671 research outputs found

    Perturbirana kutna gama-gama korelacija 208.00 - 59.54 keV u 237Np

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    The perturbed directional 208.00 - 59.54 keV gamma-gamma angular correlation was measured in 237Np. The static hyperfine coupling between the nuclear magnetic moment and the angular momentum of the electronic states was found present both in the liquid source and in the polycrystallinic source. The spin sequence for the 208.00 → 59.54 → O keV transition was confirmed to be 3/3, 5/2, 5/2 with the mixing ratio δ = + 0.145 for the E2 admixture in the preferably M1 transition. The agreement between directional correlation and internal conversion data was shown to be fairly good. The angular momentum J of the electronic states was determined for both sources : for the polycrystallinic source the J = 1 value gives the attenuation factor G22 (t)J-1 in good agreement with the experimental results, while for the liquid source, the best J value was shown to be J = 3/2. The J-dependent hyperfine structure constant a was determined for the polycrystalinic source as a/ħ = 83 ± 3 MHz and for the liquid source as a/ ħ = 44 ± 2 MHz. The average magnetic field at the place of 237Np nuclei was deduced for the polycrystallinic source H (O)J-1 = 54 ± 14 [kOe] and for the liquid source H (O)J-3/2 = 42 ± 12 [kOe].Mjerena j e perturbirana kutna gama-gama korelacija 208.00 -59.54 keV u 237Np. Pokazano j e da perturbacija ove korelacije za vrijeme života (T1/2 = 63 ns) medijalnog 59.54 keV stanja dolazi od magnetske hiperfine interakcije između magnetskog dipolnog momenta j ezgre i kutne količine gibanja elektronskih stanja za tekući i polikristaliničan izvor. Potvrđen je niz spinova 3/2, 5/2, 5/2 za prijelaz 208.00 → 59.54 → O keV. Omjer miješanja δ = + 0,145 za E 2 primjesu u 208.00 keV u uglavnom M 1 prijelazu je u vrlo dobrom slaganju sa mjerenjima konverzionih koeficijenata. Određena je kutna količina gibanja J = 1 elektronskih stanja za izvor u polikristalnom obliku i J = 3/2 za tekući izvor. Konstanta hiperfine interakcije a (zavisna o kutnoj količini gibanja elektronskih stanja) određena je za oba izvora (u jedinicama ħ): za polikristaliničan izvor a/ ħ = 83 ± 3 [MHz], a za tekući izvor a/ ħ = 44 ± 2 [MHz] . To omogućuje izračunavanje prosječnog magnetskog polja na mjestu jezgre za polikristaliničan izvor H (O)J-1 = 54 ± 14 [kOe] i za tekući izvor H (O)J-3/2 = 42 ± 12 [kOe]

    A combined anatomical variation of inferior epigastric vessels

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    During the routine anatomical dissection of a male cadaver, a variation was observed both in the inferior epigastric artery (IEA) and inferior epiastric vein (IEV). Although the origin of the IEA from the right femoral artery (FA) is common variation in this case, the right IEA originated from the RFA, 13 mm inferior to inguinal ligament. The artery didn’t course anterior to the femoral vein (FV) as described in the variations of this vessel; instead, coursed on the lateral side of the variant IEV. Additionally, in this cadaver, the single right IEV drained to RFV 8 mm inferior to inguinal ligament. Both the variant artery and vein passed posterior to spermatic cord and their course in the rectus sheath were normal in every aspect. Due to its clinical importance, this combined anatomical variation must be remembered by the surgeons

    A medium-range air combat game solution by a pilot advisory system

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    Air-to-air combat between two aggressive aircraft , both equipped with medium-range guided missiles, is .a key element of future air warfare. This dynamic coni lict can be viewed as an interaction of a twotarget diiferential game (between the air--craft) and two independent missileaircraft pursuit-evasion games. The information structure is, however, rather intricate: though perfect information can be assumed between the two aircraft, the missiles have a limited detection range, beyond which information has to be forwarded by the launching aircraft. Moreover, missile firing cannot be assumed detectable. Problems of such complexity haven't been treated yet in the frame of\ud classical differential game theory. In this paper a prototype Pilot Advisory\ud System (PADS), designed to solve the problems facing the pilot in such an\ud engagement, is described. PADS proposed to be an expert System, which operates in real--time and has a "knowledge base" incorporating differential game concepts and solution elements. PADS simultaneously evalua.tes potential success with the respective risks and advises the pilot when to fire his missile and when to start an evasive maneuver. This advisory system can guarantee survival when so desired by the pilot. but in most situations it maximizes the probability of victory with an accepted level of' risk

