129 research outputs found

    The Ethno- and Research History of the Lake Louise Field Station, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

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    The history of the Lake Louise Field Station, from its 1951 purchase by George Leiby to its acquisition in 2009 by Valdosta State University, provides an interesting and varied look into the stewardship critical to teaching and research and the role played by the station in the development of the fields of paleoecology, paleotempestology and ethnohistory. During this 58-year period several individuals played critical roles in the development of this 76.9 hectare field station as a natural area for teaching and research. Notable among them were George and Louise Leiby who, working with Leo Lorenzo and Clyde Connell, set aside the station as a natural area for teaching and research. From the 1960s to the present, WA Watts, H Grissino-Mayer, J Tepper, D Hyatt, and J Pascarella and others have conducted research that has provided critical insight into the history and ecology of the area extending to 47,000 BP

    Field quantization in inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectrics with spatio-temporal dispersion

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    A quantum damped-polariton model is constructed for an inhomogeneous anisotropic linear dielectric with arbitrary dispersion in space and time. The model Hamiltonian is completely diagonalized by determining the creation and annihilation operators for the fundamental polariton modes as specific linear combinations of the basic dynamical variables. Explicit expressions are derived for the time-dependent operators describing the electromagnetic field, the dielectric polarization and the noise term in the latter. It is shown how to identify bath variables that generate the dissipative dynamics of the medium.Comment: 24 page

    Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission

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    Second-order [O(k^2), k=omega/c] nondipole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission are demonstrated via an experimental and theoretical study of angular distributions of neon valence photoelectrons in the 100--1200 eV photon-energy range. A newly derived theoretical expression for nondipolar angular distributions characterizes the second-order effects using four new parameters with primary contributions from pure-quadrupole and octupole-dipole interference terms. Independent-particle calculations of these parameters account for a significant portion of the existing discrepancy between experiment and theory for Ne 2p first-order nondipole parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Recurrence and differential relations for spherical spinors

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    We present a comprehensive table of recurrence and differential relations obeyed by spin one-half spherical spinors (spinor spherical harmonics) Ωκμ(n)\Omega_{\kappa\mu}(\mathbf{n}) used in relativistic atomic, molecular, and solid state physics, as well as in relativistic quantum chemistry. First, we list finite expansions in the spherical spinor basis of the expressions ABΩκμ(n)\mathbf{A}\cdot\mathbf{B}\,\Omega_{\kappa\mu}(\mathbf{n}) and {A(B×C)Ωκμ(n)\mathbf{A}\cdot(\mathbf{B}\times\mathbf{C})\, \Omega_{\kappa\mu}(\mathbf{n})}, where A\mathbf{A}, B\mathbf{B}, and C\mathbf{C} are either of the following vectors or vector operators: n=r/r\mathbf{n}=\mathbf{r}/r (the radial unit vector), e0\mathbf{e}_{0}, e±1\mathbf{e}_{\pm1} (the spherical, or cyclic, versors), σ\boldsymbol{\sigma} (the 2×22\times2 Pauli matrix vector), L^=ir×I\hat{\mathbf{L}}=-i\mathbf{r}\times\boldsymbol{\nabla}I (the dimensionless orbital angular momentum operator; II is the 2×22\times2 unit matrix), J^=L^+1/2σ\hat{\mathbf{J}}=\hat{\mathbf{L}}+1/2\boldsymbol{\sigma} (the dimensionless total angular momentum operator). Then, we list finite expansions in the spherical spinor basis of the expressions ABF(r)Ωκμ(n)\mathbf{A}\cdot\mathbf{B}\,F(r)\Omega_{\kappa\mu}(\mathbf{n}) and A(B×C)F(r)Ωκμ(n)\mathbf{A}\cdot(\mathbf{B}\times\mathbf{C})\, F(r)\Omega_{\kappa\mu}(\mathbf{n}), where at least one of the objects A\mathbf{A}, B\mathbf{B}, C\mathbf{C} is the nabla operator \boldsymbol{\nabla}, while the remaining ones are chosen from the set n\mathbf{n}, e0\mathbf{e}_{0}, e±1\mathbf{e}_{\pm1}, σ\boldsymbol{\sigma}, L^\hat{\mathbf{L}}, J^\hat{\mathbf{J}}.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page

