16,355,142 research outputs found

    Large restricted sumsets in general abelian group

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    Let A, B and S be three subsets of a finite Abelian group G. The restricted sumset of A and B with respect to S is defined as A\wedge^{S} B= {a+b: a in A, b in B and a-b not in S}. Let L_S=max_{z in G}| {(x,y): x,y in G, x+y=z and x-y in S}|. A simple application of the pigeonhole principle shows that |A|+|B|>|G|+L_S implies A\wedge^S B=G. We then prove that if |A|+|B|=|G|+L_S then |A\wedge^S B|>= |G|-2|S|. We also characterize the triples of sets (A,B,S) such that |A|+|B|=|G|+L_S and |A\wedge^S B|= |G|-2|S|. Moreover, in this case, we also provide the structure of the set G\setminus (A\wedge^S B).Comment: Paper submitted November 15, 2011. To appear European Journal of Combinatorics, special issue in memorian Yahya ould Hamidoune (2013

    Improved bounds on coloring of graphs

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    Given a graph GG with maximum degree Δ≥3\Delta\ge 3, we prove that the acyclic edge chromatic number a′(G)a'(G) of GG is such that a′(G)≤⌈9.62(Δ−1)⌉a'(G)\le\lceil 9.62 (\Delta-1)\rceil. Moreover we prove that: a′(G)≤⌈6.42(Δ−1)⌉a'(G)\le \lceil 6.42(\Delta-1)\rceil if GG has girth g≥5 g\ge 5\,; a'(G)\le \lceil5.77 (\Delta-1)\rc if GG has girth g≥7g\ge 7; a'(G)\le \lc4.52(\D-1)\rc if g≥53g\ge 53; a'(G)\le \D+2\, if g\ge \lceil25.84\D\log\D(1+ 4.1/\log\D)\rceil. We further prove that the acyclic (vertex) chromatic number a(G)a(G) of GG is such that a(G)\le \lc 6.59 \Delta^{4/3}+3.3\D\rc. We also prove that the star-chromatic number χs(G)\chi_s(G) of GG is such that \chi_s(G)\le \lc4.34\Delta^{3/2}+ 1.5\D\rc. We finally prove that the \b-frugal chromatic number \chi^\b(G) of GG is such that \chi^\b(G)\le \lc\max\{k_1(\b)\D,\; k_2(\b){\D^{1+1/\b}/ (\b!)^{1/\b}}\}\rc, where k_1(\b) and k_2(\b) are decreasing functions of \b such that k_1(\b)\in[4, 6] and k_2(\b)\in[2,5]. To obtain these results we use an improved version of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma due to Bissacot, Fern\'andez, Procacci and Scoppola \cite{BFPS}.Comment: Introduction revised. Added references. Corrected typos. Proof of Theorem 2 (items c-f) written in more detail

    Homogeneous products of conjugacy classes

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    Let GG be a finite group and a∈Ga\in G. Let aG={g−1ag∣g∈G}a^G=\{g^{-1}ag\mid g\in G\} be the conjugacy class of aa in GG. Assume that aGa^G and bGb^G are conjugacy classes of GG with the property that CG(a)=CG(b){\bf C}_G(a)={\bf C}_G(b). Then aGbGa^G b^G is a conjugacy class if and only if [a,G]=[b,G]=[ab,G][a,G]=[b,G]=[ab,G] and [ab,G][ab,G] is a normal subgroup of GG
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