6 research outputs found

    Problèmes posés par l'utilisation de Schizosaccharomyces pombe dans la fabrication des rhums

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    13 ref.National audienc

    Food Valorization of Agricultural Resources

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    In spite of the low volume of industrial activities from local agricultural resources, food industry is an important potential for the countries of the Caribbean basin. The current situation and future prospects are in relation with the recent history, featured by a multicultural encounter. Development could occur by the rational association of some potentialities. Food technology research is a powerful lever to collect information allowing _to manage and to rationalize sustainable transformation processes and activities. Successful work has been done with distilleries wastewaters treatment and valorization. The first commercial yeast strain, selected for rum production, is issued from our collection. We are experimenting lactic fermentation as dressing and/or preserving means for local production.We contribute to local bioresources best knowledge and valorization

    La filière canne sucre rhum dans les D.O.M. Situation actuelle et objectifs de recherche-développement

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    National audienc

    Microbiologie alimentaire et Biotechnologie

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    Les microorganismes sont des supports et des outils biotechnologiques. Qu'en est-il dans le bassin Caribéen? Nous avons à la Station de Technologie des Produits Végétaux du C.R.A.A.G., constitué une collection de levures indigènes de milieux à base de plantes alimentaires. Elle constitue un patrimoine génétique microbien à étudier. Les Biotechnologies peuvent contribuer à la valorisation de ce patrimoine microbien dans des bioconversions de matériels végétaux. ----- Micro-organisms are supports and biotechnological tools. What about it in Caribbean? At the Food Technology Station I.N.R.A.A.G., we have an indigenous yeasts collection from plants.It is a microbiologie genetical patrimony. Biotechnology could be a powerfull way to this patrimony valorization