331 research outputs found


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    Of all the anterior hypophyses tested, those of the human produced the most marked diabetogenic action in the dog with its pancreatic tissue reduced to 4 gm., and in the hypophysectomized and pancreatectomized toad. The human hypophysis also produced diabetogenic action in the normal dog on daily doses of 1.26 mg. per kilo per day for 2 days. The hypophysectomized dog with its pancreas reduced to 4 gm. is very sensitive to the anterior hypophyseal diabetogenic action and is the best test animal for demonstrating such action in mammals. The anterior hypophysis of man, toad, rat, and chicken produces in such animals a diabetogenic action with doses of from 10 to 15 mg. per kilo per day. The bovine anterior hypophysis has identical action in 20 mg. doses. That of canine origin was much less active in a few though inconclusive experiments. It was impossible to demonstrate a diabetogenic action with either guinea pig hypophysis or with that of fish probably because insufficient doses were injected. The diabetogenic action was not obtained by the injection of other organ extracts of toads, dogs and oxen, of corticosterone (30, 40, and 60 mg. in 4 days) or of desoxycorticosterone (80 mg. and 200 mg. in 4 days). The toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), deprived of its hypophysis and pancreas is the most sensitive biological reactor for testing the diabetogenic action. In this animal the diabetogenic action of anterior hypophyses from varied sources decreased in the following order: man, dog, toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), white rat, guinea pig, chicken (whole hypophysis), ox, serpent (Constrictor constrictor (L.)), the fish "corvina" Micropogon opercularis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), and "merluza" Merlucius hubbsi (Marini, 1933)

    The hypophysis and secretion of insulin

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    The action of the hypophysis on the pancreas has been demonstrated by a number of direct and indirect proofs. The latter, first reported from this Institute, are as follows: (a) Complete kypophysectomy or anterior (distal) lobe removal produces: (1) Marked sensitivity to the hypoglycemic and toxic action of insulin and other hypoglycemie agents such as phloridzin, fasting, etc. (2) Reduction of intensity of pancreatic and phloridzin diabetes. (3) A rapid fall in blood sugar and tissue glycogen during fasting; of non-pancreatic origin since it occurs after pancreatectomy. The hypoglycemic symptoms can be relieved by prompt administration of glucose, or prevented by a carbohydrate or protein, but not fat diet.Fil: Houssay, Bernardo Alberto. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Foglia, Virgilio G.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Smyth, F. S.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Rietti, Ciro T.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Houssay, Alberto B.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentinafond


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    The pancreas reduced to 4 or 10 gm. weeks or months previously by partial resection, is able to maintain a normal glycemic level in dogs of about 10 kilos in good condition. When the pancreas is reduced to 4 gm. the capacity for secreting insulin under certain conditions of strain is diminished whereas a pancreas reduced to 10 gm. may have a normal or decreased capacity. This decreased functional capacity is shown: (1) by a longer hyperglycemic curve after the intravenous injection of 1 gm. of glucose per kilo; (2) by the requirement of smaller doses of extract of anterior hypophysis to produce diabetes; and (3) by the longer time required to correct the diabetic hyperglycemia if reduced pancreas is grafted in the neck of pancreatectomized animals. The time to recover is in inverse ratio to the weight of the transplanted pancreatic tissue

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    Acción del dietilestilbestrol sobre las diabetes pancreática e hipofisaria del sapo

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    El dietilestilbestrol produce efectos manifiestos sobre el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono, en algunas especies' animales. Así aumenta el glucógeno hepático de la rata normal o tiropriva (Janes y Nelson, 1940; Janes, 1943-46). En cambio, su inyección repetida produce acción diabetógena en: a) la rata parcialmente pancreatectomizada o la rata normal sometida a alimentación forzada (Ingle, 1943); b) la rata parcialmente pancreatopriva, sin suprarrenales y mantenida con dosis subdiabetogénicas de hormonas córticoadrenales (Ingle, 1943); c) provoca o intensifica la glucosuria de las ratas suprarrenohipofisoprivas con pancreatectomía parcial, mantenidas con dosis subdiabetogénicas de ánterohipófisis y .hormonas córticoadrenales (Ingle, 1943).Fil: Houssay, Bernardo A.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Houssay, Alberto B.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Mazzocco, P.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaPresentado a la Sociedad Argentina de Biología el 1 de agosto de 1946.papelKofax Power v.3.1Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600Trabajos IBYMEUnidad documental simpleBiblioteca Bernardo A. Houssay-0

    Acción del aloxano en el sapo bufo Arenarum Hensel

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    La acción del aloxano sobre la glucemia ha sido muy estudiada en los mamíferos, que muestran una curva trifásica: hiperglucemia inicial de pocas horas, hipoglucemia más prolongada, hiperglucemia secundaria que a menudo es permanente. Esta substancia provoca la necrosis de las células ß de los islotes de Langerhans y por eso el animal queda diabético.Fil: Houssay, Bernardo A.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Houssay, Alberto B.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Sara, J. G.. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinapapelKofax Power v.3.1Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600Trabajos IBYMEUnidad documental simpleBiblioteca Bernardo A. Houssay-0