2,938 research outputs found

    Visual Culture Project: Confederate War Etchings: Searching for Arms by Adalbert Johann Volck

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    Adalbert Johann Volck’s 1861 sketch of Union soldiers, “Searching for Arms,” represents a substantial contribution to the narrative about gender relations during the American Civil War. This simple, small sketch offers the observer a window into the past. It is a collision of symbols and meaning—from gender to war to the household—all wrapped up in one image. This is a portrait sketch of a woman being invaded in her domestic, private sphere, revealing so much about gender relations during the time. The mistress herself seemed to embody a vast range of sentiments such as anger, fear, frailty, and strength, proving the tension in her role as a wife, a mother, and guardian of the home. This inner conflict is something that all women faced during this time as they strove to remain loyal to the cause for which their husbands fought

    The Raman Spectra of CH3CF3 and CCl2CF2

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    Because of the interest attached to ethane and ethane-like molecules in connection with the question of free rotation of the CX3 groups with respect to each other, it was considered that the Raman spectrum of CH3CF3 might yield additional information on this point. Inasmuch as the spectrum of the liquid can be conveniently photographed only at low temperatures (b.p. about -40°), the determination of the polarization of the scattered light would be experimentally very difficult and was not attempted. The fact that the frequencies associated with the CF3 group will be considerably different in magnitude from those of the CH3 group may, in the analysis, compensate for the lack of data on polarization. Only the results of the experiments are presented here; the assignment of the frequencies will be given when completed. The Raman spectrum of the ethylene-like molecule CCl2=CF2 was photographed at room temperature with the substance in the liquid state, and the observed shifts are presented here

    Minimal kernels of Dirac operators along maps

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    Let MM be a closed spin manifold and let NN be a closed manifold. For maps f ⁣:MNf\colon M\to N and Riemannian metrics gg on MM and hh on NN, we consider the Dirac operator Dg,hfD^f_{g,h} of the twisted Dirac bundle ΣMRfTN\Sigma M\otimes_{\mathbb{R}} f^*TN. To this Dirac operator one can associate an index in KOdim(M)(pt)KO^{-dim(M)}(pt). If MM is 22-dimensional, one gets a lower bound for the dimension of the kernel of Dg,hfD^f_{g,h} out of this index. We investigate the question whether this lower bound is obtained for generic tupels (f,g,h)(f,g,h)

    Letter from Frances B. Hatcher

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    Letter concerning a position in the mathematics department at Utah Agricultural College

    Volume and homology of one-cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds

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    Let M be a complete, finite-volume, orientable hyperbolic manifold having exactly one cusp. If we assume that pi_1(M) has no subgroup isomorphic to a genus-2 surface group, and that either (a) H_1(M;Z_p) has dimension at least 5 for some prime p, or (b) H_1(M;Z_2) has dimension at least 4, and the subspace of H^2(M;Z_2) spanned by the image of the cup product has dimension at most 1, then vol M > 5.06 If we assume that H_1(M;Z_2) has dimension at least 7, and that the compact core of M does not contain a genus-2 closed incompressible surface, then vol M > 5.06.Comment: 31 pages. This version agrees with the published version of the paper, except that an error in the published abstract has been corrected. In particular, the result which applies to manifolds with mod 2 homology of dimension at least 7 is stronger and has a shorter proof than the corresponding result in version

    Letters between Frances B. Hatcher and William Kerr

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    Letters concerning a position in the mathematics department at Utah Agricultural College

    The diameter of the set of boundary slopes of a knot

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    Let K be a tame knot with irreducible exterior M(K) in a closed, connected, orientable 3--manifold Sigma such that pi_1(Sigma) is cyclic. If infinity is not a strict boundary slope, then the diameter of the set of strict boundary slopes of K, denoted d_K, is a numerical invariant of K. We show that either (i) d_K >= 2 or (ii) K is a generalized iterated torus knot. The proof combines results from Culler and Shalen [Comment. Math. Helv. 74 (1999) 530-547] with a result about the effect of cabling on boundary slopes.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 29 August 200

    More Torsion in the Homology of the Matching Complex

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    A matching on a set XX is a collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of XX of size two. Using computers, we analyze the integral homology of the matching complex MnM_n, which is the simplicial complex of matchings on the set {1,>...,n}\{1, >..., n\}. The main result is the detection of elements of order pp in the homology for p{5,7,11,13}p \in \{5,7,11,13\}. Specifically, we show that there are elements of order 5 in the homology of MnM_n for n18n \ge 18 and for n14,16n \in {14,16}. The only previously known value was n=14n = 14, and in this particular case we have a new computer-free proof. Moreover, we show that there are elements of order 7 in the homology of MnM_n for all odd nn between 23 and 41 and for n=30n=30. In addition, there are elements of order 11 in the homology of M47M_{47} and elements of order 13 in the homology of M62M_{62}. Finally, we compute the ranks of the Sylow 3- and 5-subgroups of the torsion part of Hd(Mn;Z)H_d(M_n;Z) for 13n1613 \le n \le 16; a complete description of the homology already exists for n12n \le 12. To prove the results, we use a representation-theoretic approach, examining subcomplexes of the chain complex of MnM_n obtained by letting certain groups act on the chain complex.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure

    Letters between Frances B. Hatcher and W. J. Kerr

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    Letters concerning a position in the mathematics department at Utah Agricultural College