necessary to determine and monitor the deposited PDT dose during therapeutic illumination