19 research outputs found

    The nature and causes of early thermal and shrinkage cracks in concrete structures

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    Zagadnienia przedstawione w artykule dotyczą często obserwowanych w praktyce zarysowań i spękań konstrukcji betonowych, powstających już w fazie ich wznoszenia. Przyczyną tych zarysowań są przede wszystkim nierównomierne zmiany objętościowe twardniejącego betonu. Spowodowane są one wzrostem temperatury betonu wywołanym egzotermicznym procesem hydratacji cementu oraz wymianą wilgoci twardniejącego betonu z otoczeniem. W artykule opisano charakter oraz przyczyny występowania wczesnych rys i spękań w masywnych płytach fundamentowych oraz w ścianach żelbetowych. Przedstawiono również główne czynniki technologiczno-materiałowe wpływające na zwiększenie ryzyka zarysowania we wczesnym okresie dojrzewania betonu.The issues discussed in this article relate to a phenomenon frequently observed in practice – fractures and cracks in concrete structures occurring even at the construction stage. The principal reason for these cracks is uneven changes in volume in the hardening concrete. They are caused by an increase in the temperature of the concrete, resulting from an exothermic process of cement hydration and the exchange of moisture in the hardening concrete with the surroundings. The article describes the nature of and reasons for early fractures and cracks in large foundation slabs and in reinforced-concrete walls. It also presents the main technological and material-related factors affecting the risk of cracks appearing at an early stage in concrete curing

    Comparison of Analytical Methods for Estimation of Early-Age Thermal-Shrinkage Stresses in RC Walls

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    The volume changes caused by coupled temperature and moisture variations in early-age concrete elements lead to formation of stresses. If a restraint exists along the contact surface of mature concrete against which a new concrete element has been cast, generated stresses are mostly of a restraint origin. In engineering practice a wide range of externally restrained concrete elements can be distinguished such as tank walls or bridge abutments cast against an old set foundation, in which early-age cracking may endanger their durability or functionality. Therefore, for years methods were being developed to predict early-age stresses and cracking risk of externally restrained concrete elements subjected to early-age thermal-moisture effects. The paper presents the comparative study of the most recognised analytical approaches: the method proposed in EC2, the method proposed by ACI Committee 207 and the method developed at the Luleå University of Technology

    Comparison of analytical methods for estimation of early-age thermal-shrinkage stresses in RC walls

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    The volume changes caused by coupled temperature and moisture variations in early-age concrete elements lead to formation of stresses. If a restraint exists along the contact surface of mature concrete against which a new concrete element has been cast, generated stresses are mostly of a restraint origin. In engineering practice a wide range of externally restrained concrete elements can be distinguished such as tank walls or bridge abutments cast against an old set foundation, in which early-age cracking may endanger their durability or functionality. Therefore, for years methods were being developed to predict early-age stresses and cracking risk of externally restrained concrete elements subjected to early-age thermal-moisture effects. The paper presents the comparative study of the most recognised analytical approaches: the method proposed in EC2, the method proposed by ACI Committee 207 and the method developed at the Luleå University of Technology

    Evaluation of the sensitivity of concrete structures with regard to early thermal contraction effects

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    W artykule analizowano wpływ typu i wymiarów konstrukcji na rozkład temperatur twardnienia betonu, zmian wilgotności, generowanych naprężeń oraz ewentualnych zarysowań. Wyniki obliczeń odniesiono do stosowanych metod oceny wrażliwości konstrukcji na wczesne wpływy termiczno-skurczowe. Analizowano dwa typy konstrukcji: masywne płyty tundamentowe oraz średnio masywne ściany żelbetowe.The article analyses how the type and dimensions ot the structure affect the temperature distribution in hardening concrete, changes in humidity, the stresses generated and possible cracks. The results ot the computations are applied to the methods used to evaluate the sensitivity ot structures to early thermal contraction effects. Two types ot structure are analysed: massive foundation slabs and moderately massive reintorced concrete walls

