96 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Pattern of Consanguineous Marriages Among Different Communities in Mangalore

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    Introduction: Consanguineous marriages are a common practice in the Middle East, Asian and African populations. Many studies have stated an association between first cousin marriages and the incidence of autosomal recessive diseases and congenital malformations. High frequency of consanguinity is reported by researchers among South India. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and type of consanguineous marriages among the different communities of Mangalore. Methods: This study was conducted on 1164 married women in Mangalore to investigate the prevalence and type of consanguineous marriages. All the women were interviewed personally using a structured questionnaire. Family pedigree was constructed to study the type of consanguineous marriages. Data analysis was done by SPSS Win 13.0. Results: A low percentage of consanguinity (6.53%) was observed with a mean inbreeding coefficient of 0.0339. Frequency of consanguinity between religions was highly significant. Of these the most frequent were first cousin marriages (43.42%). Within Hindu religion the highest rate of consanguinity was among the Billavas (47.62%) of which the most frequent were distant relative marriages (75%) followed by second cousin marriages (57.14%). There was no significant difference in the frequency distribution of the types of consanguinity between the religions and also between the different groups among Hindus. Conclusion: The frequency of consanguinity was found to be low in Mangalore. The findings contradict with the earlier reports of high prevalence of consanguineous marriages in South India. Increased female education, increased socio-economic status and decrease in parental decisions in marriages may be the reasons

    A Fast Detection of Duplicates Using Progressive Methods

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    In any database large amount of data will be present and as different people use this data, there is a chance of occurring quality of data problems, representing similar objects in different forms called as ā€˜duplicatesā€™ and identifying these duplicates is one of the major problems. In now-a-days, different methods of duplicate - detection need to process huge datasets in shorter amounts of time and at same time maintaining the quality of a dataset which is becoming difficult. In existing system, methods of duplicate - detection like Sorted Neighborhood Method (SNM) and Blocking Methods are used for increasing the efficiency of finding duplicate records. In this paper, two new Progressive duplicate - detection algorithms are used for increasing the efficiency of finding the duplicate records and to eliminate the identified duplicate records if there is a limited time for duplicate - detection process. These algorithms increase the overall process gain by delivering complete results faster. In this paper am comparing the two progressive algorithms and results are displayed

    Clinicopathological study of carcinoma stomach over a period of 5 years

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    Background: Gastric cancer represents one of the most frequent neoplasias. Although its incidence decreased over the last few decades in industrialized countries, it still represents nowadays a major cause of death through cancer throughout the world. The purpose of this study was to identify clinicopathological parameters in gastric carcinoma.Methods: A total of 115 gastrectomy specimen received in 5 year period at a tertiary care center was analyzed. The clinical data was recorded. After fixing the specimen in 10% formal saline for 24 hours the gross appearance of the specimen was studied. The gross findings were recorded following Borrmann classification. The tissue blocks were routinely processed and stained with H&E stain. The results were tabulated.Results: The prevalence of gastric carcinoma was 4.46%, with male: female ratio of 3:1 and mean age of 50years.The prevalence of carcinoma stomach was more common in rural areas and poor socio economic status. Sixty percent of patients who consumed mixed diet suffered from carcinoma and 82.8% had history of intake of alcohol. Carcinoma stomach was more common in A blood group. The tumor was more common in pyloric antrum (73.04%). According to Borrmann classification type II tumour was the commonest (66.09%) of the lesions. Commonest histological pattern was adenocarcinoma; intestinal type (86.72%).Conclusions: The prevalence of carcinoma stomach in the present study was 4.46%. High prevalence of gastric carcinoma was seen in patients with history of smoking, intake of alcohol and consumption of mixed diet. Carcinoma stomach was more common in A blood group followed by B blood group. Adenocarcinoma of intestinal type was the commonest

    The role of brush cytology in diagnosing lesions of biliary tract

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    Background: Biliary brushing during endoscopic retrograde cholangiography pancreatography (ERCP) helps in the diagnosis of lesions of biliary tract. We compared the cellular and diagnostic results of various samples taken from the stricture site with the help of brushings taken from stricture site. The aim of this study was to know the age and sex prevalence in subjects suffering from biliary tract lesions and to know the role of ERCP guided brush cytology smears in diagnosing various lesions of exrtrahepatic biliary tract.Methods: It is a hospital based study conducted in the Department of Pathology, Andhra Medical College. Brush cytology smears were obtained from twenty patients and cytological examinations was conducted. All the clinical details and investigation reports were collected.Results: The age group of patients in this study ranged from 30 to 75 years. The numbers of cases analyzed during this period were 20. The mean age of presentation was 55 years. Male: Female ratio was 3:2. Majority of these cases presented with obstructive jaundice. Brush cytology smears from distal bile duct showed malignant cells hence our study revealed distal bile duct is more vulnerable to malignancy. Among all the 20 cases, 12 cases (60%) were reported as cholangiocarcinoma and the remaining 8 cases (40%) were included under benign/reactive. Among benign/reactive lesions, one case showed Micro-filarial infestation with reactive atypia of cells.Conclusions: The current study was conducted to assess the relative accuracy of brush cytology for diagnosis of malignant biliary strictures

