17,483 research outputs found


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    Three conjoint models-a traditional ratings model, a ratings difference specification, and a binary response model-were used to value groundwater protection program alternatives. The last, which is virtually identical to a dichotomous choice contingent valuation specification, produced the smallest value estimates. This suggests that the conjoint model is very sensitive to model specifications and that traditional conjoint models may overestimate economic value because many respondents are not in the market for the commodity being valued.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Improving Performance of Iterative Methods by Lossy Checkponting

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    Iterative methods are commonly used approaches to solve large, sparse linear systems, which are fundamental operations for many modern scientific simulations. When the large-scale iterative methods are running with a large number of ranks in parallel, they have to checkpoint the dynamic variables periodically in case of unavoidable fail-stop errors, requiring fast I/O systems and large storage space. To this end, significantly reducing the checkpointing overhead is critical to improving the overall performance of iterative methods. Our contribution is fourfold. (1) We propose a novel lossy checkpointing scheme that can significantly improve the checkpointing performance of iterative methods by leveraging lossy compressors. (2) We formulate a lossy checkpointing performance model and derive theoretically an upper bound for the extra number of iterations caused by the distortion of data in lossy checkpoints, in order to guarantee the performance improvement under the lossy checkpointing scheme. (3) We analyze the impact of lossy checkpointing (i.e., extra number of iterations caused by lossy checkpointing files) for multiple types of iterative methods. (4)We evaluate the lossy checkpointing scheme with optimal checkpointing intervals on a high-performance computing environment with 2,048 cores, using a well-known scientific computation package PETSc and a state-of-the-art checkpoint/restart toolkit. Experiments show that our optimized lossy checkpointing scheme can significantly reduce the fault tolerance overhead for iterative methods by 23%~70% compared with traditional checkpointing and 20%~58% compared with lossless-compressed checkpointing, in the presence of system failures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, HPDC'1

    An algebraic interpretation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    We make a direct connection between the construction of three dimensional topological state sums from tensor categories and three dimensional quantum gravity by noting that the discrete version of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is exactly the pentagon for the associator of the tensor category, the Biedenharn-Elliott identity. A crucial role is played by an asymptotic formula relating 6j-symbols to rotation matrices given by Edmonds.Comment: 10 pages, amstex, uses epsf.tex. New version has improved presentatio

    Genotypic status of the TbAT1/P2 adenosine transporter of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense isolates from northwestern Uganda following melarsoprol withdrawal

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) manifests as a chronic infection caused by <i>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</i>, or as a more acute form due to <i>T. b. rhodesiense</i>. Both manifestations occur in Uganda and melarsoprol use against the former was jeopardised in the 1990s as reports of reduced efficacy increased to the point where it was dismissed as first-line treatment at some treatment centers. Previous work to elucidate possible mechanisms leading to melarsoprol resistance pointed to a P2 type adenosine transporter known to mediate melarsoprol uptake and previously shown to be mutated in significant numbers of patients not responding to the drug. Our present findings indicate that there is a low prevalence of mutants in foci where melarsoprol relapses are infrequent. In addition we observe that at the Omugo focus where the drug was withdrawn as first line over 6 years ago, the mutant alleles have disappeared, suggesting that drug pressure is responsible for fuelling their spread. Thus constant monitoring for mutants could play a key role in cost-effective HAT management by identifying which foci can still use the less logistically demanding melarsoprol as opposed to the alternative drug eflornithine. What is required now is a simple method for identifying such mutants at the point of care, enabling practitioners to make informed prescriptions at first diagnosis

    Development of the Motivational Interviewing Supervision and Training Scale

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    The movement to use empirically supported treatments has increased the need for researchers and supervisors to evaluate therapists’ adherence to and the quality with which they implement those interventions. Few empirically supported approaches exist for providing these types of evaluations. This is also true for motivational interviewing, an empirically supported intervention important in the addictions field. This study describes the development and psychometric evaluation of the Motivational Interviewing Supervision and Training Scale (MISTS), a measure intended for use in training and supervising therapists implementing motivational interviewing. Satisfactory interrater reliability was found (generalizability coefficient p2 = .79), and evidence was found supporting the convergent and discriminant validity of the MISTS. Recommendations for refinement of the measure and future research are discussed

    How to measure the spreading width for decay of superdeformed nuclei

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    A new expression for the branching ratio for the decay via the E1 process in the normal-deformed band of superdeformed nuclei is given within a simple two-level model. Using this expression, the spreading or tunneling width Gamma^downarrow for superdeformed decay can be expressed entirely in terms of experimentally known quantities. We show how to determine the tunneling matrix element V from the measured value of Gamma^downarrow and a statistical model of the energy levels. The accuracy of the two-level approximation is verified by considering the effects of the other normal-deformed states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Three and Four Harmonically Trapped Particles in an Effective Field Theory Framework

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    We study systems of few two-component fermions interacting via short-range interactions within a harmonic-oscillator trap. The dominant interactions, which are two-body, are organized according to the number of derivatives and defined in a two-body truncated model space made from a bound-state basis. Leading-order (LO) interactions are solved for exactly using the formalism of the No-Core Shell Model, whereas corrections are treated as many-body perturbations. We show explicitly that next-to-LO and next-to-next-to-LO interactions improve convergence as the model space increases. We present results at unitarity for three- and four-fermion systems, which show excellent agreement with the exact solution (for the three-body problem) and results obtained by others methods (in the four-body case). We also present results for finite scattering lengths and non-zero range of the interaction, including (at positive scattering length) observation of a change in the structure of the three-body ground state and extraction of the atom-dimer scattering length.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
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