    Correlation structure in nondipole photoionization

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    The nondipole parameters that characterize the angular disribution of the photoelectrons from the 3d subshell of Cs are found to be altered qualitatively by the inclusion of correlation in the form of interchannel coupling between the 3d3/23d_{3/2} and 3d5/23d_{5/2} photoionization channels. A prominent characteristic maximum is predicted only in the parameters for 3d5/23d_{5/2} photoionization, while the effect for 3d3/23d_{3/2} is rather weak. The results are obtained within the framework of the Generalized Random Phase Approximation with Exchange (GRPAE), which in addition to the RPAE effects takes into account the rearrangement of all atomic electrons due to the creation of a 3d vacancy

    Selective PDE4 subtype inhibition provides new opportunities to intervene in neuroinflammatory versus myelin damaging hallmarks of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by focal inflammatory lesions and prominent demyelination. Even though the currently available therapies are effective in treating the initial stages of disease, they are unable to halt or reverse disease progression into the chronic progressive stage. Thus far, no repair-inducing treatments are available for progressive MS patients. Hence, there is an urgent need for the development of new therapeutic strategies either targeting the destructive immunological demyelination or boosting endogenous repair mechanisms. Using in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models, we demonstrate that selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), a family of enzymes that hydrolyzes and inactivates cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), reduces inflammation and promotes myelin repair. More specifically, we segregated the myelination-promoting and anti-inflammatory effects into a PDE4D- and PDE4B-dependent process respectively. We show that inhibition of PDE4D boosts oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) differentiation and enhances (re)myelination of both murine OPCs and human iPSC-derived OPCs. In addition, PDE4D inhibition promotes in vivo remyelination in the cuprizone model, which is accompanied by improved spatial memory and reduced visual evoked potential latency times. We further identified that PDE4B-specific inhibition exerts anti-inflammatory effects since it lowers in vitro monocytic nitric oxide (NO) production and improves in vivo neurological scores during the early phase of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In contrast to the pan PDE4 inhibitor roflumilast, the therapeutic dose of both the PDE4B-specific inhibitor A33 and the PDE4D-specific inhibitor Gebr32a did not trigger emesis-like side effects in rodents. Finally, we report distinct PDE4D isoform expression patterns in human area postrema neurons and human oligodendroglia lineage cells. Using the CRISPR-Cas9 system, we confirmed that pde4d1/2 and pde4d6 are the key targets to induce OPC differentiation. Collectively, these data demonstrate that gene specific PDE4 inhibitors have potential as novel therapeutic agents for targeting the distinct disease processes of MS

    Quantization rule solution to the Hulth\'en potential in arbitrary dimension by a new approximate scheme for the centrifugal term

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    The bound state energies and wave functions for a particle exposed to the Hulth\'en potential field in the D-dimensional space are obtained within the improved quantization rule for any arbitrary l state. The present approximation scheme used to deal with the centrifugal term in the effective Hulth\'en potential is systematic and accurate. The solutions for the three-dimensional (D=3) case and the s-wave (l=0) case are briefly discussed. Keywords: Hulth\'en potential, improved quantization rule, approximation schemes. 03.65.Ge, 12.39.JhComment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.508

    Regeneration of myelin sheaths of normal length and thickness in the zebrafish CNS correlates with growth of axons in caliber

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    Demyelination is observed in numerous diseases of the central nervous system, including multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the endogenous regenerative process of remyelination can replace myelin lost in disease, and in various animal models. Unfortunately, the process of remyelination often fails, particularly with ageing. Even when remyelination occurs, it is characterised by the regeneration of myelin sheaths that are abnormally thin and short. This imperfect remyelination is likely to have implications for the restoration of normal circuit function and possibly the optimal metabolic support of axons. Here we describe a larval zebrafish model of demyelination and remyelination. We employ a drug-inducible cell ablation system with which we can consistently ablate 2/3rds of oligodendrocytes in the larval zebrafish spinal cord. This leads to a concomitant demyelination of 2/3rds of axons in the spinal cord, and an innate immune response over the same time period. We find restoration of the normal number of oligodendrocytes and robust remyelination approximately two weeks after induction of cell ablation, whereby myelinated axon number is restored to control levels. Remarkably, we find that myelin sheaths of normal length and thickness are regenerated during this time. Interestingly, we find that axons grow significantly in caliber during this period of remyelination. This suggests the possibility that the active growth of axons may stimulate the regeneration of myelin sheaths of normal dimensions