1,258 research outputs found


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    Summary This article discusses the major macroeconomic effects of counterpart funds. These include their effects on the money supply, the balance of payments, government finances, and inflation. While the macroeconomic effects of aid and counterpart funds may be important in some countries at some times, in most countries they are probably too small to cause much instability or contribute much to stabilization efforts. We present some evidence on these issues. Résumé Les effets macro?économiques des fonds de contrepartie Cet article présente une discussion des principaux effets macro?économiques des fonds de contrepartie, y compris l'effet de ces derniers sur la masse monétaire, sur la balance des paiements, sur les finances gouvernementales, et sur l'inflation. S'il est vrai que les effets macro?économiques de l'aide et des fonds de contrepartie sont importants dans certains pays à certaines époques, dans la plupart des pays leur influence est probablement trop restreinte pour créer une instabilité perceptible ni encore pour contribuer aux efforts de stabilisation. Les auteurs présentent de l'évidence relative à ces questions. Resumen Los efectos macroeconómicos de los fondos de contrapartida El artículo examina los principales efectos macroeconómicos de los fondos de contrapartida. Estos incluyen: efectos en la provisión de dinero, la balanza de pagos, las finanzas del Estado, y la inflación. Si bien los efectos macroeconómicos de la asistencia y los fondos de contrapartida pueden ser importantes en algunos países en épocas determinadas, en la mayoría de los casos son demasiado pequeños para provocar inestabilidad o contribuir mucho a los esfuerzos de estabilización. En el artículo se presentan evidencias de estas conclusiones

    Mission Report on the Orbiter Camera Payload System (OCPS) Large Format Camera (LFC) and Attitude Reference System (ARS)

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    The Orbiter Camera Payload System (OCPS) is an integrated photographic system which is carried into earth orbit as a payload in the Space Transportation System (STS) Orbiter vehicle's cargo bay. The major component of the OCPS is a Large Format Camera (LFC), a precision wide-angle cartographic instrument that is capable of producing high resolution stereo photography of great geometric fidelity in multiple base-to-height (B/H) ratios. A secondary, supporting system to the LFC is the Attitude Reference System (ARS), which is a dual lens Stellar Camera Array (SCA) and camera support structure. The SCA is a 70-mm film system which is rigidly mounted to the LFC lens support structure and which, through the simultaneous acquisition of two star fields with each earth-viewing LFC frame, makes it possible to determine precisely the pointing of the LFC optical axis with reference to the earth nadir point. Other components complete the current OCPS configuration as a high precision cartographic data acquisition system. The primary design objective for the OCPS was to maximize system performance characteristics while maintaining a high level of reliability compatible with Shuttle launch conditions and the on-orbit environment. The full-up OCPS configuration was launched on a highly successful maiden voyage aboard the STS Orbiter vehicle Challenger on October 5, 1984, as a major payload aboard mission STS 41-G. This report documents the system design, the ground testing, the flight configuration, and an analysis of the results obtained during the Challenger mission STS 41-G

    The dynamics of three-forms in thick branes

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    In this work, we investigate thick brane models with a single three-form field. We find novel solutions for thick braneworlds where only three-forms exist and interact gravitationally in the bulk, both with and without matter fields. We use an additional scalar field as proxy for the matter fields. As an initial study, we consider the results here in contrast to the single scalar field thick braneworld case. The properties of the specific three-form parameterisation limits the freedom we have to choose the form of the warp factor, leading to a closed system of equations with nontrivial yet unstable solutions. The stability of the gravitational sector for thick brane three-forms is investigated and the models are shown to be unstable against small perturbations of the metric, further indicating that three-forms cannot exist stably in thick braneworld settings

    Enabling participation of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) and seldom-heard communities in health research: A case study from the SCAMP adolescent cohort study

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    Our inquiry investigated the barriers to, and facilitators for, the involvement of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) and ‘seldom-heard’ communities, in a study researching the impact of mobile phone and wireless device usage on adolescents’ cognition, behaviour and mental health. The aim was to co-produce solutions to increase participation, and we used focus groups, telephone interviews, a community event and a public and patient involvement (PPI) café to conduct the inquiry. Five themes emerged from the data: two enablers – the value and benefits of research; and three barriers – concerns about research and about communication, and practical constraints. A central cross-cutting theme, the concept of trust, was evident from the data, and extended across all themes, including across the solutions to nonparticipation. When the data collection and analysis were completed, we ran a symposium for researchers and members of the public to share our findings and to co-produce solutions. The symposium generated ideas about improving participation, including tailoring participant information, engaging with local advocates and involving people in research design and delivery

