25 research outputs found

    Poly(ADP-ribose)glycohydrolase is an upstream regulator of Ca2+ fluxes in oxidative cell death

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    Oxidative DNA damage to cells activates poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and the poly(ADP-ribose) formed is rapidly degraded to ADP-ribose by poly(ADP-ribose)glycohydrolase (PARG). Here we show that PARP-1 and PARG control extracellular Ca2+ fluxes through melastatin-like transient receptor potential 2 channels (TRPM2) in a cell death signaling pathway. TRPM2 activation accounts for essentially the entire Ca2+ influx into the cytosol, activating caspases and causing the translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) from the inner mitochondrial membrane to the nucleus followed by cell death. Abrogation of PARP-1 or PARG function disrupts these signals and reduces cell death. ADP-ribose-loading of cells induces Ca2+ fluxes in the absence of oxidative damage, suggesting that ADP-ribose is the key metabolite of the PARP-1/PARG system regulating TRPM2. We conclude that PARP-1/PARG control a cell death signal pathway that operates between five different cell compartments and communicates via three types of chemical messengers: a nucleotide, a cation, and proteins

    Potential biological role of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) in male gametes

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    Maintaining the integrity of sperm DNA is vital to reproduction and male fertility. Sperm contain a number of molecules and pathways for the repair of base excision, base mismatches and DNA strand breaks. The presence of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a DNA repair enzyme, and its homologues has recently been shown in male germ cells, specifically during stage VII of spermatogenesis. High PARP expression has been reported in mature spermatozoa and in proven fertile men. Whenever there are strand breaks in sperm DNA due to oxidative stress, chromatin remodeling or cell death, PARP is activated. However, the cleavage of PARP by caspase-3 inactivates it and inhibits PARP's DNA-repairing abilities. Therefore, cleaved PARP (cPARP) may be considered a marker of apoptosis. The presence of higher levels of cPARP in sperm of infertile men adds a new proof for the correlation between apoptosis and male infertility. This review describes the possible biological significance of PARP in mammalian cells with the focus on male reproduction. The review elaborates on the role played by PARP during spermatogenesis, sperm maturation in ejaculated spermatozoa and the potential role of PARP as new marker of sperm damage. PARP could provide new strategies to preserve fertility in cancer patients subjected to genotoxic stresses and may be a key to better male reproductive health

    Insect egg deposition induces indirect defense and epicuticular wax changes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Egg deposition by the Large Cabbage White butterfly Pieris brassicae on Brussels sprouts plants induces indirect defense by changing the leaf surface, which arrests the egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae. Previous studies revealed that this indirect defense response is elicited by benzyl cyanide (BC), which is present in the female accessory reproductive gland (ARG) secretion and is released to the leaf during egg deposition. Here, we aimed (1) to elucidate whether P. brassicae eggs induce parasitoid-arresting leaf surface changes in another Brassicacean plant, i.e., Arabidopsis thaliana, and, if so, (2) to chemically characterize the egg-induced leaf surface changes. Egg deposition by P. brassicae on A. thaliana leaves had similar effects to egg deposition on Brussels sprouts with respect to the following: (a) Egg deposition induced leaf surface changes that arrested T. brassicae egg parasitoids. (b) Application of ARG secretion of mated female butterflies or of BC to leaves had the same inductive effects as egg deposition. Based on these results, we conducted GC-MS analysis of leaf surface compounds from egg- or ARG-induced A. thaliana leaves. We found significant quantitative differences in epicuticular waxes compared to control leaves. A discriminant analysis separated surface extracts of egg-laden, ARG-treated, untreated control and Ringer solution-treated control leaves according to their quantitative chemical composition. Quantities of the fatty acid tetratriacontanoic acid (C34) were significantly higher in extracts of leaf surfaces arresting the parasitoids (egg-laden or ARG-treated) than in respective controls. In contrast, the level of tetracosanoic acid (C24) was lower in extracts of egg-laden leaves compared to controls. Our study shows that insect egg deposition on a plant can significantly affect the quantitative leaf epicuticular wax composition. The ecological relevance of this finding is discussed with respect to its impact on the behavior of egg parasitoids

    Lognormal infection times of online information spread

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    The infection times of individuals in online information spread such as the inter-arrival time of Twitter messages or the propagation time of news stories on a social media site can be explained through a convolution of lognormally distributed observation and reaction times of the individual participants. Experimental measurements support the lognormal shape of the individual contributing processes, and have resemblance to previously reported lognormal distributions of human behavior and contagious processes.Intelligent SystemsElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Perception, signaling and molecular basis of oviposition-mediated plant responses.

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    Eggs deposited on plants by herbivorous insects represent a threat as they develop into feeding larvae. Plants are not a passive substrate and have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to detect eggs and induce direct and indirect defenses. Recent years have seen exciting development in molecular aspects of egg-induced responses. Some egg-associated elicitors have been identified, and signaling pathways and egg-induced expression profiles are being uncovered. Depending on the mode of oviposition, both the jasmonic acid and salicylic acid pathways seem to play a role in the induction of defense responses. An emerging concept is that eggs are recognized like microbial pathogens and innate immune responses are triggered. In addition, some eggs contain elicitors that induce highly specific defenses in plants. Examples of egg-induced suppression of defense or, on the contrary, egg-induced resistance highlight the complexity of plant-egg interactions in an on-going arms race between herbivores and their hosts. A major challenge is to identify plant receptors for egg-associated elicitors, to assess the specificity of these elicitors and to identify molecular components that underlie various responses to oviposition