    The effect of the conditions of concreting work on the risk of early thermal shrinkage cracking

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    W konstrukcjach betonowych znany jest efekt tzw. samoocieplenia betonu. Wskutek wydzielanego w procesie hydratacji cementu ciepła następuje wzrost temperatury betonu. Chłodzenie warstw powierzchniowych konstrukcji oraz stosunkowo niska wartość współczynnika przewodnictwa cieplnego powodują zróżnicowanie temperatur pomiędzy warstwami powierzchniowymi a wnętrzem konstrukcji. W tym samym czasie pojawiają się odkształcenia skurczowe będące skutkiem zachodzących reakcji chemicznych.Self-heating of concrete is a known effect in concrete structures. The temperature of the concrete rises due to the heat produced in the cement hydration process. Cooling of the surface layers of the structure, and the relatively low value of the heat conduction coefficient, lead to temperature differences between the surface layers and the interior. At the same time shrinkage deformations appear, resulting from the ongoing chemical reactions

    The Impact of Halogenated Phenylalanine Derivatives on NFGAIL Amyloid Formation

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    The hexapeptide hIAPP22–27 (NFGAIL) is known as a crucial amyloid core sequence of the human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) whose aggregates can be used to better understand the wild-type hIAPP′s toxicity to β-cell death. In amyloid research, the role of hydrophobic and aromatic-aromatic interactions as potential driving forces during the aggregation process is controversially discussed not only in case of NFGAIL, but also for amyloidogenic peptides in general. We have used halogenation of the aromatic residue as a strategy to modulate hydrophobic and aromatic-aromatic interactions and prepared a library of NFGAIL variants containing fluorinated and iodinated phenylalanine analogues. We used thioflavin T staining, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to study the impact of side-chain halogenation on NFGAIL amyloid formation kinetics. Our data revealed a synergy between aggregation behavior and hydrophobicity of the phenylalanine residue. This study introduces systematic fluorination as a toolbox to further investigate the nature of the amyloid self-assembly process

    Effect of Foaming Agent, Binder and Density on the Compressive Strength and Thermal Conductivity of Ultra-Light Foam Concrete

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    The study is focused on ultra-light foam concrete (FC) aimed as a thermal insulation material. Two important properties of such material were investigated: compressive strength and thermal conductivity. In the conducted tests, the influence of the air-dry density (200–500 kg/m3), type of foaming agent (synthetic and protein) and binder type (ordinary Portland cement—OPC; calcium sulphoaluminate cement—CSA; metakaolin; siliceous fly ash—SFA; calcareous fly ash—CFA) on the mentioned properties were examined. The results confirmed the dependence of compressive strength and thermal conductivity on the FC density but also indicated the important effect of the nature of the foaming agent and the binder type. The best thermo-mechanical properties were obtained for the foam concrete made of protein-based foaming agent, OPC and metakaolin. Simultaneously, the use of CSA mixed with metakaolin and foam based on the synthetic foaming agent also shows satisfactory properties

    Effect of Foaming Agent, Binder and Density on the Compressive Strength and Thermal Conductivity of Ultra-Light Foam Concrete

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    The study is focused on ultra-light foam concrete (FC) aimed as a thermal insulation material. Two important properties of such material were investigated: compressive strength and thermal conductivity. In the conducted tests, the influence of the air-dry density (200-500 kg/m³), type of foaming agent (synthetic and protein) and binder type (ordinary Portland cement-OPC; calcium sulphoaluminate cement-CSA; metakaolin; siliceous fly ash-SFA; calcareous fly ash-CFA) on the mentioned properties were examined. The results confirmed the dependence of compressive strength and thermal conductivity on the FC density but also indicated the important effect of the nature of the foaming agent and the binder type. The best thermo-mechanical properties were obtained for the foam concrete made of protein-based foaming agent, OPC and metakaolin. Simultaneously, the use of CSA mixed with metakaolin and foam based on the synthetic foaming agent also shows satisfactory properties