    Towards azimuthal anisotropy of direct photons

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    Intensive radiation of magnetic bremsstrahlung type (synchrotron radiation) resulting from the interaction of escaping quarks with the collective confining colour field is discussed as a new possible mechanism of observed direct photon anisotropy.Comment: 3 pages, Comments and references added, accepted to JETP Letters (Pis'ma v ZhETF

    Gross-Neveu Models, Nonlinear Dirac Equations, Surfaces and Strings

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    Recent studies of the thermodynamic phase diagrams of the Gross-Neveu model (GN2), and its chiral cousin, the NJL2 model, have shown that there are phases with inhomogeneous crystalline condensates. These (static) condensates can be found analytically because the relevant Hartree-Fock and gap equations can be reduced to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, whose deformations are governed by the mKdV and AKNS integrable hierarchies, respectively. Recently, Thies et al have shown that time-dependent Hartree-Fock solutions describing baryon scattering in the massless GN2 model satisfy the Sinh-Gordon equation, and can be mapped directly to classical string solutions in AdS3. Here we propose a geometric perspective for this result, based on the generalized Weierstrass spinor representation for the embedding of 2d surfaces into 3d spaces, which explains why these well-known integrable systems underlie these various Gross-Neveu gap equations, and why there should be a connection to classical string theory solutions. This geometric viewpoint may be useful for higher dimensional models, where the relevant integrable hierarchies include the Davey-Stewartson and Novikov-Veselov systems.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Array algorithms for H^2 and H^∞ estimation

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    Currently, the preferred method for implementing H^2 estimation algorithms is what is called the array form, and includes two main families: square-root array algorithms, that are typically more stable than conventional ones, and fast array algorithms, which, when the system is time-invariant, typically offer an order of magnitude reduction in the computational effort. Using our recent observation that H^∞ filtering coincides with Kalman filtering in Krein space, in this chapter we develop array algorithms for H^∞ filtering. These can be regarded as natural generalizations of their H^2 counterparts, and involve propagating the indefinite square roots of the quantities of interest. The H^∞ square-root and fast array algorithms both have the interesting feature that one does not need to explicitly check for the positivity conditions required for the existence of H^∞ filters. These conditions are built into the algorithms themselves so that an H^∞ estimator of the desired level exists if, and only if, the algorithms can be executed. However, since H^∞ square-root algorithms predominantly use J-unitary transformations, rather than the unitary transformations required in the H^2 case, further investigation is needed to determine the numerical behavior of such algorithms

    Holographic chiral magnetic spiral

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    We study the ground state of baryonic/axial matter at zero temperature chiral-symmetry broken phase under a large magnetic field, in the framework of holographic QCD by Sakai-Sugimoto. Our study is motivated by a recent proposal of chiral magnetic spiral phase that has been argued to be favored against previously studied phase of homogeneous distribution of axial/baryonic currents in terms of meson super-currents dictated by triangle anomalies in QCD. Our results provide an existence proof of chiral magnetic spiral in strong coupling regime via holography, at least for large axial chemical potentials, whereas we don't find the phenomenon in the case of purely baryonic chemical potential.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Successful transureteropyelostomy after heminephrectomy of a bilateral hydronephrotic horseshoe kidney: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Horseshoe kidney is a rare congenital malformation that is found in approximately 0.25% of the general population and usually remains asymptomatic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a successful transureteropyelostomy after heminephrectomy of the non-functional right moiety in a 25-year-old man with horseshoe kidney who had a combined 50% functional loss and hydronephrosis due to multiple distal ureteral strictures on the functionally remaining left side. Continuous ureteral stenting of the remaining part of the former horseshoe kidney was avoided during a follow-up of 2 years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Urologists are often faced with technically difficult cases that are not responsive to standard operative procedures, and this case illustrates an individual surgical approach in a clinical situation.</p