20 research outputs found

    Location of injury influences the mechanisms of both regeneration and repair within the MRL/MpJ mouse

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    The adult MRL/MpJ mouse regenerates all differentiated structures after through-and-through ear punch wounding in a scar-free process. We investigated whether this regenerative capacity was also shown by skin wounds. Dorsal skin wounds were created, harvested and archived from the same animals (MRL/MpJ and C57BL/6 mice) that received through-and-through ear punch wounds. Re-epithelialization was complete in dorsal wounds in both strains by day 5 and extensive granulation tissue was present by day 14 post-wounding. By day 21, wounds from both strains contained dense amounts of collagen that healed with a scar. The average wound area, as well as α-smooth muscle actin expression and macrophage influx were investigated during dorsal skin wound healing and did not significantly differ between strains. Thus, MRL/MpJ mice regenerate ear wounds in a scar-free manner, but heal dorsal skin wounds by simple repair with scar formation. A significant conclusion can be drawn from these data; mechanisms of regeneration and repair can occur within the same animal, potentially utilizing similar molecules and signalling pathways that subtly diverge dependent upon the microenvironment of the injury

    Characterizing regeneration in the mammalian external ear

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    We have previously shown that MRL/MpJ mice have a capacity for regeneration instead of scar formation following an ear punch wound. Understanding the differences that occur between scar-free regeneration or repair with scarring will have great impact upon advances in skin tissue engineering. A key question that remains unanswered in the MRL/MpJ mouse model is whether regeneration was restricted to the ear or whether it extended to the skin. A histological analysis was conducted up to 4 months post-wounding, not only with 2-mm punch wounds to the ear but also to the skin on the backs of the same animals. MRL/MpJ mouse ear wounds regenerate faster than control strains, with enhanced blastema formation, a markedly thickened tip epithelium and reduced scarring. Interestingly, in the excisional back wounds, none of these regenerative features was observed and both the C57BL/6 control and MRL/MpJ mice healed with scarring. This review gives an insight into how this regenerative capacity may be due to evolutionary processes as well as ear anatomy. The ear is thin and surrounded on both sides by epithelia, and the dorsal skin is devoid of cartilage and under greater tensile strain. Analysis of apoptosis during ear regeneration is also discussed, assessing the role and expression of various members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Ongoing studies are focusing on de novo cartilage development in the regenerating ear, as well as understanding the role of downstream signalling cascades in the process. Identification of such signals could lead to their manipulation and use in a novel tissue-engineered skin substitute with scar-free integration