329 research outputs found

    Energetics of Magnetic Storms Driven by Corotating Interaction Regions: A Study of Geoeffectiveness

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    We investigate the energetics of magnetic storms associated with corotating interaction regions (CIRs). We analyze 24 storms driven by CIRs and compare to 18 driven by ejecta-related events to determine how they differ in overall properties and in particular in their distribution of energy. To compare these different types of events, we look at events with comparable input parameters such as the epsilon parameter and note the properties of the resulting storms. We estimate the energy output by looking at the ring current energy along with ionospheric Joule heating derived from the PC and Dst indices. We also include the energy of auroral precipitation, estimated from NOAA/TIROS and DMSP observations. In general, ejecta-driven storms produce more intense events, as parameterized by Dst*, but they are usually not as long lasting, and in most cases deposit less energy. This is observed even for events that have similar input quantities, such as epsilon. This may be related to the high speed of the solar wind, in that an increased magnetosonic Mach number may influence the reconnection rate and therefore the coupling. Additionally, we find the efficiency of the coupling varies greatly from CIR-driven to ejecta-driven storms, with the CIRdriven storms coupling substantially more efficiently, particularly in the recovery phase. The efficiency of coupling (output energy divided by input energy) for CIRdriven storms in recovery phase was double that of ejecta-driven storms

    Classical and quantum chaos in a circular billiard with a straight cut

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    We study classical and quantum dynamics of a particle in a circular billiard with a straight cut. This system can be integrable, nonintegrable with soft chaos, or nonintegrable with hard chaos, as we vary the size of the cut. We use a quantum web to show differences in the quantum manifestations of classical chaos for these three different regimes.Comment: LaTeX2e, 8 pages including 3 Postscript figures and 4 GIF figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Human Ontogeny of Drug Transporters: Review and Recommendations of the Pediatric Transporter Working Group

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    The critical importance of membrane-bound transporters in pharmacotherapy is widely recognized, but little is known about drug transporter activity in children. In this white paper, the Pediatric Transporter Working Group presents a systematic review of the ontogeny of clinically relevant membrane transporters (e.g., SLC, ABC superfamilies) in intestine, liver, and kidney. Different developmental patterns for individual transporters emerge, but much remains unknown. Recommendations to increase our understanding of membrane transporters in pediatric pharmacotherapy are presented

    Ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited carriers in semiconductor quantum wires: A Monte Carlo approach

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    A detailed analysis of the cooling and thermalization process for photogenerated carriers in semiconductor quantum wires is presented. The energy relaxation of the nonequilibrium carrier distribution is investigated for the ‘‘realistic'' case of a rectangular multisubband quantum-wire structure. By means of a direct ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of both the carrier and the phonon dynamics, all the nonlinear phenomena relevant for the relaxation process, such as carrier-carrier interaction, hot-phonon effects, and degeneracy, are investigated. The results of these simulated experiments show a significant reduction of the carrier-relaxation process compared to the bulk case, which is mainly due to the reduced efficiency of carrier-carrier scattering; on the contrary, the role of hot-phonon effects and degeneracy seems to be not so different from that played in bulk semiconductors

    Assessment of the direct effects of DDAH I on tumour angiogenesis in vivo

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    Nitric oxide (NO) has been strongly implicated in glioma progression and angiogenesis. The endogenous inhibitors of NO synthesis, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and N-monomethyl-l-arginine (l-NMMA), are metabolized by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), and hence, DDAH is an intracellular factor that regulates NO. However, DDAH may also have an NO-independent action. We aimed to investigate whether DDAH I has any direct role in tumour vascular development and growth independent of its NO-mediated effects, in order to establish the future potential of DDAH inhibition as an anti-angiogenic treatment strategy. A clone of rat C6 glioma cells deficient in NO production expressing a pTet Off regulatable element was identified and engineered to overexpress DDAH I in the absence of doxycycline. Xenografts derived from these cells were propagated in the presence or absence of doxycycline and susceptibility magnetic resonance imaging used to assess functional vasculature in vivo. Pathological correlates of tumour vascular density, maturation and function were also sought. In the absence of doxycycline, tumours exhibited high DDAH I expression and activity, which was suppressed in its presence. However, overexpression of DDAH I had no measurable effect on tumour growth, vessel density, function or maturation. These data suggest that in C6 gliomas DDAH has no NO-independent effects on tumour growth and angiogenesis, and that the therapeutic potential of targeting DDAH in gliomas should only be considered in the context of NO regulation

    SNOSite: Exploiting Maximal Dependence Decomposition to Identify Cysteine S-Nitrosylation with Substrate Site Specificity

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    S-nitrosylation, the covalent attachment of a nitric oxide to (NO) the sulfur atom of cysteine, is a selective and reversible protein post-translational modification (PTM) that regulates protein activity, localization, and stability. Despite its implication in the regulation of protein functions and cell signaling, the substrate specificity of cysteine S-nitrosylation remains unknown. Based on a total of 586 experimentally identified S-nitrosylation sites from SNAP/L-cysteine-stimulated mouse endothelial cells, this work presents an informatics investigation on S-nitrosylation sites including structural factors such as the flanking amino acids composition, the accessible surface area (ASA) and physicochemical properties, i.e. positive charge and side chain interaction parameter. Due to the difficulty to obtain the conserved motifs by conventional motif analysis, maximal dependence decomposition (MDD) has been applied to obtain statistically significant conserved motifs. Support vector machine (SVM) is applied to generate predictive model for each MDD-clustered motif. According to five-fold cross-validation, the MDD-clustered SVMs could achieve an accuracy of 0.902, and provides a promising performance in an independent test set. The effectiveness of the model was demonstrated on the correct identification of previously reported S-nitrosylation sites of Bos taurus dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1 (DDAH1) and human hemoglobin subunit beta (HBB). Finally, the MDD-clustered model was adopted to construct an effective web-based tool, named SNOSite (http://csb.cse.yzu.edu.tw/SNOSite/), for identifying S-nitrosylation sites on the uncharacterized protein sequences

    ZO-1 Stabilizes the Tight Junction Solute Barrier through Coupling to the Perijunctional Cytoskeleton

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    ZO-1 binds numerous transmembrane and cytoplasmic proteins and is required for assembly of both adherens and tight junctions, but its role in defining barrier properties of an established tight junction is unknown. We depleted ZO-1 in MDCK cells using siRNA methods and observed specific defects in the barrier for large solutes, even though flux through the small claudin pores was unaffected. This permeability increase was accompanied by morphological alterations and reorganization of apical actin and myosin. The permeability defect, and to a lesser extent morphological changes, could be rescued by reexpression of either full-length ZO-1 or an N-terminal construct containing the PDZ, SH3, and GUK domains. ZO-2 knockdown did not replicate either the permeability or morphological phenotypes seen in the ZO-1 knockdown, suggesting that ZO-1 and -2 are not functionally redundant for these functions. Wild-type and knockdown MDCK cells had differing physiological and morphological responses to pharmacologic interventions targeting myosin activity. Use of the ROCK inhibitor Y27632 or myosin inhibitor blebbistatin increased TER in wild-type cells, whereas ZO-1 knockdown monolayers were either unaffected or changed in the opposite direction; paracellular flux and myosin localization were also differentially affected. These studies are the first direct evidence that ZO-1 limits solute permeability in established tight junctions, perhaps by forming a stabilizing link between the barrier and perijunctional actomyosin