364 research outputs found

    Marangoni instability in oblate droplets suspended on a circular frame

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    We study theoretically internal flows in a small oblate droplet suspended on the circular frame. Marangoni convection arises due to a vertical temperature gradient across the drop and is driven by the surface tension variations at the free drop interface. Using the analytical basis for the solutions of Stokes equation in coordinates of oblate spheroid we have derived the linearly independent stationary solutions for Marangoni convection in terms of Stokes stream functions. The numerical simulations of the thermocapillary motion in the drops are used to study the onset of the stationary regime. Both analytical and numerical calculations predict the axially-symmetric circulatory convection motion in the drop, the dynamics of which is determined by the magnitude of the temperature gradient across the drop. The analytical solutions for the critical temperature distribution and velocity fields are obtained for the large temperature gradients across the oblate drop. These solutions reveal the lateral separation of the critical and stationary motions within the drops. The critical vortices are localized near the central part of a drop, while the intensive stationary flow is located closer to its butt end. A crossover to the limit of the plane film is studied within the formalism of the stream functions by reducing the droplet ellipticity ratio to zero value. The initial stationary regime for the strongly oblate drops becomes unstable relative to the many-vortex perturbations in analogy with the plane fluid films with free boundaries

    Circulating Marangoni flows within droplets in smectic films

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    We present theoretical study and numerical simulation of Marangoni convection within ellipsoidal isotropic droplets embedded in free standing smectic films (FSSF). The thermocapillary flows are analyzed for both isotropic droplets spontaneously formed in FSSF overheated above the bulk smectic-isotropic transition, and oil lenses deposited on the surface of the smectic film. The realistic model, for which the upper drop interface is free from the smectic layers, while at the lower drop surface the smectic layering still persists is considered in detail. For isotropic droplets and oil lenses this leads effectively to a sticking of fluid motion at the border with a smectic shell. The above mentioned asymmetric configuration is realized experimentally when the temperature of the upper side of the film is higher than at the lower one. The full set of stationary solutions for Stokes stream functions describing the Marangoni convection flows within the ellipsoidal drops were derived analytically. The temperature distribution in the ellipsoidal drop and the surrounding air was determined in the frames of the perturbation theory. As a result the analytical solutions for the stationary thermocapillary convection were derived for different droplet ellipticity ratios and the heat conductivity of the liquid crystal and air. In parallel, the numerical hydrodynamic calculations of the thermocapillary motion in the drops were performed. Both the analytical and numerical simulations predict the axially-symmetric circulatory convection motion determined by the Marangoni effect at the droplet free surface. Due to a curvature of the drop interface a temperature gradient along its free surface always persists. Thus, the thermocapillary convection within the ellipsoidal droplets in overheated FSSF is possible for the arbitrarily small Marangoni numbers

    Fabrication of submicron structures by three-dimensional laser lithography

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    As a demonstration of unique capabilities of three dimensional laser lithography, an example complex shape microobject and photonic crystals with “woodpile” structure for the infrared spectral range are fabricated by this technique. Photonic dispersion relations for the woodpile structure are calculated for different values of the permittivity contrast and the filling factor.This study was partially supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (project no. 074U01) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 130200186)

    Dual-channel spontaneous emission of quantum dots in magnetic metamaterials

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    Metamaterials, artificial electromagnetic media realized by subwavelength nano-structuring, have become a paradigm for engineering electromagnetic space, allowing for independent control of both electric and magnetic responses of the material. Whereas mo

    Quantification of thermal ring flexibilities of aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds

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    The consequences of thermal fluctuations occurring at room temperatures on the aromatic character of a broad group of compounds were analyzed in three distinct ways. First of all, the ring deformations were modeled along normal coordinates coming from quantum thermo-chemistry computations. The amplitudes of vibrations were estimated according to absorbed energies at room temperature. Alternatively, in-plane and out-of-plane ring deformations were modeled via scanning procedure with partial relaxation of the molecular geometry. The influence of ring deformations on π–electron delocalization was expressed in terms of HOMA values. Besides, the ring deformability was defined as the averaged change of bond angles or dihedral angles constituting the ring that was associated with 1.5 kcal mol-1 increase of the system energy. The molecules structures adopted during vibrations at room temperature can lead to significant heterogeneity of structural index of aromaticity. The broad span of HOMA values was obtained for analyzed five- or six-membered aromatic and heteroaromatic rings. However, the averaged values obtained for such fluctuations almost perfectly match HOMA values of molecule in the ground state. It has been demonstrated that the ring deformability imposed by bond angle changes is much smaller than for dihedral angles with the same rise of system energy. Interestingly in the case of out-of-plane vibrations modeled by scanning procedure there is observed linear correlation between ring deformability and HOMA values. Proposed method for inclusion of thermal vibrations in the framework of π–electron delocalization provides natural shift of the way of thinking about aromaticity from a static quantity to a dynamic and heterogeneous one due to inclusion of a more realistic object of analysis – thermally deformed structures. From this perspective the thermal fluctuations are supposed to be non-negligible contributions to aromaticity phenomenon

    The Dirac Equation Is Separable On The Dyon Black Hole Metric

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    Using the tetrad formalism, we carry out the separation of variables for the massive complex Dirac equation in the gravitational and electromagnetic field of a four-parameter (mass, angular momentum, electric and magnetic charges) black hole.Comment: 13 page

    Two-photon Lithography for 3D Magnetic Nanostructure Fabrication

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    Ferromagnetic materials have been utilised as recording media within data storage devices for many decades. Confinement of the material to a two dimensional plane is a significant bottleneck in achieving ultra-high recording densities and this has led to the proposition of three dimensional (3D) racetrack memories that utilise domain wall propagation along nanowires. However, the fabrication of 3D magnetic nanostructures of complex geometry is highly challenging and not easily achievable with standard lithography techniques. Here, by using a combination of two-photon lithography and electrochemical deposition, we show a new approach to construct 3D magnetic nanostructures of complex geometry. The magnetic properties are found to be intimately related to the 3D geometry of the structure and magnetic imaging experiments provide evidence of domain wall pinning at a 3D nanostructured junction

    Equivalent forms of Dirac equations in curved spacetimes and generalized de Broglie relations

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    One may ask whether the relations between energy and frequency and between momentum and wave vector, introduced for matter waves by de Broglie, are rigorously valid in the presence of gravity. In this paper, we show this to be true for Dirac equations in a background of gravitational and electromagnetic fields. We first transform any Dirac equation into an equivalent canonical form, sometimes used in particular cases to solve Dirac equations in a curved spacetime. This canonical form is needed to apply the Whitham Lagrangian method. The latter method, unlike the WKB method, places no restriction on the magnitude of Planck's constant to obtain wave packets, and furthermore preserves the symmetries of the Dirac Lagrangian. We show using canonical Dirac fields in a curved spacetime, that the probability current has a Gordon decomposition into a convection current and a spin current, and that the spin current vanishes in the Whitham approximation, which explains the negligible effect of spin on wave packet solutions, independent of the size of Planck's constant. We further discuss the classical-quantum correspondence in a curved spacetime based on both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of the Whitham equations. We show that the generalized de Broglie relations in a curved spacetime are a direct consequence of Whitham's Lagrangian method, and not just a physical hypothesis as introduced by Einstein and de Broglie, and by many quantum mechanics textbooks.Comment: PDF, 32 pages in referee format. Added significant material on canonical forms of Dirac equations. Simplified Theorem 1 for normal Dirac equations. Added section on Gordon decomposition of the probability current. Encapsulated main results in the statement of Theorem
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