    Amoxicillin induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN): a case report

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    Each year many patients are hospitalized due to adverse drug reactions. Adverse reactions are the recognized hazards of drug therapy and they can occur with any class of drugs and many studies revealed that the incidence is more in case of antibiotics. Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum, bactericidal, beta lactam antibiotic, commonly used to combat various infections. Penicillin group of drugs are known to cause cutaneous drug eruptions especially in pediatric population. Most of the time, these eruptions are mild in nature, however, sometimes they represent the early manifestation of rare, severe drug-induced cutaneous reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN). Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) is a rare, life threatening dermatological disorder that is usually induced by medications. Seventy percent of the cases of TEN are drug induced, most commonly implicated drugs being anticonvulsants, antibiotics and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS). Here, we report a case of toxic epidermal necrolysis induced by amoxicillin in a 16 year old female patient. Rigorous treatment with systemic corticosteroids and immunoglobulins helped in recovery of the patient. The case is being reported to emphasize the need for efficient pharmacovigilance in order to motivate adverse drug reaction reporting so as to gather more and more data regarding adverse drug reactions. Through this report, we also seek the support of everyone concerned to detect and, if possible, prevent adverse reactions to drugs

    Incidental papillary carcinoma of thyroid in Gravesā€™ disease

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    Traditionally Grave's disease was considered as protection against thyroid cancer. The incidence of papillary carcinoma thyroid in graveā€™s disease is 2.4%. Thyroid cancer occurring in graveā€™s disease has higher frequency of persisting or relapsing disease than thyroid cancers occurring in matched euthyroid control patients. Here we present a case of papillary carcinoma in a Graveā€™s disease patient presented with nodular goiter

    Multivariate analysis of oil palm germplasm for vegetative and bunch yield traits

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    Multivariate analysis of oil palm germplasm for vegetative and bunch yield trait

    Primary monophasic synovial sarcoma, a rare pulmonary mesenchymal neoplasm: report of a case with review of literature

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    Synovial sarcoma is an uncommon malignant soft tissue tumour which occurs primarily in young adults. It most commonly occurs in the extremities near large joints, particularly the knee joint. Primary pulmonary synovial sarcoma has only occasionally been reported in the literature. We report a case of primary pulmonary monophasic synovial sarcoma in a 23 year old male patient presenting with recent onset of hemoptysis, cough and expectoration. Although an uncommon primary site, the characteristic histological and immunohistochemical features, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis for the characteristic (X;18) translocation, with thorough clinical and imaging correlation allowed a definitive diagnosis of primary pulmonary monophasic sarcoma. The mainstay of treatment for these unusual tumours remains complete surgical excision followed by adjuvant radiation and/or chemotherapy

    Proliferating trichilemmal tumour: a case report with review of literature

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    Proliferating trichilemmal tumour is a solid-cystic neoplasm that shows trichilemmal differentiation similar to that of the isthmus of the hair follicle histologically characteristed by the presence of trichilemmal keratinization.Ā  Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumour (PTT) appears mainly in elderly women and is in general a solitary lesion on the scalp. Proliferating trichilemmal tumours generally have a benign clinical course, and a clinical differentiation from squamous cell carcinoma is often difficult. We report a case of PTT in a 30 year old man presenting as a solitary 10x8 cm ulcerated nodule on the scalp since 3 months clinically resembled a malignant tumour. The therapeutic approach is surgical removal with a wide clear margin

    Study of soft tissue sarcomas over a period of 3 years

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    Background: Soft tissue malignancies constituted a heterogeneous group of rare solid tumors of mesenchymal cell origin with distinct clinical and pathological features. The aim of the study was to know the prevalence of soft tissue sarcoma, sex, age and site distribution, histopathology and various treatment options adopted with follow up.Methods: A total of 26 cases of soft tissue sarcoma were analyzed for a three-year period. Clinical presentation, age and sex distribution, histological type and treatment modalities adopted were recorded and analyzed.Results: Out of 26 cases 44% of cases were between 30-50 years and 44% of tumors were situated in lower extremity. The commonest histological type was liposarcomas and ļ¬brosarcoma. Lymph node metastasis was seen in 4% of cases. Distant metastasis was present in 3 cases, 2 with lung metastasis and l with lung and liver metastasis. Surgery was the main modality of the treatment. 12% of the cases presented with recurrent tumor, the duration between surgery and recurrence was 6 months. Only 38% turned for follow up, 2 patients succumbed to death because of multiple pulmonary secondaries and chest infections.Conclusion: In the present study, all the cases of soft tissue sarcoma presented in late stage of the disease due to illiteracy and lack of health education. Recurrence was seen in 12% of cases. The overall survival rates and quality of life of the patients can be improved by frequent health camps at primary health centers for early detection of the disease, providing adequate health education, diagnostic and management facilities
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