16 research outputs found

    Towards the Construction of Expressed Proteomes Using a Leishmania tarentolae Based Cell-Free Expression System

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    The adaptation of organisms to a parasitic life style is often accompanied by the emergence of novel biochemical pathways absent in free-living organisms. As a result, the genomes of specialized parasitic organisms often code for a large number (>50%) of proteins with no detectable homology or predictable function. Although understanding the biochemical properties of these proteins and their roles in parasite biogenesis is the next challenge of molecular parasitology, analysis tools developed for free-living organisms are often inadequate for this purpose. Here we attempt to solve some of these problems by developing a methodology for the rapid production of expressed proteomes in cell-free systems based on parasitic organisms. To do so we take advantage of Species Independent Translational Sequences (SITS), which can efficiently mediate translation initiation in any organism. Using these sequences we developed a single-tube in vitro translation system based on the parasitic protozoan Leishmania tarentolae. We demonstrate that the system can be primed directly with SITS containing templates constructed by overlap extension PCR. To test the systems we simultaneously amplified 31 of L. tarentolae's putative translation initiation factors and phosphatases directly from the genomic DNA and subjected them to expression, purification and activity analysis. All of the amplified products produced soluble recombinant proteins, and putative phosphatases could be purified to at least 50% purity in one step. We further compared the ability of L. tarentolae and E. coli based cell-free systems to express a set of mammalian, L. tarentolae and Plasmodium falciparum Rab GTPases in functional form. We demonstrate that the L. tarentolae cell-free system consistently produced higher quality proteins than E. coli-based system. The differences were particularly pronounced in the case of open reading frames derived from P. falciparum. The implications of these developments are discussed

    'Inject-Mix-React-Separate-and-Quantitate' (IMReSQ) method for screening enzyme inhibitors

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    Many regulatory enzymes are considered attractive therapeutic targets, and their inhibitors are potential drug candidates. Screening combinatorial libraries for enzyme inhibitors is pivotal to identifying hit compounds for the development of drugs targeting regulatory enzymes. Here, we introduce the first inhibitor screening method that consumes only nanoliters of the reactant solutions and is applicable to regulatory enzymes. The method is termed inject-mix-react-separate-and-quantitate (IMReSQ) and includes five steps. First, nanoliter volumes of substrate, candidate inhibitor, and enzyme solutions are injected by pressure into a capillary as separate plugs. Second, the plugs are mixed inside this capillary microreactor by transverse diffusion of laminar flow profiles. Third, the reaction mixture is incubated to form the enzymatic product. Fourth, the product is separated from the substrate inside the capillary by electrophoresis. Fifth, the amounts of the product and substrate are quantitated. In this proof-of-principle work, we applied IMReSQ to study inhibition of recently cloned protein farnesyltransferase from parasite Entamoeba histolytica. This enzyme is a potential therapeutic target for antiparasitic drugs. We identified three previously unknown inhibitors of this enzyme and proved that IMReSQ could be used for quantitatively ranking the potencies of inhibitors

    Structures of RabGGTase–substrate/product complexes provide insights into the evolution of protein prenylation

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    Post-translational isoprenylation of proteins is carried out by three related enzymes: farnesyltransferase, geranylgeranyl transferase-I, and Rab geranylgeranyl transferase (RabGGTase). Despite the fact that the last one is responsible for the largest number of individual protein prenylation events in the cell, no structural information is available on its interaction with substrates and products. Here, we present structural and biophysical analyses of RabGGTase in complex with phosphoisoprenoids as well as with the prenylated peptides that mimic the C terminus of Rab7 GTPase. The data demonstrate that, unlike other protein prenyl transferases, both RabGGTase and its substrate RabGTPases completely ‘outsource' their specificity for each other to an accessory subunit, the Rab escort protein (REP). REP mediates the placement of the C terminus of RabGTPase into the active site of RabGGTase through a series protein–protein interactions of decreasing strength and selectivity. This arrangement enables RabGGTase to prenylate any cysteine-containing sequence. On the basis of our structural and thermodynamic data, we propose that RabGGTase has evolved from a GGTase-I-like molecule that ‘learned' to interact with a recycling factor (GDI) that, in turn, eventually gave rise to REP

    Analysis of the eukaryotic prenylome by isoprenoid affinity tagging

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    Protein prenylation is a widespread phenomenon in eukaryotic cells that affects many important signaling molecules. We describe the structure-guided design of engineered protein prenyltransferases and their universal synthetic substrate, biotin-geranylpyrophosphate. These new tools allowed us to detect femtomolar amounts of prenylatable proteins in cells and organs and to identify their cognate protein prenyltransferases. Using this approach, we analyzed the in vivo effects of protein prenyltransferase inhibitors. Whereas some of the inhibitors displayed the expected activities, others lacked in vivo activity or targeted a broader spectrum of prenyltransferases than previously believed. To quantitate the in vivo effect of the prenylation inhibitors, we profiled biotin-geranyl–tagged RabGTPases across the proteome by mass spectrometry. We also demonstrate that sites of active vesicular transport carry most of the RabGTPases. This approach enables a quantitative proteome-wide analysis of the regulation of protein prenylation and its modulation by therapeutic agents