    Impact of the covid-19 pandemic on teacher quality of life: A longitudinal study from before and during the health crisis

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    Background: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers were already reporting a low quality of life (QoL) perception, with a significant impact on mental and physical health due to various stress factors associated with work overload. The objective of this study was to evaluate the QoL impact on Chilean teachers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis was performed following a longitudinal design on a sample of 63 Chilean teachers in pre-pandemic and COVID-19 pandemic timeframes. QoL perception, along with teachers’ sociodemographic data, was evaluated via the Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire. Sociodemographic variables presented no significant variations in pre-pandemic and pandemic comparisons. QoL, however, showed a significant decrease during the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic measurement (p < 0.01). In each gender, there were significant differences between pre-pandemic and pandemic timeframes, with a greater impact among women in the mental and physical component summary variables and seven of the eight QoL scales (p < 0.01). Between age categories, people under 45 presented significant differences (p < 0.05) between pre-pandemic and pandemic timeframes in all summary dimensions and measurements. In conclusion, Chilean teachers’ QoL perception has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These findings could be related to work overload due to teleworking or feelings of uncertainty, loneliness, and fear that the pandemic and its associated confinements will worsen

    Mixed methods process evaluation of my breathing matters, a digital intervention to support self-management of asthma.

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    This study aimed to explore user engagement with 'My Breathing Matters', a digital self-management intervention for asthma, and identify factors that may influence engagement. In a mixed methods design, adults with asthma allocated to the intervention arm of a feasibility trial (n = 44) participated in semi-structured interviews (n = 18) and a satisfaction questionnaire (n = 36) to explore their views and experiences of the intervention. Usage data highlighted that key intervention content was delivered to most users. The majority of questionnaire respondents (78%; n = 28) reported they would recommend the intervention to friends and family. Interviewees expressed positive views of the intervention and experienced several benefits, mainly improved asthma control, medication use, and breathing technique. Factors that may influence user engagement were identified, including perceptions of asthma control, current self-management practices, and appeal of the target behaviours and behaviour change techniques. Findings suggested My Breathing Matters was acceptable and engaging to participants, and it was used as intended

    “I’d rather wait and see what’s around the corner”: a multi-perspective qualitative study of treatment escalation planning in frailty

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    Introduction People living with frailty risk adverse outcomes following even minor illnesses. Admission to hospital or the intensive care unit is associated with potentially burdensome interventions and poor outcomes. Decision-making during an emergency is fraught with complexity and potential for conflict between patients, carers and clinicians. Advance care planning is a process of shared decision-making which aims to ensure patients are treated in line with their wishes. However, planning for future care is challenging and those living with frailty are rarely given the opportunity to discuss their preferences. The aim of the ProsPECT (Prospective Planning for Escalation of Care and Treatment) study was to explore perspectives on planning for treatment escalation in the context of frailty. We spoke to people living with frailty, their carers and clinicians across primary and secondary care. Methods In-depth online or telephone interviews and online focus groups. The topic guide explored frailty, acute decision-making and planning for the future. Data were thematically analysed using the Framework Method. Preliminary findings were presented to a sample of study participants for feedback in two online workshops. Results We spoke to 44 participants (9 patients, 11 carers and 24 clinicians). Four main themes were identified: frailty is absent from treatment escalation discussions, planning for an uncertain future, escalation in an acute crisis is ‘the path of least resistance’, and approaches to facilitating treatment escalation planning in frailty. Conclusion Barriers to treatment escalation planning include a lack of shared understanding of frailty and uncertainty about the future. Emergency decision-making is focussed on survival or risk aversion and patient preferences are rarely considered. To improve planning discussions, we recommend frailty training for non-specialist clinicians, multi-disciplinary support, collaborative working between patients, carers and clinicians as well as broader public engagement